Major Art Modality Utilized: Music Multiple Intelligences Addressed: Musical, Naturalist, Spatial Lesson Abstract: Students will bring in a homemade and/or kitchen instrument to present in class. They will then have to describe the pitch in sound it makes in terms of frequency and amplitude (volume). Materials Needed: Kitchen instruments or homemade instruments (see resources link for information regarding how to make an instrument) Procedures *Prior to this lesson, students have discussed the meaning of frequency and amplitude* 1.Discuss the elements of sounds. Ask what makes a loud sound, a high sound, a soft 2.sound, a low sound. Also discuss timbre- “the quality of tone distinctive of a particular 3.singing voice or musical instrument”( 4.Instruct students to go home and find a kitchen instrument or make their own instrument (use guide provided in resources section). To prevent having too many of one type of instrument, divide students into groups of sound: pitched percussion, unpitched percussion, instruments that require wind, or plucked instruments. 5.Students will present their instrument to the class. They will have to describe the pitch in sound it makes in terms of frequency and amplitude. 6.Allow students to work in groups to create overlapping ostinatos(repeating phrases). Monitor the groups to reduce redundancy in sound within teams and to insure balance. Assessment: Students will draw a sound wave that represents the characteristics of their instruments’ sound (i.e. big wave for low sound, little waves for high sound) Resources/ Links: This booklet has a wide variety of homemade instruments students can make. Standards Addressed in this Lesson: S8P4. Students will explore the wave nature of sound. e. Relate the properties of sound to everyday experiences. f. Diagram the parts of the wave and explain how the parts are affected by changes in amplitude and pitch MMSMA.5 - Composing and arranging music within specified guidelines a. Demonstrate how the elements of music are used to achieve unity and variety. b. Compose short pieces within a blues, rondo, or AABA form MMSMA.6b. Use music terminology to describe tempo, dynamics, and texture Standards Addressed in this Lesson: S8P4. Students will explore the wave nature of sound. e. Relate the properties of sound to everyday experiences. f. Diagram the parts of the wave and explain how the parts are affected by changes in amplitude and pitch MMSMA.5 - Composing and arranging music within specified guidelines a. Demonstrate how the elements of music are used to achieve unity and variety. b. Compose short pieces within a blues, rondo, or AABA form MMSMA.6b. Use music terminology to describe tempo, dynamics, and texture SUBJECT AREA/ SUGGESTED GRADE LEVEL: Science/ 8 th grade – Sound sculptures SUBJECT AREA/ SUGGESTED GRADE LEVEL: Science/ 8 th grade – Sound sculptures Page 1 of 1