June 2002 Impact Training Corporation, Florida, All rights reserved CHOICES: Ethics for the Workplace Jorie W. Phillippi
June 2002 Impact Training Corporation, Florida, All rights reserved What is CHOICES? CHOICES is an innovative training program that will motivate prospective and current workers while giving them an awareness of employer expectations, and the thinking skills to make productive decisions.
June 2002 Impact Training Corporation, Florida, All rights reserved What makes CHOICES different? The big advantage of this program is that it focuses on teaching trainees HOW to think!
June 2002 Impact Training Corporation, Florida, All rights reserved Trainees will learn to model thinking strategies for: Managing change Communications Conflict Resolution Teamwork Inter-personal challenges
June 2002 Impact Training Corporation, Florida, All rights reserved How are CHOICES training materials different from other programs? Built from analysis of cognitive strategies used on the job – the thinking steps for decision making Teaches portable skills which can be applied to any job Teaches awareness of cognitive strategies.
June 2002 Impact Training Corporation, Florida, All rights reserved What are “cognitive strategies”? Your head Cognitive strategies Everything outside of your head Cognitive psychologists have found that each of us stores knowledge in our memory from experiences. The ways we develop and access “thinking rules” to process incoming information from the world around us are called our “cognitive strategies”.
June 2002 Impact Training Corporation, Florida, All rights reserved An example of using “cognitive strategies” Which object below matches this one? A B C D E F
June 2002 Impact Training Corporation, Florida, All rights reserved Correct Answer … E How did you get from the question to the answer? The cognitive strategies used … Matching Comparing/contrasting (size, shape, colour, spatial orientation) Applying concept of greater than/less than Recognising alternative conditions Drawing conclusions
June 2002 Impact Training Corporation, Florida, All rights reserved Why does CHOICES teach cognitive reasoning strategies? Cognitive strategies are the mental thinking steps that workers use to perform critical job tasks and make decisions about their behaviour in the workplace Typical training teaches the “WHAT” (Crystallised Intelligence) of workplace ethics
June 2002 Impact Training Corporation, Florida, All rights reserved Why does CHOICES teach cognitive reasoning strategies? (continued) CHOICES teaches the “HOW” (Fluid Intelligence) and provides a model for ethical decision making which can be adapted to unfamiliar situations Workers bring their own values; CHOICES gives them tools to make ethical decisions that match employers’ values.
June 2002 Impact Training Corporation, Florida, All rights reserved The seven top reasons why employees lose their jobs… Employers consistently report that they do not want to: HIRE PROMOTE or RETAIN workers who possess the following traits:
June 2002 Impact Training Corporation, Florida, All rights reserved Disruptiveness due to substance abuse Discourteousness Emotional immaturity Irresponsibility Dishonesty Disloyalty Disregard for workplace safety CHOICES addresses all of these issues
June 2002 Impact Training Corporation, Florida, All rights reserved Training Modules available: 1 st CHOICES – Focuses on general concepts of values and work ethics within cognitive reasoning skills YOU Have The Right To Make CHOICES – focuses on self esteem and strategy building.
June 2002 Impact Training Corporation, Florida, All rights reserved Individual Modules include: CHOICES for Freedom from Work-Disruptive Behaviours CHOICES for Courtesy CHOICES for Emotional Maturity CHOICES for Conscientiousness CHOICES for Trustworthiness CHOICES for Long Term Job Commitment CHOICES for Safe Job Performance
June 2002 Impact Training Corporation, Florida, All rights reserved CHOICES training – how long does it take? Full unit – 26 to 48 hours (depending on allowed discussion time) 1 St CHOICES – 10 to 16 hours YOU Have The Right To Make CHOICES – 2 to 4 hours Individual Modules – 2 to 4 hours each CHOICES can be flexibly delivered or facilitated in a classroom setting. YOU control training to fit YOUR schedule
June 2002 Impact Training Corporation, Florida, All rights reserved What are the benefits of using CHOICES? Engaging materials that keep the trainees attention An inexpensive solution to costly workplace issues Increases employee productivity Creates a more motivated and skilled workforce Decreases turnover of workers Packaging options allow you to focus on specific problem areas within your organisation. Each module stands alone or can be used as an integrated unit.
June 2002 Impact Training Corporation, Florida, All rights reserved What are the benefits of using CHOICES? (continued) Employee training can be completed independently or facilitated in a group setting – offers flexibility to suit your organisational needs Workbook format Real life scenarios make a great foundation for the trainees to easily relate and partake in open discussions Written at a 6 th - 8 th grade reading level.
June 2002 Impact Training Corporation, Florida, All rights reserved What service can Crossbow provide? Analysis of specific job skills required Customised packaging – can include your company logo and be customised to address a specific area in your organisation “Train the Trainer” – using the Instructor’s Guide, you can deliver these modules to your employees. (A 10 hour training course is required.) Performance Indicators to measure pre and post training productivity changes can be provided
June 2002 Impact Training Corporation, Florida, All rights reserved Where is CHOICES currently being used? Current sites as of September 2002: Pilot training course at Murray House, Pinjarra, Western Australia Certified Workforce Corporation, Savannah, Georgia Gulf Coast Community College, Panama City, Florida St Joseph’s/Chandler Health System, Savannah, Georgia Savannah Technical College, Savannah, Georgia St Mary’s Community Centre, Savannah, Georgia Turning Point Program, Savannah, Georgia Worksource Florida, Jacksonville, Florida Various Workplace Resource Centre Training Sites, South Carolina
June 2002 Impact Training Corporation, Florida, All rights reserved TESTIMONIALS Here’s what people have to say about CHOICES The response to CHOICES by staff has been universally positive. We are very glad to have it. It is totally consistent with our renewed emphasis on job keeping skills. Several staff members have asked if you can come back for a training encore. Sam Collins, Executive Director Worksource Jacksonville, Florida The program is full of promises, hope and wonderful practical skills! Everyone who has used the curriculum has come through personally enriched and excited! Sister Pat Baber St Mary’s Community College Savannah, Georgia “This course changed my life!” Participant, Name Withheld, Savannah, Georgia
June 2002 Impact Training Corporation, Florida, All rights reserved How much does CHOICES cost? 1 st CHOICES – $85 each YOU Have the Right to Make CHOICES – $30 each Modules – (seven modules)$25 each Full Unit – $195 per person Instructor’s Guide –$420 A 10 hour Instructor’s Training course is $700 per trainer, including workbook. All prices are subject to shipping, handling and GST (Contact Crossbow to establish when GST is applicable.)
June 2002 Impact Training Corporation, Florida, All rights reserved Program Discounts Special prices for educational institutions and non-profit organisations are available upon request Volume discount available Customised programs quoted, upon request
June 2002 Impact Training Corporation, Florida, All rights reserved Where do you obtain CHOICES? Crossbow Consultancy PO Box 1057 Mandurah WA 6210 Phone: (08) Fax: (08)
June 2002 Impact Training Corporation, Florida, All rights reserved Other Products Available: Diploma of Business (Front Line Management) Diploma of Training & Assessment Systems Diploma of Community Services (Children’s Services) Certificate IV in Assessment & Workplace Training Certificate IV in Business (Front Line Management) Certificate III in Business (Front Line Management) Certificate III in Community Services (Children’s Services) Why not begin with CHOICES and link it with your entry-level skills training
June 2002 Impact Training Corporation, Florida, All rights reserved Crossbow Consultancy About Crossbow Consultancy Crossbow Consultancy was established in 1989 when the Manager, Mandi Ryan, identified a need to provide training within two specific demographics in Mandurah, WA - small business and people who were either unemployed or disadvantaged. In December 1989 Mandi commenced conducting courses for youth who were classified ‘ at risk ’ and continued with disadvantaged and unemployed people from Mandurah to Halls Creek, in Western Australia and east to Alice Springs, in the Northern Territory. Mandi has worked with a variety of clients, including Government agencies - both State and Federal, Corporate Sector workers, TAFE and State School Teachers, Private Sector and non-profit organisations.