Vous et Tu Formal vs. Informal
What do tu & vous mean? )Both TU and VOUS mean You. Tu is used for one person and Vous is used for two or more people. )However, Vous may be used for just one person as well.
When do you use tu? )Used when speaking with the following: One family member One friend One person your own age One child One pet
When can you use vous with just one person? )Indicates respect. )Should be used with the following: Someone you do not know well Someone who is older than you Anyone to whom you wish to show respect
Tu ou Vous? Tu!
Tu ou Vous? Vous!
Tu ou Vous? Vous!
Tu ou Vous? Vous!
Tu ou Vous? Tu!
Tu ou Vous? Tu! Vous! If you are talking to both of them - Vous!
Tu ou Vous? Vous!
Tu ou Vous? Vous!
Tu ou Vous? Ton ami Tu!
Tu ou vous? Un serveur Vous!
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