Guide to the Match 2008 Junior Class Meeting January 23, 2008
Residency Positions Categorical - programs that begin in the PGY-1 year and provide the training required for board certification in medical specialties. Preliminary - one-year programs beginning in the PGY-1 year that provide prerequisite training for advanced programs. Advanced - programs that begin in the PGY-2 year after one year of prerequisite training.
The “Match” Process by which students apply for and are “matched” to residency training programs. There are several kinds of “Match” Not all residency programs participate in a Match. Some Match participants offer positions outside the Match.
Organizations National Residency Match Program (NRMP) Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS) San Francisco Match American Urological Association U.S. Armed Services
Residency Programs “Main” Match Early Match Programs Ophtho Neuro Sg PediNeuro Plastic Sg GU Military Army Navy AF Application Service* ERASCASERAS Navy / AF Match NRMPSF MatchAUAJSGMESB * Check with individual programs!
Main Match Main Match: Sponsored by the NRMP. The main match offers PGY-1 and PGY-2 level residency training positions in most specialties. Couples Match: Part of the Main Match. Couples can link their program choices together so that they can be matched into a combination of programs suited to their needs.
Residency Programs Participating in ERAS *Anesthesiology Anesthesiology Child Neurology (Neurology) *DermatologyDermatology *Emergency MedicineEmergency Medicine *Emergency Medicine/Family MedicineEmergency Medicine/Family Medicine *Family MedicineFamily Medicine *Internal MedicineInternal Medicine *Internal Medicine/DermatologyInternal Medicine/Dermatology *Internal Medicine/Emergency MedicineInternal Medicine/Emergency Medicine *Internal Medicine/Family PracticeInternal Medicine/Family Practice *Internal Medicine/PediatricsInternal Medicine/Pediatrics *Internal Medicine/Physical Medicine & RehabilitationInternal Medicine/Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation *Internal Medicine/PsychiatryInternal Medicine/Psychiatry *NeurologyNeurology *Neurological SurgeryNeurological Surgery *Nuclear MedicineNuclear Medicine *Obstetrics and GynecologyObstetrics and Gynecology *Orthopaedic SurgeryOrthopaedic Surgery *Otolaryngology *Pathology-Anatomic & ClinicalOtolaryngologyPathology-Anatomic & Clinical *PediatricsPediatrics *Pediatrics DermatologyPediatrics Dermatology *Pediatrics/Emergency MedicinePediatrics/Emergency Medicine *Pediatrics/Physical Medicine & RehabilitationPediatrics/Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation *Pediatrics/Psychiatry/Child & Adolescent PsychiatryPediatrics/Psychiatry/Child & Adolescent Psychiatry *Physical Medicine & RehabilitationPhysical Medicine & Rehabilitation *Plastic SurgeryPlastic Surgery *PsychiatryPsychiatry *Psychiatry/Family PracticePsychiatry/Family Practice Psychiatry/Neurology *Radiation OncologyRadiation Oncology *Radiology-DiagnosticRadiology-Diagnostic *Surgery-GeneralSurgery-General *Transitional YearTransitional Year Urology *Vascular Surgery (Integrated) New!Vascular Surgery (Integrated) * Indicates specialties that participate with the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP)
Main Match Resources National Residency Match Program (NRMP) –A private, not-for-profit corp. established in 1952 to provide a uniform process for applicants seeking residency positions
Main Match Resources Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS) –a service that transmits residency applications, letters of recommendation, Dean's Letters, transcripts, and other supporting credentials to residency program directors using the Internet.
Main Match Resources Rank Order List Input Confirmation System (ROLIC) –Applicants and programs enter their Rank Order Lists via the Web using NRMP code and password.
IMPORTANT The NRMP is not an application service or a job placement service. Applicants must apply directly to residency programs in addition to registering for the Match. Most programs participate in the Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS), which transmits residency applications to program directors via the Internet. Applicants must register with both NRMP and ERAS to participate in the services of each.
Early Match Programs Early Match: collection of specialties that operate outside the Main Match. An earlier match process. –San Francisco Match –American Urological Association (AUA) –Military Match, U.S. Armed Services
Early Match Programs The San Francisco Match provides matching services for: – Neurological Surgery –Child Neurology/NDD – Ophthalmology – Plastic Surgery
Early Match Programs The American Urological Assn. (AUA) –Provides a matching service for Urology Residency Programs –An Early Match
Military Match Programs U.S. Army U.S. Navy U.S. Air Force ocuments/webcontent/knowledgejunction.hcst?fun ctionalarea=AF_PhysicianGME&doctype=subpage &docname=CTB_046956
IMPORTANT Participants in the Early Match should also register for the Main Match. –Some early match specialties require a PGY-1 preliminary year –Main Match can serve as an effective backup strategy
Eligibility to Participate in Match 2009 The applicant has been determined by the dean of student affairs to be on schedule for graduation in the year of the Match (2009) The applicant must be eligible to begin graduate medical training by July 1, 2009
Resources Fellowship and Residency Electronic Interactive Database (FREIDA) –a database containing information on approximately 7,500 graduate medical education programs that are accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME), as well as on 200 combined specialty programs.
Additional Resources Careers in Medicine – Strolling Through the Match – Financing your Medical Education –
Timeline January – April 2008 –Decide on specialty –Determine what type of Match is involved –Externships: investigate & request applications
Timeline January – April 2008 –Utilize Resources: Careers in Medicine Strolling through the Match FREIDA, ERAS, NRMP, USMLE Office of Professional Development and Career Guidance
Timeline January – April 2008 –Advising Dean assignments –Senior Schedules (March) Line up research projects for the senior year Start planning externships –AAMC Extramural Electives Compendium » nts/electives/start.htmhttp:// nts/electives/start.htm –Visiting Student Application Service (VSAS) » ents/start.htmhttp:// ents/start.htm
Timeline February – April 2008 –Residency Program Directors Meeting Wednesday, February 20, :00 – 3:00 PM RMSB 5 th FL Auditorium and Labs –Career Advising Dinner Tuesday, March 18, :30 – 9:00 PM The Commons, Rosenstiel Marine School –CV & Personal Statement Workshop Time and location: TBA
Timeline May - June 2008 –Select specialty Start creating list of programs Determine which Match is involved –Work on application materials Biographical information sheet Introduction to Dean’s Letter Curriculum vitae Personal statement
Timeline May - August 2008 –Meet with Advising Deans –Request letters of recommendation –Schedule externships –Review Junior Clerkship evaluations! –Register with NRMP, ERAS and/or other matching programs –Register for USMLE Step 2 CS, CK
Timeline September - December 2008 –Complete applications and all support materials –Confirm receipt of letters of recommendation –Dean’s letter released to all programs: 11/1/08 –Schedule and go to interviews –Complete early match rank order lists
Timeline January - February 2009 –Submit rank order list to NRMP (Main Match) –Finish interviews –Early and Military Match results released March 2009 –Match results released –Scramble –Match Day Celebration!
2008 UMMSM Early Match Results Ophthalmology: 9/9 Military Match: Urology: 4/4
Special Issues The USMLE Step 2 Externships The Dean’s Letters Couples Match
USMLE Step 2 (CK and CS) Check to see what the requirements are for each program you apply to. If possible, take the exams early
Externships Reasons to go on an externship –Audition for a program –Audition a program / city –Take advantage of a unique educational experience
Externships: UMMSM Requirements Must submit letter stating that you have been accepted to the program Must leave contact information with Coordinator for Student Services Must submit an evaluation upon your return –See handout for instructions Failure to comply with policies will result in no credit for the rotation!!
The Medical Student Performance Evaluation “The Dean’s Letter” A letter of evaluation, not a letter of recommendation (don’t worry, we still recommend you) The content of the letter is non- negotiable A confidentiality waiver is available (optional)
The Couples Match Identify yourself ASAP so we can plan orientation meetings. Let programs know if you intend to participate in the Couples Match. Let programs know early if you have other special issues!!!
Approaching the Match: BE REALISTIC! When considering a specialty, consider the competitiveness of the specialty, the program, and your application. –Grades –Awards –Board Scores –Research –Extra-curricular activities
NRMP Results 2007 Selected Specialties# Spots# Filled Positions per Applicant (US Seniors) Anesthesiology (PGY-1/2) Dermatology (PGY-2) Emergency Med (PGY-1) ENT Family Medicine General Surgery (Cat) Internal Medicine (Cat) Neurology OB/GYN Orthopedic Surgery Pathology Pediatrics Psychiatry Radiology-Dx (PGY-1/2)
Percent of Matches by Choice, 2007 U.S. Seniors First Rank 58.6% First Rank 58.6% Second Rank 15.7% Second Rank 15.7% Third Rank 9.5% Third Rank 9.5% Fourth Rank 5.5% Fourth Rank 5.5% > Fourth Rank 10.7% > Fourth Rank 10.7%
Objective Structured Clinical Evaluation (OSCE) June 7 th – 8 th, 2008 PARTICIPATION IS MANDATORY!