Ruhr University Bochum Cryptography in Heavily Constraint Environments Christof Paar EUROBITS Center for IT Security COmmunication SecuritY (COSY) Group.


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Presentation transcript:

Ruhr University Bochum Cryptography in Heavily Constraint Environments Christof Paar EUROBITS Center for IT Security COmmunication SecuritY (COSY) Group University of Bochum, Germany

Ruhr University Bochum Communication Security (COSY) Group Workshop on Ad-Hoc Security 2002 Contents Pervasive computing and embedded systems Pervasive computing and security Constrained environments and crypto Research problems

Ruhr University Bochum Communication Security (COSY) Group Workshop on Ad-Hoc Security 2002 Characteristics of Traditional IT Applications Mostly based on interactive (= traditional) computers „One user – one computer“ paradigm Static networks Large number of users per network Q: How will the IT future look?

Ruhr University Bochum Communication Security (COSY) Group Workshop on Ad-Hoc Security 2002 Examples for Pervasive Computing PDAs, 3G cell phones,... Living spaces will be stuffed with nodes So will cars Wearable computers (clothes, eye glasses, etc.) Household appliances Smart sensors in infrastructure (windows, roads, bridges, etc.) Smart bar codes (autoID) “Smart Dust”...

Ruhr University Bochum Communication Security (COSY) Group Workshop on Ad-Hoc Security 2002 Will that ever become reality?? We don’t know, but: CPUs sold in 2000

Ruhr University Bochum Communication Security (COSY) Group Workshop on Ad-Hoc Security 2002 Security and Economics of Pervasive Networks „One-user many-nodes“ paradigm (e.g processors per human) Many new applications we don‘t know yet Very high volume applications Very cost sensitive People won‘t be willing to pay for security per se People won‘t buy products without security

Ruhr University Bochum Communication Security (COSY) Group Workshop on Ad-Hoc Security 2002 Where are the challenges for embedded security? Designers worry about IT functionality, security is ignored or an afterthought Attacker has easy access to nodes Security infrastructure (PKI etc.) is missing: Protocols??? Side-channel and tamper attacks Computation/memory/power constrained

Ruhr University Bochum Communication Security (COSY) Group Workshop on Ad-Hoc Security 2002 Why do constraints matter? Almost all ad-hoc protocols (even routing!) require crypto ops for every hop At least symmtric alg. are needed Asymmetric alg. allow fancier protocols Question: What type of crypto can we do?

Ruhr University Bochum Communication Security (COSY) Group Workshop on Ad-Hoc Security 2002 Classification by Processor Power Very rough classification of embedded processors Class speed : high-end Intel Class 0: few 1000 gates ? Class 1: 8 bit  P,  10MHz  1: 10 3 Class 2: 16 bit  P,  50MHz  1: 10 2 Class 3: 32 bit  P,  200MHz  1: 10

Ruhr University Bochum Communication Security (COSY) Group Workshop on Ad-Hoc Security 2002 Case Study Class 0: RFID Recall: Class 0 = no  P, few 1000 gates Goal: RFID as bar code replacement Cost goal 5 cent (!) allegedly 500 x 10 9 bar code scans worldwide per day (!!) AutoID tag: security “with 1000 gates” [ CHES 02 ] –Ell. curves (asymmetric alg.) need > 20,000 gates –DES (symmetric alg.) needs > 5,000 gates –Lightweight stream ciphers might work

Ruhr University Bochum Communication Security (COSY) Group Workshop on Ad-Hoc Security 2002 Status Quo: Crypto for Class 1 Recall: Class 1 = 8 bit  P,  10MHz Symmetric alg: possible at low data rates Asymm.alg: very difficult without coprocessor

Ruhr University Bochum Communication Security (COSY) Group Workshop on Ad-Hoc Security 2002 Status Quo: Crypto for Class 2 Recall: Class 2 = 16 bit  P,  50MHz Symmetric alg: possible Asymm.alg: possible if carefully implemented, and algorithms carefully selected (ECC feasible; RSA & DL still hard)

Ruhr University Bochum Communication Security (COSY) Group Workshop on Ad-Hoc Security 2002 Status Quo: Crypto for Class 3 Recall: Class 1 = 32 bit  P,  200MHz Symmetric alg: possible Asymm.alg: full range (ECC, RSA, DL) possible, some care needed for implementation

Ruhr University Bochum Communication Security (COSY) Group Workshop on Ad-Hoc Security 2002 Open (Research) Questions 1.Symmetric algorithm for class 0 (e.g., 1000 gates) which are secure and well understood? 2. Alternative asymm. alg. for class 0 and class 1 (8 bit  P) with 10x time-area improvement over ECC? 3.Are asymm. alg. which are “too short” (e.g., ECC with 100 bits) usable? 4.Ad-hoc protocols without long-term security needs? 5. Side-channel protection at very low costs?

Ruhr University Bochum Communication Security (COSY) Group Workshop on Ad-Hoc Security 2002 Related Events at the EUROBITS Center in Bochum 1.Workshop on Side-Channel Attacks on Smart Cards January 30-31, 2003

Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems September 7-10

Ruhr University Bochum Communication Security (COSY) Group Workshop on Ad-Hoc Security 2002 Security Challenges: Many Security Assumptions Change No access to backbone: PKI does not work New threats: sleep deprivation attack Old threats (e.g., confidentiality) not always a problem Nodes have incentives to cheat in protocols Security protocols ???

Ruhr University Bochum Communication Security (COSY) Group Workshop on Ad-Hoc Security 2002 Our Research Crypto algorithms in highly constrained environments Low-cost hardware for public-key algorithm Ultra low-cost hardware for symmetric algorithms Software for public-key, symmetric algorithms on low-end processors Protocols for ad-hoc networks Secure communication in complex technical systems (airplanes, cars, etc.) Establishing trust in networks

Ruhr University Bochum Communication Security (COSY) Group Workshop on Ad-Hoc Security 2002 Traditional Security Applications Very often: computer & communication networks! (wireless) LAN / WLAN (Local Area Network) WAN (Wide Area Network) PKI (Public Key Infrastructure)

Ruhr University Bochum Communication Security (COSY) Group Workshop on Ad-Hoc Security 2002 Traditional Security Applications (wireless) LAN / WLAN (Local Area Network)

Ruhr University Bochum Communication Security (COSY) Group Workshop on Ad-Hoc Security 2002 Traditional Security Applications WAN (Wide Area Network)

Ruhr University Bochum Communication Security (COSY) Group Workshop on Ad-Hoc Security 2002 Traditional Security Applications PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) enables secure LAN, WAN

Ruhr University Bochum Communication Security (COSY) Group Workshop on Ad-Hoc Security 2002 Other Traditional Security Applications Antivirus Firewalls Biometrics

Ruhr University Bochum Communication Security (COSY) Group Workshop on Ad-Hoc Security 2002 The IT Future 2. Bridge sensors 3. Cleaning robots 6. Car with various IT services 8. Networked robots 9. Smart street lamps 14. Pets with electronic sensors 15. Smart windows

Ruhr University Bochum Communication Security (COSY) Group Workshop on Ad-Hoc Security 2002 Characteristics of Pervasive Computing Systems Embedded nodes (no traditional computers) Connected through wireless, close-range network (“Pervasive networks”)! Ad-hoc networks: Dynamic addition and deletion of nodes Power/computation/memory constrained! Vulnerable

Ruhr University Bochum Communication Security (COSY) Group Workshop on Ad-Hoc Security 2002 Why Security in Pervasive Applications? Pervasive nature and high-volume of nodes increase risk potential (e.g., hacking into a car) Wireless channels are vulnerable (passive and active attacks) Privacy issues (geo-location, medical sensors, monitoring of home activities, etc.) Stealing of services (sensors etc.)