Proposed Hidrovia: Maintenance Requires 14 dredges per day for 365 days Estimated Cost: $127,750,000 per year 101
Potential Effects of Hidrovia in Pantanal A Channel of only 2.5 m would Reduction of Flooded Areas & Habitats up to 50% Salinization of Soils Source: Hamilton (1999) 102
Commercial and Sports Fisheries 9 Species represent 80% of catch, e.g. Dourado: Salminus maxillosus Curimbata: Prochilodus lineatus Pacu: Piaractus mesopotamicus Pintado: Pseudoplatystoma corruscans Cachara: P. fasciatum Jau: Paulicia luetkeni 103
Commercial and Sport Fisheries Each of the 9 nine species undergoes dramatic seasonal migrations up the Rio Paraguay and into the Flooded Areas Reproductive success depends upon the natural cycle of flooding 104
Potential Effects of Hidrovia in Pantanal A Channel of only 2.5 m would Reduction of Flooded Areas & Habitats up to 50% Reduction of up 40% of Fish Species, including the commercially important species and sports fishery 105
Potential Sustainable Fisheries Value Commercial Fisheries $660,000,000 Sports Fishery $ 25,000,000 Total Annual Value $685,000,
Estimated Annual Costs of Hidrovia: Dredging: $127,750,000 Fisheries: $340,000,000 Total: $467,000,
Proposed Hidrovia 2250 km 1444 mi 109
Proposed Hidrovia 2250 km 1444 mi 113
Conclusions 1.Aquatic Flora and Fauna are neither homogeneously nor randomly distributed A.Subregions B.Macrohabitats 2.Flooded vegetation and unmodified riparian forest increase the abundance and species richness of fishes 116
Conclusions 3.Maintenance of flooded areas and natural flood cycle is critical A.Biodiversity B. Areas of Reproduction C. Nursery Areas 117
Conclusions 4. Maintenance of Main Channel is critical for many commercially important species 5.Develop a plan for integrated use such that set aside: A. Headwaters B. Flooded areas 118
Conclusions 6.Economic value of sustainable fisheries is considerable and must be factored in economic models 7. Protection of hydrologic system is beneficial for biodiversity, agriculture and cattle ranching! 119
“There already is a Hidrovia, modify the boats not the river!” Dr. Mario Dantas Director, EMBRAPA 120