Task 1 Draw a picture of a person using a computer You have 60 seconds
Task 2 Draw a picture of multiple people using a computer You have 60 seconds
Drawing a line This is what it typically looks like.
Drawing a line How should a line behave if 2 people were using it? Task 3. –Sketch out several design ideas
Drawing a line How should a line behave if 2 people were using it? Task 3. –Sketch out several design ideas –Now do it again after you: get a partner manipulate a rubber band, string to help generate ideas
Drawing a line
How people work together Contrast restrictions imposed by –screen / mouse / keyboard vs. –paper / pencil Video (Xerox PARC) [.wmv][.wmv]
Single Display Groupware
Co-located people work simultaneously on –a table, a wall display, or a monitor through –multiple mice, keyboards, multi-touch surfaces
Characteristics of SDG applications Support to face-to-face interaction Shared and coupled view Shared user interface Shared feedback Multiple cursors Different input devices No privileged devices Slide adapted from A. Zanella presentation on Single Display Groupware
Why now? Screen size increasing –large LED screens, HDTV, projectors, tabletop displays, Smart boards… Public vs. personal location – living rooms, family rooms, public walls
Why Collaborate? Editable work surfaces
Why Collaborate? Meeting Tools Microsoft Clipart
Why Collaborate? Peer education From Understanding Children’s Interactions in Synchronous Shared Environments. Stacey D. Scott, Regan L. Mandryk, Kori M. Inkpen
Why Collaborate? Command and control systems
Why Collaborate? Games split screen first person shooter
Why Collaborate? Serendipity From Public and Situated Displays : Social and Interactional Aspects of Shared Display Technologies, Kluwer Academic Press, Chapter 1 (Blueboard) by D. Russell and A. Sue
The Problem GUI toolkits ignore multiple inputs, multiple users
Solutions Research technologies that provide: –multiple mice and keyboards –multiple cursors –multi-touch surfaces vertical displays tabletop displays About 15 years of work in this area
Videos Multiple mice/keyboards MMM: multi-device, multi-user, multi-editor [mpg] [mpg] Eric Pier 1992, Xerox Park, ACM CHI 1991 ~6:55 SDG Toolkit. [wmv] [wmv] Tse, E. and Greenberg. S. (2004) Video Proc ACM CSCW Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work. 3:55 Designing storytelling technology to encourage collaboration between young children [.wmv] [.wmv] S. Benford, B. Bederson et al., ACM CHI ~2:08 Multiple lenses in single display groupware [.wmv] [.wmv] Greenerg and Carpendale, (2003) U Calgary. ~:47
SDG widgets Multi-user widgets Rob Diaz radio buttons checkbox slider
SDG widgets Local Tools Instead of tool palettes –scatter tools atop the work surface –pick it up and use it –put it down when down
SDG widgets PebblesDraw
SDG widgets Transparent menus Zanella, A. and Greenberg, S. (2001) Reducing Interference in Single Display Groupware through Transparency. Proc ECSCW 2001, Kluwer.
Videos Touch Surfaces The Grouplab DiamondTouch™ Toolkit. [.mp4] [.mp4] Diaz-Marino, R., Tse, E. and Greenberg. S. Video Proc ACM CSCW Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work. 3:12 VideoArms [.wmv] [.wmv] Video Proc ACM CSCW Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work. 5:20. Gesture registration, relaxation and reuse for multi-point direct touch surfaces. [.mov] [.mov] Wu, Shen, Ryall, Forlines, Balakrishnan. Proceedings of TableTop the IEEE Workshop Horizontal Interactive Human Computer Systems. ~4:20 BlueBoard [.wmv] [.wmv] IBM Almaden
Videos Tabletops Philips Table Rotation and Translation [.wmv] [.wmv] Rusell Kruger, Stacey Scott, Sheelagh Carpendale (U Calgary) Storage Territories [.wmv] [.wmv] [.wmv] Stacey Scott and Sheelagh Carpendale (U Calgary) Interface Currents. [.mov] [.mov] Uta Hinrichs and Sheelagh Carpendale (U Calgary)
Table designs Interface Currents