1 Introduction to MIMD Architectures Sima, Fountain and Kacsuk Chapter 15 CSE462.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to MIMD Architectures Sima, Fountain and Kacsuk Chapter 15 CSE462

 David Abramson, 2004 Material from Sima, Fountain and Kacsuk, Addison Wesley Architectural Concepts l Distributed Memory MIMD –Replicate the processor/memory pairs –Connect them via an interconnection network l Shared Memory MIMD –Replicate the processors –Replicate the memories –Connect them via an interconnection network

 David Abramson, 2004 Material from Sima, Fountain and Kacsuk, Addison Wesley Distributed Memory Machine l Access to local memory module is much faster than remote l Hardware remote accesses via –Load/Store primitive –Message passing layer l Cache memory for local memory traffic l Message –Memory-memory –Cache-cache Processor 1 Processor p Interconnection Network Memory

 David Abramson, 2004 Material from Sima, Fountain and Kacsuk, Addison Wesley Advantages of Distributed Memory l Local memory traffic less contention than in shared memory l Highly scalable l Don’t need sophisticated synchronization features like monitors, semaphores. Message passing serves dual purpose –To send the data –Provide synchronization

 David Abramson, 2004 Material from Sima, Fountain and Kacsuk, Addison Wesley Problems of Distributed Memory l Load balancing l Message passing can lead to synchronization failures, including deadlock –BlockingSend -> BlockingReceive –BlockingReceive -> BlockingSend l Intensive data copying of whole structures l Small message overheads are high

 David Abramson, 2004 Material from Sima, Fountain and Kacsuk, Addison Wesley Shared Memory Architecture l All processors have equal access to shared memory modules l Local Caches reduce –Memory traffic –Network traffic –Memory access time l IP Synchronisation –Indivisible load/store Processor 1 Processor 2 Processor p Interconnection Network Memory Module 1 Memory Module 2 Memory Module m

 David Abramson, 2004 Material from Sima, Fountain and Kacsuk, Addison Wesley Advantages of Shared Memory l No need to partition code or data –Occurs on the fly l No need to move data explicitly l Don’t need new programming languages or compilers.

 David Abramson, 2004 Material from Sima, Fountain and Kacsuk, Addison Wesley Disadvantages of Shared Memory l Synchronization is difficult l Lack of scalability –IPC becomes bottleneck l Scalability can be addressed by –High throughput, low latency network –Cache Memories Causes coherence problem –Distributed shared memory architecture

 David Abramson, 2004 Material from Sima, Fountain and Kacsuk, Addison Wesley Distributed Shared Memory l Three design choices –Non-uniform memory access (NUMA) Like Cray T3D –Cache coherent non-uniforms memory access (CC-NUMA) Convex SPP, Stanford DASH –Cache-only memory access (COMA) Like KSR-1

 David Abramson, 2004 Material from Sima, Fountain and Kacsuk, Addison Wesley Non-uniform memory access (NUMA) P0P0 M0M0 PE 0 P1P1 M1M1 PE 1 PnPn MnMn PE n Interconnection Network

 David Abramson, 2004 Material from Sima, Fountain and Kacsuk, Addison Wesley Cache coherent non-uniforms memory access (CC-NUMA) Interconnection Network P0P0 M0M0 PE 0 C0C0 P1P1 M1M1 PE 1 C1C1 PnPn MnMn PE n CnCn

 David Abramson, 2004 Material from Sima, Fountain and Kacsuk, Addison Wesley Cache-only memory access (COMA) Interconnection Network P0P0 PE 0 C0C0 P1P1 PE 1 C1C1 PnPn PE n CnCn

 David Abramson, 2004 Material from Sima, Fountain and Kacsuk, Addison Wesley Classification of MIMD Computers MIMD Computers Process-level architectures Single Address Space shared Memory Physical Shared memory (UMA) Virtual Distributed Shared Memory NUMA CC-NUMA COMA Multiple Address Space distributed Memory Thread Level architectures Single address space shared memory Physical Shared Memory (UMA) Virtual Distributed Shared Memory NUMA CC-NUMA

 David Abramson, 2004 Material from Sima, Fountain and Kacsuk, Addison Wesley Problems of Scalable Computers l Tolerate and hide the latency of remote loads –Worse if output of one computation relies on another to complete l Tolerate and hide idling due to synchronization among processors

 David Abramson, 2004 Material from Sima, Fountain and Kacsuk, Addison Wesley Tolerating Remote Loads P0P0 PE 0 Interconnection Network M0M0 rA rB Result P1P1 PE 1 M1M1 A PnPn PE n MnMn B Result:= A + B Load A rA A A Load B rB B B

 David Abramson, 2004 Material from Sima, Fountain and Kacsuk, Addison Wesley Tolerating Latency l Cache memory –Simply lowers the cost of remote access –Introduces cache coherence problem l Prefetching –Already present, so cost is low –Increases network load l Threads + fast context switching –Accept that it will take a long time and cover the overhead l These solutions don’t solve synchronization issues –Latency tolerant algorithms

 David Abramson, 2004 Material from Sima, Fountain and Kacsuk, Addison Wesley Design issues of scalable MIMD l Processor Design –Pipelining, parallel instruction issue –Atomic data access, prefetching, cache memory, message passing, etc l Interconnection network design –Scalable, high bandwidth, low latency l Memory design –Shared memory design –Cache coherence l IO Subsystem –Parallel IO