Torino Nena Project – 3rd Team Meeting WP7: Developing and carrying out Regional Pilot Projects Regione Piemonte
NeNa Interreg IIIb – Team Meeting Torino 26/ The results of WP5 are the basis for developing the activities scheduled on WP7 as far as concern: – 7.5 Pilot projects – 7.1 Innovation Assistant The collection of relevant data concerning the regional cluster of “Domotics” – “Building automation” gave us the opportunity to activate a first evaluation and assessment, being this cluster one of the greatest promises of the technological frontier Regione Piemonte has set up a Working Table including Smes and other subjects first in class in this cluster, active in the following sectors: Energy, Electric plants and wiring, Electronics, ICT and telecoms, Household appliances, Building construction, Safety and Security, Design and architectural engineering WP 7: Pilot Project “Process Optimisation”
NeNa Interreg IIIb – Team Meeting Torino 26/ Domotics is not a single sector but a space of integration DOMOTICS ICT and TLC Electronics and Robotics and Robotics Electric plant and wiring Energy BuildingConstruction Safety&Security Household appliances appliances Design and architecturalengineering
NeNa Interreg IIIb – Team Meeting Torino 26/ Domotics in Piemonte “Specific domotic system” Electric plants Household Ict network “Habitat system” Building construction Infrastructure “Regional innovation system” Design Safety&security Ict, Robotics
NeNa Interreg IIIb – Team Meeting Torino 26/ Domotics by size: medium companies are prevailing
NeNa Interreg IIIb – Team Meeting Torino 26/ Wood Passive House Energy Domotics Domotics from sectoral integration to Nena networking
NeNa Interreg IIIb – Team Meeting Torino 26/ Strenghtening regional networking and creating benefits for Smes and cluster involved is the first goal of the “Working table” The second one is to develop process optimisation, by means of stimulating relations and networking and the creation of three sectoral “Technical tables” (working groups) The actual “Working table” involves companies, R&D facilities and public bodies in an informal public-private partnership – Most companies active in Cluster are SMEs and represent three “sub - systems” within Domotics: some of them joined the “working table” last months and some will attend “technical tables”, devoted to develop the task of “process optimisation” – A number of research and technology centres are involved Environment Park in Torino, Cetad: “intelligent house” and bioengineering, Polytechnic of Torino, Istituo Superiore Mario Boella, Torino World Design Capital – Three Regional Department joined the “table” Fostering regional networking & process optimisation
NeNa Interreg IIIb – Team Meeting Torino 26/ CS domotica srl Csdomotica srl has been started up in 2003 as a spin-off of Consoft Sistemi, an important ICT group in Piemonte and is located in I3P, the “Incubator” of innovative companies in Torino Activity area: wireless home automation and telecommunication services. The company has also a division dedicated to ICT, LAN networks, phone systems, Voip Mercury Project: the aim is to develop an integrated solution for an efficient, comfortable and safe domestic environment thanks to a remote-control Contact:
NeNa Interreg IIIb – Team Meeting Torino 26/ ERXA ERXA was set up in 1988 with the purpose of providing complete software solutions in the robotics, CAD/CAM and Industrial automation application areas Activity areas: manufacturing industry, automation, chemical, health, food, consumer industry, defence, aerospace, metal industry Services: analysis, design and implementation of software in all kind of industrial automation, robotics and defence system fields Contact:
NeNa Interreg IIIb – Team Meeting Torino 26/ Urmet Domus Urmet Domus is the leading Italian company specialised in the home communication and office automation sectors Activity areas: home entryphones, video entryphones, digital technology systems for integrating services and integrated phone/entryphone systems Products: house/video phone systems, integrated system telephony, room control Contact:
Istituto Superiore Mario Boella - ISMB It’s an applied research centre in wireless technologies set up in 2000 by its founding members: Compagnia di San Paolo and Polythecnic of Torino Partners: Motorola R&D Center, SKF, STMicroelectronics and Telecom Italia Lab. 250 researchers and 8 laboratories Sectors of research activities: Photonics, Electromagnetic compatibility, Fixed and wireless networks, e-Security, Satellite positioning systems, Microelectronics and nanotechnologies, Radiomobile technologies for multimedia systems, RFId (Radio Frequency Identifiers), DTT (Digital Terrestrial Television), SWN (Sensors Wireless Netwoks), Satellite receivers Contact:
Environment Park Environment Park is a technological district who brings together SMEs and research centres in ICT and eco-efficiency sectors Shareholders: Municipality, Province and Chamber of Commerce of Torino, the Regional development agency, the Industrial Association, some pp companies Activities. Support to SMEs: facilities, laboratories, Ict and Tlc infrastructures, shared services and management services: Managerial training courses, Marketing Consulting, Feasibility studies and Business Plan, Tutorial of new enterprises, Information on European projects and funding, Partner research Eco-efficiency Biennial to promote eco-efficiency culture by means of workshops, conferences, exhibitions of the most significant achievements in the field of eco-compatible productive processes and of product environmental certification Contact:
NeNa Interreg IIIb – Team Meeting Torino 26/ CETAD - Centro Eccellenza Tecnologie per Anziani e Disabili CETAD is the first Science Park in Europe dedicated to promote, develop and spread innovative services and technologies for social inclusion and rehabilitation of aged people The park is a network of universities, enterprises, public bodies and social organizations; it is partly located in Envipark Activity areas: Domotics, Jobs&Training for disadvantaged people, Special projects Contact:
NeNa Interreg IIIb – Team Meeting Torino 26/ Torino 2008 World Design Capital Torino is the first World Design Capital and 2008 is the first year the award is conferred This nomination is assigned by Icsid- International Council of Societies of Industrial Design- to a city that put great emphasis on design as a factor stimulating economic, social and cultural growth Icsid represents 52 countries and brings together professional and educational organizations, non-governmental bodies, private businesses, Institutions in order to spread design as a helpful discipline for sustainable development In 2008, each month features a corresponding theme, a particular point of view of design, architecture and graphics through events, conferences, exhibits, workshops and many small and medium- sized initiatives, all bearing witness to the broad influence of design on the territory Contact:
NeNa Interreg IIIb – Team Meeting Torino 26/ WP7 – Innovation Assistance
NeNa Interreg IIIb – Team Meeting Torino 26/ Our vision of the Innovation Assistant is that of a permanent forum able to: – Foster a local network creation and implementation – Ensure the highest coverage of the cluster companies – Establish strong co-operation links in and between universities, SMEs, experts, public bodies – Satisfy SMEs emerging needs and problems This Innovation Assistance permanent forum takes place in the form of a “virtual platform” i.e. a Pilot Project that: – is ICT based – is open to all companies and involved parties of the cluster – is open to the contribution of all the NeNa partners – is the virtual space where process optimisation is developed and elaborated Process optimisation issues and contents will benefit of a dissemination and fertilisation tool accessible to the widest number of players involved/interested WP7 - Innovation Assistance
NeNa Interreg IIIb – Team Meeting Torino 26/ The virtual platform to develop “Innovation Assistance” The platform allows differentiated levels of access and priorities through the allotment of different users’ levels and passwords There are three levels of information and interaction: – a basic levels for general information – an intermedium level to allow data input but not their publishing – a high level of access to allow both data input and their electronic publishing: a final supervisory control is provided for approving data publishing No technical specific competencies are required for web-publishing The virtual platform works with an editor WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get): this model enables users to publish contents on- line writing them as a common text editor (Microsoft word e.g.)
NeNa Interreg IIIb – Team Meeting Torino 26/ The platform is user friendly This virtual Platform will enable all the participants to exchange information and documents. Main functionalities are: – Certification of each dealer – Management of credits – Flexible creation of new contents and improvement of contents already on line – Uploading files (.doc,.pdf...) – A master file with companies’data (a sort of catalogue) – A calendar of events – (Newsletters…etc) The platform will be linked to a reference web-site in Italian (and in English – or other languages) The platform is going to be achieved in Asp and is based on server Windows Server 2003
NeNa Interreg IIIb – Team Meeting Torino 26/ Next steps Finalizing WP5 to “Process Optimisation” Starting with Technical working groups Developing the platform for “Innovation Assistance” Mobilising cooperation synergies among the partners Thank you for your attention!