Environmental Management Development in Ukraine And its Influence on Public Policy Based on the report, prepared in fulfillment of the case studies at the request of the IDRC Evaluation Unit
The Major Components of the Program Water Pollution Control Water Toxicology Information systems development Pilot projects Environmental Audits and Environmental Entrepreneurship Public Outreach
Program Environment People were afraid to cooperate with donor’s organization without approval “from the top”. The economic crisis resulted in the environment and scientific research not receiving sufficient funding. Administrative reform in Ukraine brought significant structural changes to the bodies responsible for implementing environmental policy. There was no banking system in the country.
Management of the EMDU Program The role of the Ukrainian Management Committee and its chairperson Dr Shevchuk The IDRC approach based on trust and reliance on local partners Dnipro Renaissance Foundation and its role in resolving financial aspect of the program
Expanding policy capacities The Baseline Water Quality Study: creating a reliable data base on water quality of the Dnipro Information systems ’ development projects : facilitating data exchange and dissemination and overcoming a soviet caution Maintaining scholarly standards and providing bases for education: t he program allowed to continue research; to attract post- graduate students ’ influx; to publish textbooks; and to acquire a higher level of professionalism Organomineral Fertilizers Production Project : supporting recipients to develop innovative ideas
Broadening policy horizons Providing opportunities for entering the international scientific community Stimulating dialogue between and among decision makers and researchers Ramial Chipped Wood project : introducing new directions of study Public involvement and public outreach
Program’s Impact on Legislation On February 27, the National Program on Ecologic Rehabilitation of Dnipro Basin and Drinking Water Improvement was considered at and adopted by Verhovna Rada of Ukraine On the 10 th of January 2002, the the Drinking Water Law was adopted and signed by the President. On the 1 st of August 2001, the Presidential Decree on the National Atlas of Ukraine was adopted. The draft law on ecological audit has been developed within the framework of the EMDU program.
Impact on Further International Donors’ Programs The interviewees see GEF as a consequence of the EMDU program and doubt that GEF would be possible without the IDRC ’ s work in the region The EBRD loan is also considered as one of the program ’ s achievements