VISTA/WFCAM pipelines summit pipeline: real time DQC verified raw product to Garching standard pipeline: instrumental signature removal, catalogue production, astrometric and photometric calibration further processing: generate well sampled PSF, PSF and Sersic profile fitting advanced pipeline: database driven, deep stacking and mosaicing, merging catalogues, list driven photometry, overlap calibration
WFAU tapes disks internet
Technical challenges non-linearity calibration and measurement cross-talk between channels and detectors image persistence from frame-to-frame sky level variations on short timescales rapid variability of OH fringing seeing variations on short timescales possible time varying flatfield characteristics calibration and extinction monitoring data volume and throughput robust automatic DQC measures
Progress work package spreadsheets and timelines instigated regular minuted meetings with actions provisional ICDs with JAC and WFAU agreed FITS header definition and test MEF data processed automated DQC monitoring developed pipeline monitoring tools with web interface programming completed for all basic modules ORAC-DR test routines for UFTI delivered and installed software module development for standard pipeline on target good progress with VDFS documentation for PDR
user manuals written for development pipeline/toolkits Bad pixel monitoring, mask generating, confidence maps difference imaging software developed simulations and completeness tests done prototype list-driven photometry package written and tested devised general purpose stacking/mosaicing framework NN stacking algorithm with simple rejection completed large area mosaicing algorithm developed automated astrometric and photometric calibration astrometric and photometric distortion for WFCAM and VISTA quantified
Processing tools / pipelines INT Wide Field Camera (4 x 2k x 4k) ESO WFI on 2.2m at La Silla (8 x 2k x4k) KPNO and CTIO Mosaic1,2 4m (8 x 2k x 4k) WFI on AAT (8 x 2k x 4k) CFHT 12k imager (12 x 2k x 4k) CIRSI mosaic on INT/DuPont (4 x 1k x 1k) INGRID on WHT (1k x 1k) UFTI on UKIRT (1k x 1k) ISAAC on VLT (1k x 1k) ****
CASU technical expertise real time analysis and discovery photometry and photometric system calibration astrometry and astrometric system calibration data modelling and simulations archiving and DB management Sybase, PostgresQL, SQL-Server data management and processing