LTE(S)R Romania Management plan proposal - Convergence of the National LTSER and European structures- Dr. Mihai Adamescu Department of Systems Ecology.


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Presentation transcript:

LTE(S)R Romania Management plan proposal - Convergence of the National LTSER and European structures- Dr. Mihai Adamescu Department of Systems Ecology University of Bucharest

National network – history -European context – already started from Alternet project as a promoter and a catalyses at European level; National context – –activities linked with ILTER starting from 1995 (after the Poland meeting) –from 2003 Romania is part of the ILTER; –Actively involved in almost all work packages of Alternet (including two deputies for I3 and RA4) –From 2005 we have developed and implemented a national project with the aim of creating a national consortium for the development and straitening of the national Long Term Ecosystem Research Network; At international and national level is a trend from an “association “ of sites with their own resources and aims towards national and international networks with common research agendas and most important with common resources (material, human and financial); The transitions is also from fragmented research, with a sectorial approach towards a more systemic approach in which research has new dimensions and also it is much more based on interdisciplinary and transdiciplinary (stakeholders views and communication).

Definition of LTSER sites According to our analytical framework a LT(S)ER pilot area is identified as: -a local or regional socio-ecological complex, containing – natural, man-controlled and man- created and dominated ecosystems – -provides not only a multi-site research platform where inter and trans-disciplinary knowledge are produced, -a space where the operational infrastructure, policies and adaptive management plans for sustainability can be designed, developed and tested. (Vadineanu, 2005)

Network characteristics Romanian biogeographical regions and the national LTSER network (Cazacu & colab, 2006) Based on data and knowledge analysis, and taking into consideration the existing historical data that allows the characterization of the structure and function of the ecological components, the Romanian Network was developed. Other areas are also in discussions in order to better cover the heterogeneity of the socio-ecological complexes at national level.

Level 1 ecoregions Level 1 ecoregion and the coverage by the LTSER sites (Cazacu & colab, 2006)

Major ecosystem types and the LTSER coverage (Cazacu & colab, 2006)

Danube Delta Braila Islands Nr. ctr. NameLocalisation (dd)Surface (km 2 ) LatitudineLongitudine 1Delta Dunarii Baltile Brailei Bazinul Neajlovului Bucegi – Piatra Craiului Rodnei - Calimani Retezat - Hateg

Why a management plan (1) The main reason for the development of the management plan is that we need to assure the transition/continuity and sustanability of different activities for long term and we need also to plan future activities; The management plan define what is the national network of socio- ecological research on long term; It also establishes the aim and a long term vision for the network in close relationship with the international networks (LTER Europe and ILTER); It establishes also the strategic objectives (that assures durability) but also the tactical ones (that will assure adaptability); The management plan is one of the outputs of a national project aiming at the development and strengthening the LTER network in Romania. In this spring we had elections and all the aspects presented here are already discussed and accepted by the Romanian LTER community.

Why a management plan (2) It goes further by defining the activities needed in order to meet the proposed aim and objectives; It allows the identification of the resources that could be available to the network and is establishing a working procedure for attracting financial resources; It defines the organizational structure as well working mechanisms (communications, protocols) for network coordination; Defines a minimum set of recommended parameters; identify the working groups needed for the an active management of the network; Defines the response mechanisms for coupling with other national, european and global networks.

Management plan structure Introduction and context for the management plan; Why a management plan; Network characteristics (what makes this network unique – long term research, socio-economic integration, hierarchical and integrated approach) Aim and objectives of the national – Romanian LTSER network; –3.1. Vision for the Romanian LTSER network –3.2. Strategic objectives; –3.3. Tactical objectives. Activities; Common research agenda for the Romanian LTSER network; Financial resources (assuring financial resources - business plan); Risks and ways of overcoming them (risk analysis); Institutional infrastructure (organizational structure for the Ro-LTER, criteria for national LTER – parameter lists and recommended methods and equipments, criteria for new members (institutions and sites); Groups; Communication and education (webpage, networking and publication); Results and exemplary research; Relationship with EU-LTER, ILTER and other networks (ICP, ICM etc);

Vision (research focus) LTSER sites are viewed as “specific sites/locations/platforms designed and managed at landscape scale for long-term research and monitoring, focused on the dynamics of: –a) major aspects of biological and ecological diversity – composition, structure and functioning – under the influence of both natural and human drivers and pressures (e.g. climate changes, fragmentation, pollution, over-exploitation, invasive species); –b) human perceptions, attitudes and participation related to biodiversity conservation and ecosystem management; –c) spatio-temporal relationships between socio-economic systems and the components of biodiversity; –d) the development of appropriate methods and tools for the implementation of DPSIR operational model in the integrated (ecosystem) and adaptive management of the environment, biodiversity and socio-economic systems”(see Vadineanu et al., 2005).

Objectives Strategic objectives (long term) –Conceptual developments (enlargement of the network, criteria for selection etc); –Transfer of the scientific knowledge, communication, education and support (for the main stakeholders but also for the public in general); –Standardization and harmonization of data collection (parameters and methods ); –Information management – Access to metadata and data Tactical objective (short term); –Development of a common research agenda; –Strategic plan for development;

Key Research Questions (Vadineanu, 2005 Colima) 1. Understanding biodiversity dynamics (composition, structure and functioning processes) in the local and regional socio- ecological complexes, under pressure of interacting driving forces: human colonization and resources exploitation; pollution; alien species and climate changes. 2. Assessing ecosystem and landscape functions, and resources and services flows along their development cycle. 3. Social research supporting societal certification of major strategies, policies and projects, regarding biodiversity conservation, sustainable use and ecological restoration.

Organizational structure LTSER Romania Coordination council Aim: Development of the strategy and network proposals for research themes and infrastructure Members: Institutions with research activities in the LTSER sites (one person fro each institution) Administrative council Aim: Strategic administrative decision at national level Members: Administrators of LTSER sites (research station directors or natural park chiefs) Expert groups a) communication b) infrastructure and technology c) information management d) research themes e) harmonization and standardization Coordination of national LTSER (including secretariat): - Prof. Dr. Angheluta Vadineanu at Department of Systems Ecology/University of Bucharest Under RES- Romanian Ecological Society The proposed structure is in line with the European LTER proposal

Financial support Projects: International: - Life Watch; - Life plus - research National support: - Infrastructure - research projects

Main stakeholders 1.1. Ministry of Education and Research – National Research Agency (NRA) and National University Research Council (NURC) Ministry of Environment and Water Management (MEWM) – - National Agency for Environmental Protection (NAEP); - National Company for Water Resources Management (NCWRM); - National Agencies for Protected Arias (NAPA) Ministry of Agriculture, Forest and Rural Development – National Company for Forest Administration – ROMSILVA -National Fishery Administration 1.4. Regional Development Agencies (8) 1.5. Local authorities 1.6. Natural reserves administrations

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