OCEANTECH Title: Advanced tools for the study of Ocean dynamics and environmental management. Project funded by the CSIC under the Intramural Frontier Projects program (PIF). This program aims at supporting highly innovative, unconventional and transdisciplinar projects developed by at least three different CSIC Institutes. Period: Teams: - IFISC: Cristóbal López (PI), Emilio Hernández-García e Ismael Hernández. - Instituto de Ciencias del Mar de Barcelona (ICM): Antonio Turiel (PI and coordinator), Emilio García-Ladona y Verónica Nieves. - Instituto de Matemáticas y Física Fundamental de Madrid (IMAFF): Ana M. Mancho (PI) y J. Antonio Jiménez-Madrid. Budget: Global: E. IFISC: E.
OCEANTECH Objectives Scientific Objectives: - Turbulent cascade and hierarchy in the organization of oceanic flow (ICM): Multifractal properties of the oceanic flow. - Advection and transport (IMAFF): Study of Lagrangian structures in oceanic flows. - Mixing and mesoscale structures in the Ocean (IFISC): a) Impact of oceanic turbulence on primary or biomass production. b) Identification and analysis of coherent structures present in the flow (vortices, fronts, barriers to transport) from satellite data. c) Determination of geographical areas in the sea with strong mixing activity. d) Correlation of coherent structures with biologically-rich areas detected from satellite images of chlorophyll distribution. e) Analysis of mathematical models of plankton dynamics coupled to realistic (obtained from data) flows. f) Study of upwelling areas.
OCEANTECH Technological Objectives: *Estimation of ocean dynamical variables from satellite images: velocity fields, turbulent diffusivities, biomass transport, mixing time scales, etc. *Construction of the OCEANTECH prototype: A software environment for operational management implementing the techniques developed and for application to geophysical data (mainly oceanographic).