Stat 217 – Day 9 Sampling
Recap (Lab 1) Observational unit = Sarah’s attempts (n = 8) Research hypothesis:Can Sarah solve problems Research conjecture: Sarah can correctly match most of the pictures Alternative hypothesis (Ha): >.5 Null hypothesis (Ho): >.5 p-value = probability she gets 7 or more right when she is just guessing Small p-value (.035) Evidence against the null hypothesis
Recap (Investigation 1) Task one (matching variables to graphs) Graded on fullness of explanation (e.g., how consistent, whether description eliminated other choices)
Recap (Investigation 1) Turns out JMP puts the categories in alphabetical order Separating bars helps indicate have a categorical variable (no “in between” values) or “discrete” data (e.g., number of siblings) Comparing quantitative distributions Shape = symmetric? Center = look at mean? Spread = look at standard deviation?
Recap (Quiz 1) There is a journal called Gut?? Observational units = Marine’s attempts Variable = whether or not she picks correctly Statistic = 30/33, proportion correct in sample Null hypothesis: = 1/5 (she’s guessing) Alternative hypothesis: > 1/5 If Marine was just guessing, would be VERY surprising for her to get as many as 30 correct.
Recap Want to make a claim about the population or the underlying process (e.g., =.25, >.25) Our strategy is to assume the boring version of the claim ( =.25) and then see whether we have sufficient evidence against that claim in favor of a more interesting claim ( >.25). Today Two-sided p-values Normal approximation Sampling from a population (tomorrow)
To Do Finish Lab 2 Readings in PolyLearn