PISE Pan-European Integrated Service Creation and Distribution Environment EUREKA/CELTICTekes/NETS Alcatel (coord.), France Telecom, SAGEM, Telefonica, Telvent, TeliaSonera, Elisa, HIIT HIIT Martti Mäntylä, Anton Puolakka
CELTIC brief history April 2003:Purple Book May:CELTIC Workshop in Barcelona, Spain June: Deadline for Project Ideas PISE and 70 others October: Call for Full Project Proposals November 28: Deadline for Full Project Proposals
The PISE story so far… With a well-defined set of Basic Telco Web Services (to be standardized) (WP1) stakeholders are able to create wide variety of applications in Service Oriented Architecture SOA that contains metadata-based policy- driven orchestration method for Web Services (WP2). Existing (web-based) IT solutions are smoothly bridged to telco world with SOA which is proven with implementation of Professional, Community/Media and Remote Management applications (WP3). A test environment specification and test bed instances (WP4) across Europe facilitate interoperability tests of standardized components and derived applications. SOA approach impacts business models. Business requirements and after-effects are studied (WP5).
HIIT Special Interest Areas Telco WS SOA & Orch. Apps. Test Beds Business Media Conv - service architecture Prof Soininen -configuration ’orchestration’ Digital Econ -digital contracts - privacy issues HAT -test bed instance HSE -value network analysis UERG - user experience oriented design
National Focus in Finland B2B service - VPN across administrative boundaries A person uses different kind of services while abroad VPN in multi-operator domain Services have different requirements for connection, QoS etc. –Different VPN parameters, pricing,… Emphasis on WP1 and WP2, the very core of PISE Home operator Roaming operator relaying operator relaying operator … Service User Service
Status and plans Current status Details to be frozen in few weeks (days) National Research Plan by end of October CELTIC Project Proposal by end of November Research profile researchers for 24 months Dynamic Web Services / ConSerWe (SoberIT) Metadata / Intelligent Web Services (SeCo) VPN / Privacy & Security (Digital Economy)
PISE and HIIT portfolio The project has very good progress both in Finland and in international level. Likely to be part of the ARU portfolio year Questions escalation: