Contents of an M&E Plan An introduction A problem statement: define the public health problem at issue Conceptual framework Logical or results framework.


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Presentation transcript:

Contents of an M&E Plan An introduction A problem statement: define the public health problem at issue Conceptual framework Logical or results framework Goals and objectives of the program An indicator matrix Indicator Reference Sheets for selected indicators Data collection systems and reporting systems to be used Dissemination strategies and plans for use of the data Analysis of the constraints of the plan, the main problems expected, and how these problems will be addressed Ideas for how an impact evaluation might be conducted

Guidance for Group Presentations  Required Content:  Problem Statement  Goals and Objectives  Key interventions  Logic Model  Indicator Matrix  Indicator reference sheet  Integration of gender  Additional Content:  Other Selected Components of M&E Plan  Results of selected tools used  Information Mapping Flow  M&E Systems Assessment  Prism  DQA  DDIU Tools

Presentation Format  Power Point with other material as needed  Time Allocated:  30 minute presentation  15 minute Q&A  All members of the group should participate

Group Presentation Schedule  9:00Indonesian Armed Forces  9:45Female IDU Prevention in India Tea Break  10:45Day Care Program in Hanoi  11:30Sexual Transmission in Indonesia Lunch  1:15IDU in Kazakhstan