Air Quality Action Planning – Perth & Kinross Tom J Brydone Environmental Health Manager
2 June 2015 INTRODUCTION Scottish Government Policy Guidance Further Assessment Air Quality Action Plan Scottish Government expects - LAs to consider impact of greenhouse gas emissions LAs to consider wider environmental, economic and social consequences Scottish Government wants – Climate Change report Strategic Environmental Assessment
2 June 2015 Timescales from declaration of AQMA: Further Assessment - 12 months Draft Action Plan – 18 months Realistic or Not?
2 June 2015 Factors: Volume of work Multi – disciplinary steering group Technical considerations Traffic data Staff Finance Other priorities Perth & Kinross declared an AQMA in May 2006 – Hope to start consultation on draft AQAP in June 2008 Hope to finalise AQAP by December 2008
2 June 2015 What have we done so far? Produced in draft: a further assessment report (126 pages) two climate change reports (32 pages for AQAP) a strategic environmental assessment report (94 pages) a draft air quality action plan report (48 pages) a special consultation document (24 pages) a structured consultation response form (1 sheet) Developed the consultation process
2 June 2015 AQAP Consultation document example: Option Package 2 Move the key sources of pollution away from exposed individuals 2.1 Build local bypass Air pollution reduction- High Cost-effectiveness- 5 This would involve construction of a local bypass and new river crossing to reduce traffic and levels of pollution in the city centre. This option is strongly supported by the steering group due to the predicted significant air pollution benefits in the city, positive social impacts, and reduced travel times that could stimulate the local economy. This option would be extremely expensive and would require long term implementation, although the benefits it provides mean that it could nevertheless prove cost-effective. The environmental assessment has indicated that there could be adverse impacts on sensitive ecosystems in the River Tay. There could also be far reaching impacts on soil, water and air quality, production of large amounts of waste, and impacts on sites of historical and cultural importance. This option could reduce emissions of greenhouse gases by reducing the number of stationary vehicles in the city.
2 June 2015 Image slide
2 June 2015 Image slide
2 June 2015 Still to do before consultation: Finalise reports Decide on document design and print Organise website pages Invite stakeholders to meetings Organise venue for stakeholder meetings Write committee report on consultation Organise press releases re consultation