1 1994/ IBM Worldwide Wireless Security, Privacy and Trust Acceleration Center IBM Worldwide Wireless Security, Privacy and Trust Acceleration Center (IBM La Gaude Laboratory) Abstract of: Bluetooth_Launch_2002.ppt By G.Seuron, IBM La Gaude
2 1994/ IBM Worldwide Wireless Security, Privacy and Trust Acceleration Center Bluetooth Security Low layer, high layer Access control Pairing Encryption High level protection Higher layer key exchange Trusted transaction Bluetooth technology WAN - LAN - PAN positioning IEEE 802 standards Frequency spectrum. ISM bands. Bluetooth Special Interest Group Frequency Hopping - Timing Piconet / Scatternet Bluetooth stack - Data flow Profile status Applications Major domains Hidden computing Financial transactions Car applications Location based services (LBS) Pervasive application Industrial solution Value proposition
3 1994/ IBM Worldwide Wireless Security, Privacy and Trust Acceleration Center 802.nn Standards: 802.1x etc LAN PAN a802.11b802.11d Projects: e,f,g,h x Projects: 2,3,4 IEEE standards and related activities
4 1994/ IBM Worldwide Wireless Security, Privacy and Trust Acceleration Center Regulatory Standards Safety EMC Frequency usage ImportSellUse
5 1994/ IBM Worldwide Wireless Security, Privacy and Trust Acceleration Center MHz 1 GHz 2 GHz GHz Harald Blaatand Bluetooth II King of Denmark _ Son of Gorm the Old (king of Denmark) and Thyra Danebod (daughter of king Ethelred of England) Harald christianized the Danes Harald controlled Denmark and Norway Harald thinks notebooks and cellular phones should seamlessly communicate Adopters May Promoters 189 Associates May Adopters May 2002 Policy committees: Architecture, Test, Measurement, Regulatory, BQRB. Working groups: Radio, Car, PAN, Human intf, Coexist, Audio-video, ISDN, Printing, Imaging, Esdp, Local posit, UDI Expert groups: Car, Power, Security, SRFT Study groups: ATM, Host Controller Intf, Indust Autom, ISDN, Qual of Serv
6 1994/ IBM Worldwide Wireless Security, Privacy and Trust Acceleration Center Application DATA L2CAP Packets Length Channel id Payload 2 bytes Max bytes Access code Header Payload 72 bits 54 bits BASEBAND Packets 0 to 2745 bits Segmentation and Reassembly Op code Content LMP Messages (PDU) Single slot packet L2CAP SAR ACL SCO (16)
7 1994/ IBM Worldwide Wireless Security, Privacy and Trust Acceleration Center Generic Access Profile. Service Discovery Application Profile. Cordless Telephony Profile. Intercom Profile. Serial Port Profile. Headset Profile. Dial-Up Networking Profile. FAX Profile. LAN Access Profile. Generic Object Exchange Profile. Object Push Profile. File Transfer Profile. Synchronization Profile Extended Service Discovery, level Personal Area Network, level Network Encapsulation, level Basic Printing, level Hands Free, level Basic Imaging, level 0.95c. Hardcopy Cable Replacement, level 0.95a. Imaging profile, level 1.0 Audio/Video: 4 profiles, level 0.95 to 0.95b. CAR: 3 profiles, level 0.71a to HCI PCI, level 0.5. HID, level ISDN, level 0.95b1. Local Positioning, level Unrestricted Digital Information, level 0.7 Short Range Financial Transactions, lvl 0.1 PAN APR Original New In development
8 1994/ IBM Worldwide Wireless Security, Privacy and Trust Acceleration Center MHz 1 GHz 2 GHz GHz RF Baseband Audio Link Manager L2CAP TCP/IP HIDRFCOMM Applications Data Control * * * Optional * * * At Baseband level Not specified at application level * * * Frequency Hopping * * *
9 1994/ IBM Worldwide Wireless Security, Privacy and Trust Acceleration Center Example: Financial transactions
10 1994/ IBM Worldwide Wireless Security, Privacy and Trust Acceleration Center Personal bubble Technology oriented Bridge to Network
11 1994/ IBM Worldwide Wireless Security, Privacy and Trust Acceleration Center Linux Watch enhanced shell with Bluetooth Watch size56mm x 48mm x 12.25mm Weight44g CPULow power 32 bit (18-74 MHz I/OTouch panel, Roller wheel DisplayLCD 96 x 120 dots MemoryDRAM 8MB, Flash 8MB CommunicationBluetooth, IrDA, UART AccessoriesSpeaker, Mic, Buzzer, Tilt sensor PowerLi-Polymer rechargeable OSLinux version 2.2 GUIX11R6 Bluetooth stackIBM BlueDrekkar Japan
12 1994/ IBM Worldwide Wireless Security, Privacy and Trust Acceleration Center From the QPL: Bluetooth Qualified Product List. Nb products Year Spec Consumer products 154 Integrated hardware 103 Software components 55 Development tools 27 DEMO products 22 Accessory components 531 qualified products
13 1994/ IBM Worldwide Wireless Security, Privacy and Trust Acceleration Center Time $$ Business Need Innovation Workshop Phase I Phase II Phase III Operational System built Deliverable Pilot Architecture & Pilot Scope Architecture study Pilot build & evaluation Operational System Build Solution Requirements Study / solutions Definition Workshop Problem / Solution Statement