Blue Ocean Strategy How to create uncontested market space and make the competition irrelevant Katharina BOST12/06/2006
About the Founders : Chan & Renee W. Chan Kim The Boston Consulting Group Bruce D. Henderson Chair Professor of Strategy and International Management Renée Mauborgne The INSEAD Distinguished Fellow and Professor of Strategy and International Management
Two worlds …
Red Ocean StrategyBlue Ocean Strategy Compete in existing market space. Create uncontested market space. Beat the competition.Make the competition irrelevant. Exploit existing demand.Create and capture new demand. Make the value-cost trade-off.Break the value-cost trade-off. Align the whole system of a strategic firm's activities with its choice of differentiation or low cost. Align the whole system of a firm's activities in pursuit of differentiation and low cost. VALUE INNOVATION
The rising Imperative of Creating Blue Oceans supply exceeds demand globalization accelerated commoditization of products and services increasing price wars shrinking profit margins brands are becoming more similar select based on price...
BOS Logic: The Core Principles Reconstruct Market Boundaries … overcome believes. Reach beyond existing Demand … go for uncontested space. Get the strategic sequence right … value [innovation] first. VI COST VALUE
BOS Logic: Reconstruct market boundaries Industry Focuses on rivals within its industry Strategic Group Focuses on competitive position within strategic group Buyer Group Focuses on better serving the buyer group Scope of Product and Service Offerings Focuses on maximizing the value of product and service offerings within the bounds of its industry Functional-emotional Orientation of an Industry Focuses on improving price- performance with the functional- emotional orientation of this industry Time/Trends Focuses on adapting to external trends as they occur Looks across alternative industries Looks across strategic groups within its industry Redefines the buyer group of the industry Looks across to complementary product and service offerings that go beyond the bounds of its industry Rethinks the functional-emotional orientation of its industry Participation in shaping external trends over time Boundaries of Competition Head-to-Head Competition Creating New Market Space
BOS Logic: The Core Principles Reconstruct Market Boundaries … overcome believes. Reach beyond existing Demand … go for uncontested space. Get the strategic sequence right … value [innovation] first. VI COST VALUE
BOS Logic: Reach beyond existing demand Core Customer Noncostumer Soon-to-be-NC Refusing Customer
BOS Logic: The Core Principles Reconstruct Market Boundaries … overcome believes. Reach beyond existing Demand … go for uncontested space. Get the strategic sequence right … value [innovation] first. VI COST VALUE
BOS Logic: Get the Strategic Sequence right Buyer utility Is there exceptional buyer utility in your business idea? Adoption What are the adoption hurdles in actualizing your business idea? Are you addressing them up front? Price Is your price easily accessible to the mass of buyers? Cost Can you attain your cost target to profit at your strategic price? A commercially viable Blue Ocean Strategy YES No Rethink
The case of Accor's Formule 1 The value curve of Formule 1 in the French Low Budget Hotel Industry
References W. Chan Kim, Renée Mauborgne, Blue Ocean Strategy, 2005, Havard Business School Press. HANDELSBLATT, Donnerstag, 06. Oktober 2005, Mit Nichtkunden neue Märkte finden.
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