Research Directions at Curtin: The “So What Factor”, Challenges and Responses Professor Linda Kristjanson Pro Vice-Chancellor, Research & Development 29 August 2007 Engineering Research Forum
Resources & Energy Global challenges related to sustainable resources Global challenges related to sustainable resources Climate change pressures Climate change pressures Need for cost-effective technologies to deliver standard of living expectations Need for cost-effective technologies to deliver standard of living expectations Cycle of time from technology to dissemination is faster than ever before Cycle of time from technology to dissemination is faster than ever before Issues of equity, expectations and collaboration Issues of equity, expectations and collaboration Need for social policy and ethical guidelines Need for social policy and ethical guidelines
Revolution in Health & Medical Science Shift from focus on acute to chronic disease Shift from focus on acute to chronic disease Escalating health care costs Escalating health care costs Torrent of biological data Torrent of biological data Development of advanced high-throughput technologies Development of advanced high-throughput technologies Able to identify individuals at risk Able to identify individuals at risk Intervene before disease strikes Intervene before disease strikes
Advances in Knowledge Technologies Data mining more advanced to allow access to “deep web” repositories Data mining more advanced to allow access to “deep web” repositories Advances in natural language processing Advances in natural language processing Effect will be to “democratise” information and knowledge Effect will be to “democratise” information and knowledge
Biomonitors Smaller, faster processes and wireless broadband will make monitoring health at home cheaper and easier Smaller, faster processes and wireless broadband will make monitoring health at home cheaper and easier Advances in micro-electromechanical systems, nanotechnology and network connectivity will create the network-centric physiological monitors that can measure body temperature, hydration levels, chemical toxicity and other biomarkers Advances in micro-electromechanical systems, nanotechnology and network connectivity will create the network-centric physiological monitors that can measure body temperature, hydration levels, chemical toxicity and other biomarkers
Stem Cells Penicillin of the 21 st century, exceptional potential Penicillin of the 21 st century, exceptional potential Adult stem cells cannot turn into as many types of cells as embryonic stem cells Adult stem cells cannot turn into as many types of cells as embryonic stem cells May be useable in the regeneration process across an array of organs May be useable in the regeneration process across an array of organs Obtaining and preserving adult stem cells in large numbers could be a stumbling block Obtaining and preserving adult stem cells in large numbers could be a stumbling block Large private companies and a number of countries are pursuing embryonic stem cell technology with vigour Large private companies and a number of countries are pursuing embryonic stem cell technology with vigour
Curtin Research Focii Resources & Energy Resources & Energy Health, Ageing & Wellbeing Health, Ageing & Wellbeing ICT and Emerging Technologies ICT and Emerging Technologies Sustainable Communities Sustainable Communities Growth & Prosperity Growth & Prosperity
Research Income * Note: 2006 income data is preliminary and has not yet been audited.
Research Publications * Note: Collection of 2006 publication data currently occurring. Unweighted DEST Publications
HDR Completions * Note: Divisional structure changed in 2001 Weighted HDR Completions
External Research Challenges Continuing emphasis on ranking of universities Continuing emphasis on ranking of universities RQF or “son of RQF” RQF or “son of RQF” Emphasis on “Impact” and Relevance Emphasis on “Impact” and Relevance Increasing competition for students Increasing competition for students Decreasing domestic postgraduate market Decreasing domestic postgraduate market Uncertainty with respect to future policy drivers Uncertainty with respect to future policy drivers
Internal Research Challenges Time demands Time demands Competing pressures Competing pressures Bureaucratic demands Bureaucratic demands Resource limits Resource limits Uneven experience and varying commitment to a research culture Uneven experience and varying commitment to a research culture “Us and them” thinking “Us and them” thinking
Our Responses Targeted research focii Targeted research focii Tier 1 and Tier 2 scheme Tier 1 and Tier 2 scheme Focused RQF strategy and preparation Focused RQF strategy and preparation Analysis of ROI (Return on Investment) Analysis of ROI (Return on Investment) Review and enhancement of research funding scheme internally Review and enhancement of research funding scheme internally Contribution to Curtin Expectations Dialogue Contribution to Curtin Expectations Dialogue
Curtin Research Focii Resources & Energy Resources & Energy Health, Ageing & Wellbeing Health, Ageing & Wellbeing ICT and Emerging Technologies ICT and Emerging Technologies Sustainable Communities Sustainable Communities Growth & Prosperity Growth & Prosperity
Tier 1 and Tier 2 History History Update and alignment with existing research policy on centres, institutes Update and alignment with existing research policy on centres, institutes Review of scheme Review of scheme Capacity building more broadly Capacity building more broadly
Focused RQF Strategy and Preparation Identify and influence policy settings Identify and influence policy settings Ensure all research income counts Ensure all research income counts Participate on RQF panels, working parties Participate on RQF panels, working parties Respond to draft documents Respond to draft documents RQF website and newsletter RQF website and newsletter Build respositories Build respositories Participate in trials Participate in trials Preparation for development of portfolios Preparation for development of portfolios Focus on the future Focus on the future
Analysis of ROI Assess all schemes Assess all schemes Review schemes to ensure alignment to goals and comprehensive approach Review schemes to ensure alignment to goals and comprehensive approach Review processes related to each scheme Review processes related to each scheme Build capacity where demonstrated returns are clear Build capacity where demonstrated returns are clear Enhance transparency Enhance transparency
Review of Schemes Research Fellows, Curtin Industry Research Scheme, Near Miss Scheme,Early/Mid Career Research Scheme, Strategic Research Grants Research Fellows, Curtin Industry Research Scheme, Near Miss Scheme,Early/Mid Career Research Scheme, Strategic Research Grants Strategic Capacity Building Research Scheme (2007) Strategic Capacity Building Research Scheme (2007) Review of Centres Review of Centres
Expectations Need to provide clear, transparent information about our research performance Need to provide clear, transparent information about our research performance Need to ensure that this information is contextualised Need to ensure that this information is contextualised Need to negotiate reasonable targets, goals and define aspirations within existing resources Need to negotiate reasonable targets, goals and define aspirations within existing resources
More Responses International Strategy (eg., CIRTS, China Strategy – Joint PhDs, Engagement, MOUs, Focus) International Strategy (eg., CIRTS, China Strategy – Joint PhDs, Engagement, MOUs, Focus) CUPS CUPS Research Space Funding Research Space Funding Emphasis on Competitive Grants Emphasis on Competitive Grants CRC engagement CRC engagement Quality control for proposal development Quality control for proposal development Mentoring Scheme Mentoring Scheme Research Forum Research Forum Publication Strategy Publication Strategy Marketing Focus Marketing Focus
Conversations to Continue Teaching-Research balance and integration Teaching-Research balance and integration Dialogue about how we do our work Dialogue about how we do our work Discussions about expectations and career paths and goals Discussions about expectations and career paths and goals Scrutinise choices (day, week, month, year) Scrutinise choices (day, week, month, year) Shared research leadership Shared research leadership Valuing contributions Valuing contributions