Research Methodology Mgt2700 Mary Runte
When you think research what do you think of? Multiple regression Collinearity Discriminant analysis MANOVA LISREL Conjoint Analysis Factor Analysis Etc.
Research is child’s play
Asking questions and seeking answers is natural and instinctive. It’s the structures we impose upon the process that make it more difficult (but also more accurate).
Story telling Quantitative Qualitative
Course outline Introductions –Previous research experience/courses contact information and office hours course goals evaluation Expectations
The project Cumulative Collaborative Comprehensive
The scope of business research What is “business” anyway??? Is research applicable to all business units/functions?
Business research defined the systematic and objective process of gathering, recording, and analyzing data for aid in making business decisions
Types of research PURE expand the limits of knowledge not aimed at solving a specific pragmatic problem theory development APPLIED aimed at solving a specific pragmatic problem “action research” is one type
Applications identifying problems or opportunities diagnosis and assessment selecting and implementing a course of action evaluating a course of action –Evaluation Performance monitoring
Research isn’t always the answer! Before doing research consider the following: –time constraints –availability of data –nature of the decision –has the decision already been made? –does the cost outweigh the benefit?