Anonymous Biometrics: Privacy Protection of Biometric Templates Pim Tuyls, E. Verbitskiy, D. Denteneer, J.P. Linnartz, J. Goseling, T. Ignatenko Philips Research Eindhoven The Netherlands
2 Overview Introduction Challenge Literature and Related Topic Information-Theoretic model Secrecy Extractor Requirements Bounds Examples “General” Theory Experiments Summary
3 Introduction Biometric Identification (fingerprints, iris, speech) - is often used to identify people - is often part of a security system - uses databases containing Ref. Information (Templates) Advantages Convenience can not be lost or forgotten easy to use Uniqueness unique for a human being Offers therefore a very attractive alternative to e.g. passwords
4 Risks - Forgeability - Impersonation by Artificial Biometrics - Once Compromised Compromised Forever -Theft of Identity (Stolen Biometrics) - Sensitive Information - Fingerprints contain Genetic Information - Retina reveals susceptibility for Strokes and Diabetes Additional Problem - Noisy: Biometric data are obtained through noisy measurements PRIVACY
5 ARCHITECTURE ASSUMPTIONS Database public Channel public Sensor trusted ATTACKS - Outside (on database) - Eavesdropping of Communications - Inside (on database): Malicious owner (Verifier) - Fingerprints left on glasses, door handles (not discussed today) Database Sensor Template Channel
6 Possible Constructions: - Encryption (implies a decryption key at verifier site) - One-Way Function Idea: Build a scheme similar to the one used for password protection Solution Secure Storage of Biometric Templates, Against Outside and Inside Attacks Secure Communication over the Channel (prevent eavesdropping)
7 CHALLENGE: Integration of Cryptographic Techniques with Noisy Inputs One-Way Functions are very sensitive to small changes in the input data database matching F F
8 Literature - Schneier - Davida, Frankel and Matt, (Private biometrics) - Juels and Wattenberg (Fuzzy Commitment) - Ratha, Connell, Bolle (Cancelable Biometrics) - Juels, Sudan (fuzzy vault) - Linnartz, Tuyls (Shielding functions, AVBPA 2003) - Verbitskiy, Tuyls, Denteneer and Linnartz (Benelux 2003) - Goseling, Tuyls submitted to ISIT2004 Related Topic - Biometric Key Generation (Soutar)
9 Information Theoretic Model Biometrics X n are modeled as random variables with distribution(enrollment) Authentication measurements Y n, modeled as observations through a noisy channel
10 Generate Common Secret S from X n and Y n (Common Randomness) Helper data W Secrecy Extractor Database: ID, W, F(S) matching F F G G ’)? EXACT MATCH: F(S)=F(S’)? Enrollment Authentication F(S)
11 Terminology A functionis called a -contracting function: if for all X there exist a W s.t probabilistic norm Versatile function: for all S 0,1 k and all X R n, there exists a vector W R m such that: -Revealing function:
12 Requirements A reliable biometric authentication system that protects privacy has to satisfy the following requirements: -contracting Versatile -revealing: Correctness: Protection against a dishonest verifier who has Access to the database (compare with passwords)
13 Implications Proposition 1: If W is constant, i.e. G(Y,W)=C(Y) then either =0, or G(Y,W) is a constant independent of Y. Corollary: In order to have a robust, versatile function G=G(X,W), W must depend on X
14 Implications Proposition 2 : Let S be a binary string derived from X and Y by communicating helper data W as described in the protocol: Extends also to the continuous case! (Approximation argument)
15 EXAMPLES Three kinds of proposed schemes: Based on Quantized Index Modulation Error Correcting Code-scheme Significant Components
16 Example: Significant Components Assumption: Orthogonal Transformation (Fisher, PCA): Define: where i are orthonormal vectors Theorem (Fisher, PCA): The i can be constructed such that they are independent, normally distributed random variables with zero mean
17 The Scheme I: Robustness Idea: Select -components with large absolute values to guarantee robustness to noise Choose a small positive number and define Theorem: Let be the fraction of average number of large comps then, if there is a sufficient amount of energy in the system, is “large”, moreover
18 The Scheme II: Versatility Versatility: Given s i, search for index i j such that: (feasibility) The set of feasible secrets: Theorem: If k= 1 n with 1 = /10, then with large probability is a large set
19 The Scheme III: Helper Data Given a secret S=(s 1,…,s k ) the helper data W is determined. W picks up the correct components of X in -basis Helper data: W(X) is a k n matrix, its j-th row is given by -contracting function:
20 Information Revealing Theorem: The proposed scheme is zero-revealing: Moreover,
21 General Construction SEC: Tuple of encoding regions (SEC: Secure Extraction Code) such that, is the collection of SECs s.t.
22 Secure Biometric Authentication Scheme (SBA) 1.Enrollment measurement X n 2.Select a code in W indicates the selected code 3.The Secret S is index of that coding region where X n belongs to 4. A One-Way Function F is applied to S. 5.W and F(S) are stored in the database together with the Id. ENCDEC 1 2 3
23 Authentication: 1. An individual makes an Id claim 2. W and is sent to the decoder 3. The SEC C(W) is used to derive the secret as follows, F(S’) is computed 6. Check: F(S’)=F(S) This construction achieves the earlier mentioned capacities at the same time (Asymptotically)!
24 Experiments - Biometric: Measuring the headphone-to-ear-canal-Transfer Functions - First dataset: 45 Individuals, 8 Measurements per person - Second dataset: 65 Individuals, 8 Measurements per person - 6 Measurements for training, 2 for authentication - Tested scheme: significant components - FRR decreases as increases - FAR decreases as secret length increases - Secret length decreases as increases
25 “Ear canal” Biometrics = Headphone-to-Ear Transfer Function White noiseError H(z) W(z) +
26 Headphone-to-Ear Transfer Function: 1 ear, population (45x8)
27 Results: Principal Component Transform First dataset
28 Second dataset Combination of schemes
29 Summary We have described a general set-up and examples for biometric authentication/key generation schemes that satisfy the following properties: - Robust to noise - Versatile - Zero-revealing - Privacy protection