Built-In Self-Test for Radio Frequency System-On-Chip Bruce Kim The University of Alabama
2 Outline Proposed BIST Architecture Developed Equations Measurement Results Conclusions
3 Motivation Today System-On-Board (SOB) Future System-On-Chip (SOC)
4 RF Testing Expensive Labor intensive
5 What is BIST (Built-In Self-Test)? A test technique which allows the SOC to evaluate its own quality without expensive external equipment.
6 Test Flow Functional Test Proposed BIST (Go-No Go) Singulated Wafer Level Testing Package Proposed BIST Functional Testing
7 Wireless Radio Duplexer VGA LO VGA ADC DSP DAC LO Phase Shifter LO Phase Shifter LNA PA
8 Proposed RF BIST for LNA S1 closed: Measure V T1 S2 & S3 closed: Measure V T2
9 Proposed RF BIST Hardware
10 Equivalent Circuit Model
11 Development of Equations (1) (2) (3)
12 Fault-Free Input Impedance : Voltage gain of Test Amplifier : Voltage gain of BIST
13 Faulty-Case Input Impedance( V T2 ) : Voltage gain of BIST under faulty case
14 Fault-Free Voltage Gain : Voltage gain of BIST
15 Faulty-Case Voltage Gain ( V T1, V T2 ) : Voltage gain of BIST under faulty case
16 Input Return Loss : Input Return Loss of BIST Fault-Free Case Faulty Case
17 Output Signal-to-Noise Ratio Faulty Case Fault-Free Case kT: -204 dB B: signal bandwidth
18 Summary of Equations
19 5GHz Low Noise Amplifier 0.18 m SiGe HBT Technology
20 Small-Signal Model for 5GHz LNA Hybrid-π model for HBT with series resistance and two capacitances Inductor model with series resistance Stage 2: same topology as stage 1 Stage 2
21 RF BIST Circuit Validation Procedure & System Calibration Test V T2 for Gain=3
22 Programmable Capacitor Banks for C B (D 3 D 2 D 1 ) = (001) for 5.25GHz, (011) for 2.4GHz and (111) for 1.8GHz
23 Chip Micrograph BIST block TA PD2 PD1
24 Defect Models Defect Models for Actives
25 Defect Models Defect Models for Passives
26 Measurement Set-Up for LNA and TA LNA TA PD1 PD2 S1 S2 V T1 V T2 v in R s =50 Z L Labview Board S3 V L V T
27 Fault-Free Wafer Level Testing for Catastrophic Faults
28 Wafer Level Testing for Parametric Variations Tolerance: 20% Good Device Fault Free Device
29 Results Measured Values mean that external equipment was used. Simulation results are from ADS commercial software. Modeling results are from the Hybrid- and other passives modeling in the LNA circuit.
30 Input Impedance of TA
31 Gain of TA
32 Input Impedances
33 Gains
34 Input Return Losses
35 Input VSWRs
36 Data Summary ImpedanceGainReturn LossSNR Fault-Free Q1 – open base terminal Lb +30% tolerance
37 ADC DAC Digital Signal Processor IF Filter RF Filter Power amp. Attenuator RF Filter IF Filter RF Filter Phase filter Amp. PLL VCO Switch RF Filter Antenna SoC Transceiver System Auto Compensation
Parametric Variations
39 Capacitor Mirror Banks (CMB) N = 8-bit: When (D 11 D 10 …D 5 D 4 ) = (00…01), C B = C b /8
40 L c1 Parametric Variations L c1 : Most sensitive component in LNA
41 Changes of C b1 to Compensate Gain
42 Gain Compensations L c1 : Most gain-sensitive component in LNA
43 Noise Figure Compensations
44 Programmable RF BIST Technique Used for GSM, Bluetooth, IEEE802.11g LNA S1 S2 V T1 V T2 v in R s =50 Z L S3 LNA Under Test v L v T External Board BIST v L1 A/D Labview D N PC CMB
45 Test Technique Comparison
46 Limitation
47 On-going Work Construct automatic test structure with on- chip BIST structure and relays on a load board Develop a LabView software for test automation
48 Conclusions Introduced a new low-cost RF test hardware. Successful with programmable RF test for different standards. Self-compensation network for process and thermal variations.