Web 2.0: Discover the Power of the Read/Write Web Janine Lim Instructional Technology Consultant Berrien County Intermediate School District Berrien Springs, MI Work Blog: Leadership Blog:
2 Review What is Web 2.0? Reading Blogs / RSS Feeds etc. Writing Blogs / (Creating Podcasts) Collaborative Document Creation
3 What is Web 2.0? Web 1.0 Britannica Online Personal websites Publishing Static content Directories (taxonomy) Sticky webpages Web 2.0 Wikipedia Blogging Participation Wikis Tagging (folksonomy) Syndication
4 What is Web 2.0? Information Source Communities
5 “It’s Not Your Father’s Internet” “read/write web” blogs wikis del.icio.us flickr podcasting RSS
6 Examples “read/write web” blogs – wikis – collaborativevcs.pbwiki.com del.icio.us - flickr – podcasting –
Blogs & Podcasts for Learning
8 RSS Readers / News Feeds
10 Cool Cat Teacher Blog A good teacher never makes excuses. A good teacher always makes the best of a situation. A good teacher pursues excellence. I will be excellent as I learn from NECC. The same teachers and technology administrators who learn from NECC virtually are probably also the same ones that teach incredible things on older technology. "Excuse" is not in our vocabulary. "Do it," is.
11 Hitch a Ride to a Conference
12 Benefits to You You're in a new community, learning from others, gaining new friends around the world & receiving support from resources around the world.
13 Leadership Blogs & Podcasts Pan Dulce by Albert Reyes Leadership Moment Servant Leadership Google Blogsearch Out on a Leadership Lim
14 Aggregators, Notifiers & Feeds Bloglines.com alerts.google.com der igoogle iTunes CNN Google News
PAIR-SHARE How do you think you could use RSS Feeds / Blogs / Podcasts to streamline your learning?
Writing Your Own Blog
18 Blogging as Leading No one blogging in my field (VC in education) in 2005 Informal community of learners Building a repository of stories & knowledge Contributing to the field
19 Writing on Wordpress.com
20 Podcasting Windows Audacity Publish your feed Mac Garageband Publish your feed Bob Paulson – Google “create podcast”
21 Why Blog? / Benefits Recording my learning The power of reflection Sharing my learning The Input theme (Strengths) Archive of answers to common questions Networking with others
PAIR-SHARE Are you a writer (blogger) or a talker (podcaster)? What could you contribute to your field?
Collaborative Document Creation
24 From Software to Web Word processor → Google Docs & Wikis Spreadsheets → Google Spreadsheets Presentations → Thumbstacks Inspiration → Gliffy
25 Blogs vs. Wikis Web logs are great vehicles for an interactive exchange of ideas between a handful of people, but blogs are not as effective when a large number of people want to collaborate, contribute, and easily find information on a given topic. That's when you need a wiki. -Tim Stahmer
26 What is a Wiki? A collaborative web tool for two or more people to work on a document Wiki-wiki" means "hurry quick" in Hawaiian.
28 Wikipedia “According to the web traffic rankings site Alexa.com, Wikipedia ranks second in popularity among all reference sites, trailing only Yahoo and ahead of popular resources such as MapQuest and Encyclopedia Britannica Online. What's more, Wikipedia is the 37th most visited web site overall.” Jan. 25, 2006, eSchool News
30 Using Wikis Peer editing & feedback Group work Collaboration across distance & time Collaborative knowledge creation
31 Google Docs & Spreadsheets
32 Google Docs & Spreadsheets Write on the file at the same time Discuss spreadsheets Control access – invite collaborators / publish
33 Wiki vs. Google Docs Wiki Tree of web pages Website Anyone can edit (passwords) Automatically published online Subscribe to changes (RSS) Fonts, graphics, etc. GoogleDocs One file at a time Files Owner must invite collaborators Decide to publish Subscribe to changes (RSS) Fonts, graphics, etc.
34 My Use of GoogleDocs Started March VC Workshop: Participants, Meeting minutes, Todo lists, Agendas NECC Workshop: Facilitated networking, idea recording & management RAP Database: Development feedback and needs/todo lists PMC Small Group Software Decision: Collaborative comparison of options
35 Skype & Qlock Free desktop voice & video conferencing Chat tool Conference call/chat File sharing
PAIR-SHARE Wikis, GoogleDocs, Skype How could committees you are on use these tools? How could your regional group use these tools?
37 Review What is Web 2.0? Reading Blogs / RSS Feeds etc. Writing Blogs / (Creating Podcasts) Collaborative Document Creation
Web 2.0: Discover the Power of the Read/Write Web Janine Lim Instructional Technology Consultant Berrien County Intermediate School District Berrien Springs, MI Web: Work Blog: Leadership Blog: