Provided by: Natural Resources Canada Idle-Free Zone
Part 1 - Understanding the Issues Idling Behaviour Idling Emissions and Related impacts Idling Myths Part 2 – Taking Action Individuals, businesses, municipalities, community organizations, schools Part 3 - Summary Overview
The transportation sector is responsible for 27 percent of GHG emissions in Canada 19 million light-duty vehicles on the road Almost one vehicle for every two Canadians More than 300 billion kilometres driven per year Poor decisions and bad habits contribute to fuel waste Vehicle Use in Canada
Most common reasons for idling in summer and winter: Doing an errand Stopping to talk to an acquaintance or friend Using restaurant drive-throughs or stopping for take-out food Waiting to get gas Stopping to use a cellular phone Warming up a vehicle Waiting for someone Why Do Canadians Idle?
Eight minutes a day in the peak of winter 75 million minutes of idling per day nationally Reduced idling in the summer – 46 million minutes per day How Much Do Canadians Idle?
Unecessary vehicle idling: Wastes a lot of fuel – and money Depletes a valuable non-renewable resource Needlessly increases GHGs that contribute to climate change Savings potential of $630 million per year nationally Why Idling is a Problem
Increasing levels of GHGs are trapping heat in the atmosphere Global warming triggers changes in climate GHG emissions can magnify the effects of air pollution Affects air quality and health We can all take steps to reduce GHGs Impacts of Climate Change
Impact of Idling on Emissions No substantial difference in CACs between scenarios 1 and 2 Scenario 1 always generates less GHGs than scenario 2 Scenario 1 Scenario 2 No Idling Idling LEAVE POINT of ORIGIN Start engine Elevated CACs + GHGs DRIVE to DESTINATION CACs + GHGs WAIT at DESTINATION No Idling Idling Turn engine off Engine idling CACs + GHGs No CACs, No GHGs Start engine Engine idling Briefly elevated CACs + GHGs CACs + GHGs DRIVE AWAY CACs + GHGs
Idling Myth #1– The Engine should be warmed Up Before Driving In reality: Excessive idling is not a good way to warm up a vehicle The best way to warm up an engine is to drive it 60 seconds of idling is enough warm-up time Dispelling the Myths
Idling Myth #2 – Shutting Off and Restarting Your Vehicle is Costly because it is Hard on the Starter and Battery In reality: Fuel costs savings offset wear and tear on the battery and starter after 60 seconds 10-plus seconds of idling uses more fuel than restarting the engine Dispelling the Myths
Check out the Idle-Free Zone Web site – Online resources can help you build a campaign Facts and figures, ready-to-use graphics, survey tools and more Find out how other communities are taking action Available Resources
Practice the easy Five-Step Action Plan: 1) Avoid unnecessary idling – if parked for more than 60 seconds, turn off the engine 2) Reduce warm-up idling – 60 seconds is enough (provided windows are defrosted) 3) Use a remote car starter only 60 seconds before you leave 4) Use a block heater to pre-warm the engine in winter 5) Become an advocate in your home, neighbourhood, school or workplace Five-Step Action Plan
Get informed – visit the Idle-Free Zone at Contact municipal and school officials and local mall managers Recommend an idling campaign to your community association What Individuals Can Do to Take Action
Organize a workplace idle-free campaign Create “idle-free zones” in drop-off/pick-up spots and loading docks Implement in-house practices and policies to reduce idling See what other businesses are doing – Support local initiatives What Businesses Can Do to Take Action at the Workplace
Familiarize yourself with the issues Research what is being done elsewhere Investigate the scope of the problem - “idling hot spots” Look at your operations – adopt best practices Consider a mix of initiatives (outreach, by-laws) Partner with others Use free on-line resources to build a campaign What Municipal Governments Can Do to Take Action
Collaborate with municipalities and others to reduce idling Gather the facts by surveying and monitoring Organize events Launch community awareness and public outreach campaigns What Community Groups Can Do to Take Action
Remember the rule – No Idling at School! Ask for a commitment Create a “No Idling Zone” Monitor results Make it part of the curriculum Learn more and visit The Idle Free Zone section for “Schools” What Schools Can Do to Take Action
Unnecessary Idling: Wastes fuel and money Depletes a non-renewable resource Contributes to climate change Progress is being made but more action is required Individual actions make a difference Summary
Visit the Idle Free Zone Web site at Insert your own Web address Insert Image of Choice or Logo For More Information