BACKGROUND Universal Postal Union (UPU) is the international governing body for the postal industry UPU approached RMIT in 2002 to cooperate in establishing a “knowledge base” of innovations in postal services Pilot study performed to establish potential user interest in knowledge base as part of honours thesis Masters project will implement knowledge base based on results of pilot study
WHAT IS A KNOWLEDGE BASE? In the context of this project, an online database a collection of case studies of innovations in postal services Key issues: “Who are the potential users of the knowledge base?” “What factors influence the potential users ability to implement innovations into their own postal organisation?”
WHO ARE THE POTENTIAL USERS? Analysis of current postal environment Principles of user-centred design Developing personas Four personas identified
INFLUENCING FACTORS All four personas have differing goals and abilities to achieve these goals Questionnaire needs to elicit these factors from respondents Need to consider these constraints and objectives to ensure knowledge base is beneficial for all users
RESULTS Overall consistency between personas in terms of user requirements Ability to raise sufficient capital primary concern Willingness to look for similarities, rather than differences
DESIGN FEATURES Ensure variety in case studies Consider “worst case scenario” when designing knowledge base and case studies Keep design simple, uniform and flexible Provide avenues for further investigation