SESSION #1015/1020 Moving Your Library to 2.0 and Beyond Gail Richardson Acting Director Online Services, Oakville Public Library Beckie MacDonald Online Services Librarian, Oakville Public Library Amanda Etches-Johnson User Experience Librarian, McMaster University
Where people and ideas meet Twelve Things… Gail Richardson Acting Director ~ Online Services Oakville Public Library
Where people and ideas meet Twelve Things… # 1 Know Your Culture
Where people and ideas meet Twelve Things… # 2 Get buy-in From your Executives / Directors
Where people and ideas meet Twelve Things… # 3 Determine Budget
Where people and ideas meet Twelve Things… # 4 Get Buy-in From your Management Team
Where people and ideas meet Twelve Things… # 5 Start the Buzz Pay Attention to Timing
Where people and ideas meet Twelve Things… # 6 Poll your staff (If appropriate)
Where people and ideas meet Twelve Things… # 7 Determine the Scope
Where people and ideas meet Twelve Things… # 8 Which Tools? Core Competencies?
Where people and ideas meet Twelve Things… # 9 Determine Parameters Voluntary or Mandatory?
Where people and ideas meet Twelve Things… # 10 Training Delivery (5 W’s)
Where people and ideas meet Twelve Things… # 11 Incentives
Where people and ideas meet Twelve Things… # 12 Feedback & Post Communication
Where people and ideas meet Web 2.0 Staff OPL Beckie MacDonald Online Services Librarian Oakville Public Library
Where people and ideas meet Web 2.0 Staff OPL CSI:OAKVILLE C omputer S avvy I nstruction
Where people and ideas meet Web 2.0 Staff OPL 12 week contract 7 Hours / week Research Design Develop
Where people and ideas meet Web 2.0 Staff OPL
Where people and ideas meet Web 2.0 Staff OPL
Where people and ideas meet Web 2.0 Staff OPL Blogs RSS Bloglines Social Bookmarking Wikis IM (Instant messaging) Social Networks
Where people and ideas meet Web 2.0 Staff OPL 2 Sessions 3 hours per session Mandatory for all information staff
Where people and ideas meet SESSION 1
Where people and ideas meet SESSION 1 TOPICS Blogs RSS Bloglines Social Bookmarking
Where people and ideas meet INTRO TO CSI:OAKVILLE Why are we here? How did we get here? Where are we going? Where people and ideas meet
Where people and ideas meet BLOGS
Where people and ideas meet CSI TRAINING BLOG
Where people and ideas meet BLOGGING EXERCISE Scan through CSI:Oakville Blog Familiarize yourself with its features Reply to my most recent post Leave a comment
Where people and ideas meet CENTRAL BLOG
Where people and ideas meet WHITE OAKS BLOG
Where people and ideas meet TECKTALK BLOG
Where people and ideas meet RSS
Where people and ideas meet RSS BUTTONS
Where people and ideas meet BLOGLINES
Where people and ideas meet
Where people and ideas meet HOW TO ADD A FEED Click add button
Where people and ideas meet BLOGLINES EXERCISE ADD the “CSI:Oakville” Blog ADD OPL web site ADD your favorite news media site
Where people and ideas meet SOCIAL BOOKMARKING
Where people and ideas meet FAVOURITES FOLDER
Where people and ideas meet
Where people and ideas meet SOCIAL BOOKMARKING EXERCISE Create at least 3 categories Add at least 2 web sites to each category
Where people and ideas meet Web 2.0 Staff OPL PLAY TIME
Where people and ideas meet SESSION 2
Where people and ideas meet SESSION 2 TOPICS Wikis IM (Instant Messaging) Social Networks
Where people and ideas meet WIKIS
Where people and ideas meet WIKIS
Where people and ideas meet
Where people and ideas meet WIKI EXERCISE You are going to edit a wiki! Get out your little paper we gave you at the beginning of the session. Go to:
Where people and ideas meet
Where people and ideas meet EXAMPLE WIKI
Where people and ideas meet ‘IM’ INSTANT MESSAGING
Where people and ideas meet INSTANT MESSAGING
Where people and ideas meet INSTANT MESSAGING Add me: Add a few people sitting around you (hint: ask them what they used to set up their account)
Where people and ideas meet SOCIAL NETWORKS
Where people and ideas meet MYSPACE
Where people and ideas meet FACEBOOK
Where people and ideas meet FLICKR
Where people and ideas meet YOUTUBE
Where people and ideas meet RE-CAP
Where people and ideas meet SESSION 1 TOOLS
Where people and ideas meet SESSION 2 TOOLS
Where people and ideas meet SURVEY
Where people and ideas meet SURVEY COMMENTS “Thank you very much Beckie, Gail and OPL for having this training made available to us all. Definitely we need to know this.” “A very good introductory session. Took the "fear" out of what these things actually are and what they do.” “Thanks Beckie. I think I'm in a new world!” “All levels of library staff should receive this training so no one gets left behind” “Thanks again for this training. I don't feel like a dinosaur.” “Agree that OPL staff must keep current and savvy especially since most of our customers already are aware and/or use blogs, etc.”
Where people and ideas meet CSI REFRESHER One - 2 hour session Combination of both CSI:Oakville Sessions 1 & 2 Review of old exercises Addition of new exercises
The Mac Experience
► Voluntary ► Incentives! ► Self-directed ► Not training, but learning ► “Teams” ► Virtual, with a little bit of F2F Highlights of Learning Mac
► Intro ► Blogs ► RSS ► Wikis ► Social Bookmarking & Tagging Online Apps & Tools Online Social Networks Gaming & Virtual Worlds Browser Tools
Decisions made, lessons learned It takes a village
Decisions made, lessons learned Build in lots of time for exploration & catch-up
Decisions made, lessons learned There’s no perfect time
Decisions made, lessons learned Don’t reinvent the wheel
over 200 libraries!
Decisions made, lessons learned Take different learning styles into account
Decisions made, lessons learned Find a content balance
Decisions made, lessons learned Enticements are...enticing!
Decisions made, lessons learned Enticements are...enticing!
How did we do? ► 82 Staff members signed up ► 68 completed the program
“the tools I have been exposed to are only a small part of opening up a world I was way too timid to explore” “this mini course was the best learning experience I’ve had on the internet and I would gladly continue with it indefinitely if it were possible (no incentives required)” “it’s amazing to look back at what has been covered these past few months. I’m so glad I had this opportunity and I would DEFINITELY participate in any future discovery programs” “now I can navigate this vast sea of tools without panicking and calling the IT guys” “what can I say, I think it rocked!”
Momentum: don’t lose it! ► follow-up sessions online or F2F. ► maintain the program blog with new & updated content. ► enrichment sessions on certain topics/tools. ► encourage the use of the technologies explored. ► provide a forum for staff to share ideas & get feedback from colleagues. ► contest: come up with new services using 2.0 tools!
Thanks! pdf pdf AIM/Skype: torontolibrarian MSN:
Image Credits ► ferris wheel: ► Learning 2.0 graffiti: / / / ► cufflinks: