Maryland Higher Education Commission’s Presentation to GWIB Board June 8, 2005
Overview 1.Maryland postsecondary education and the role of the Maryland Higher Education Commission. 2.Higher education’s commitment to developing a qualified workforce in Maryland – 2004 State Plan for Postsecondary Education. 3.Higher education’s response to Maryland’s healthcare workforce needs. 4.Next steps.
Segments of Postsecondary Education 32,506164Private Career Schools 53,90229Independent Colleges & Universities 1,9351St. Mary’s College of MD 6,8921Morgan State University 128,80611University System of MD 118,94716Community Colleges EnrollmentInstitutionsSegments
N= 342,988N = 70,104 Note: Enrollments & Graduates in Degree and Certificate Programs. FY 2004 Enrollments and Graduates of Maryland Postsecondary Programs
MHEC’s Roles & Responsibilities Coordinate Maryland postsecondary education and establish general policy guidelines. Develop and implement the Maryland State Plan for Postsecondary Education. Approve: –New colleges, universities, private career schools, and regional higher education centers to operate. –New degree and certificate programs. –Mission statements for public institutions.
MHEC’s Roles & Responsibilities (Continued) Prepare a consolidated operating and capital budget for higher education. Review and recommend capital projects and improvements. Administer student financial assistant programs. –Over $75.5 million in State aid awarded to 44,851 recipients in FY –Includes 15 career/occupational scholarship programs. Administer State and Federal programs and funding.
MHEC’s Roles & Responsibilities (Continued) Provide a bridge between higher education and: –The K-16 community –The business community –The community colleges and four-year institutions. Collect statewide data and conduct research and analysis on educational matters. Maintain the Maryland State List of training providers and programs eligible for funding through the Workforce Investment Act (WIA).
2004 State Plan for Postsecondary Education Goal 5: Economic Growth & Vitality –To promote economic growth and vitality through the advancement of research and development and the development of a highly qualified workforce.
Action Recommendations 1.Provide improved data needed to respond to shifting workforce needs. 2.Increase the supply of graduates in identified high demand fields and shortage areas. 3.Promote, facilitate, and coordinate the participation of postsecondary education institutions in Maryland’s workforce development initiatives. 4.Establish an Education Committee of GWIB to promote and maximize employer participation in education, research, and workforce development.
Shifting Demand Fields & Workforce Shortages Healthcare Biotechnology Hospitality & Tourism Teacher Education Construction Information Technology Aerospace Manufacturing Communications Finance/Insurance Retail Transportation & Warehousing
Maryland’s Top 25 Demand Healthcare Occupations Labor Demand: Demand for healthcare occupations reported by Maryland 2000 – 2010 Occupational Projections. Labor Supply from MD Higher Education Institutions: Supply of enrollments and graduates of 200+ healthcare programs offered from FY 1993—FY 2002 by: –15 colleges and universities; –16 community colleges; and –19 private career schools.
OccupationsFieldsOccupationsFields Physicians & Surgeons Physician Assistants Medicine Registered Nurses Licensed Practical Nurses Nurse Assistants Home Health Aides Nursing Dentists Dental Hygienists Dental Assistants Dentistry Pharmacists Pharmacy Techs & Aides Pharmacy Physical Therapists Physical Therapist Assistants Physical Therapist Aides Physical Therapy Chiropractors Chiropractics Speech-Language Pathologists Speech Pathology EMT/Paramedics Diagnostic Sonographers Radiologic Technologists/ Techs Respiratory Therapists/Techs Health Technology Medical Lab Technologists Medical Lab Technicians Medical Technology Medical Assistants Medical Assistant Medical Records Technicians Medical Transcriptionists Medical Records Top 25 Demand Occupations by Healthcare Fields
Comparison of Supply and Demand Total Annual Openings vs. Annual Graduates
Top 25 Demand Healthcare Occupations – By Minimum Education Required Physical Therapist Aides Pharmacy Technicians/Aides Nursing Assistants Medical Records Technicians Medical Lab Technicians Medical Assistants Home Health Aids EMT/Paramedics Dental Assistants Radiologic Technologists Medical Transcriptionists Medical Sonographers Licensed Practical Nurses Respiratory Therapists Registered Nurses Physical Therapy Assistants Dental Hygienists Physician Assistants Medical Lab Technologists Speech Pathologists Physical Therapists Pharmacists Physicians & Surgeons Dentists Chiropractors Non-Credit & Credit Courses College or Private Career School Certificate Associate Degree Bachelor’s Degree 1 st Professional Degree Master’s Degree
Bridging the Gap Increase supply of qualified healthcare workers. –Future supply. –Existing supply. Decrease demand (the number needed) for healthcare workers. –Reduce turnover. –Increase technology.
Response by Maryland Higher Education Created 50 new healthcare programs since Established 11 new private career schools offering healthcare certificate programs since Opened new start-of-the art healthcare facilities at: –Community College of Baltimore County –Montgomery College –Wor-Wic Community College –Carroll Community College Trained over 1,100 WIA-funded students for healthcare occupations in FY 2001 – FY 2004.
Response by Maryland Higher Education Joined the $1.5 million “Teach for the Health of It” initiative to train: – Additional nursing faculty and – Other healthcare workers. Improved student transfer from Associate to Bachelor’s Degree Nursing Programs. Improved the transition of those existing the military to civilian healthcare professions.
Next Steps Improve data (MHEC & DLLR). Establish Education Committee (GWIB). Improve occupational & career financial aid programs (MHEC).