1 ATIE in HK New IT Business Model in Japan 2002 November 30 Toshio Obi Professor, Waseda University Adviser to ATIE
2 New ICT Business Model i Mode – Mobile Internet 3G/4G – IMT 2000 and beyond Broadband – High speed Internet IP Telephony – VOIP (packet) e-government – G to B G to C in G ITS (Intelligent Transport System) Cyber Security IPv6 Ubiquitous Network Technologies Action needed at ATIE creation of Working Group at ATIE on New Business Model Asian Regional Testbed Trial Establishment of “Asian Standard”
3 Consumers’ IT Expenditure in Japan Source : Statistics Bureau Age (Yen)
4 1 G2 G / 2.5G3 G4 G analog air channel narrow band national roaming FDD only AMPS TACS NMT C-net digital air channel narrow band international roaming FDD only GPRS EDGE GSM TDMA CDMA PDC digital air channel broadband up to 2 Mbps international roaming FDD/TDD ATM/IP based networks IMT 2000 UTRA (FDD/TDD) cdma 2000 HS-TDMA digital air channel broadband multipath radio channel with data rates 10, 20 and 155 Mbps Integration of different systems Software Radio all IP based cellular networks all IP based broad band cellular network Multiple Air Interfaces Within one seamless network Evolution toward 4 th generation
5 “i-mode” Developing Strategy Feb Fall, 1999 Spring, 2000 Fall, 2000 Spring 2001 Groupware Schedule Management Work flow Management Electronic Bulletin Board system Electronic Conference File Sharing Security function Agent function Game Mobile TV Internet TV TV Telephone TV Conference Video Music Total Link Web access Intranet Rich (Visual, High Speed) i-mode launch Intranet Packages Colored LCD i-mode Car-Navi Java IMT-2000 Testbed 3G 2002
6 Developments with Focus on the Next Generation Mobility Driving Walking Standing Transmission rate 10K1G K1M10M100M PHS 2.4GHz Frequency Wireless LAN 5GHz Frequency MMAC 4G 2.5GHz/60GHz Frequency New Generation MMAC 2/2.5G GSM PDC 3G/UMTS
7 3G ⇒ 4G Function Categories Security/Authentication User Interface Seamless Network QoS Multi Mode Navigation/Location Detection Database Remote Server High data rate/High Capacity High Quality Multimedia Camera/Sensor/Microphone Remote Sensing/Control Agent Terminal Capability Reconfigurability Ad-Hoc NW Social/Environment Adaptability Network Configuration/Deployment Multicast
8 3G ⇒ 4G Service Categories Mobile E-Commerce Medical & welfare E-Learning Home Security Agent/Personalization Business/SOHO Translation Media/ Broadcasting Location Visual High Intelligent Communication Internet Access Database/Contents e-government Pricing
9 Broadband Number of Subscribers to Broadband Access Networks March 2002 (unit:1000) AccessSubscribers CATV ADSL FTTH Total 3869 Year 2001-First Year of Broadband dramatic growth of Broadband
10 Source: MPT (Dec, 2000) FTTH in Japan Completion rate of subscriber fiber network (Fiber penetration to residential areas in Japan) (1) If done with goal of nationwide penetration in 2005 (2) If proceeds at current pace
11 IP Telephony New Applications Multimedia Services VoIP & FAX Services Value added IP Services Internet Access Services IP Backbone Services Type of IP Telephony (1)PC-IP-PC (2)PC-IP-Phone (3)Phone-IP-PC (4) Phone-IP-Phone
12 E-government, E-Municipalities After Year 2003-Administrative Services accessible for 24 hours a day over the Internet - Administrative procedures - Tax payments - Administrative information Necessary Conditions for digitization - Securing agency-wide financial resources - Securing Cybersecurity for network
13 To promote usage of advanced IP networks, it is necessary (1) to improve IT literacy, and (2) to create easy-to-use applications and more attractive contents: Improvement of information literacy Fostering of IT instructors, IT researchers, and digital contents creators Strategic investment of IT-related R&D Shift from paper and face-to-face based to digitized documents and sharing information through networks Maintaining adequate protection measures of IPR Nurturing Abilities to create Applications & Contents
14 ITS (Intelligent Transport System) < Starting System > VICS (Vehicle Information & Communication System) ETC (Electronic Toll Collection System) ASV (Advanced Safety Vehicle) EV (Electronic Vehicle) PTPS (Public Transportation Priority System) GPS (Global Positioning System) ITS Market(4.5 trillion yen) ITS Info-Comm Service 2.3 trillion yen Terminal equipment 1.5 trillion yen Infrastructure 0.7trillion yen Year 2010
15 Ubiquitous Network Technologies Creation of Ubiquitous Network Society - anytime, any where and mobility promotion measures for realization Social and economic impact large capacity application Networking everything with high speed