Research Changes Emerging Since The Election - an Overview Research Drinks and Discussion – June 2 nd, 2008
Research Drinks and Discussion June 2, 2008Slide 2 Some New Initiatives 1000 Future Fellows Double the number of APAs (ie + ca 5000 by 2012) Additional (and immediate) Infrastucture Funding Internationalisation of (eg) ARC Fellowship programs Different approach to the ‘independent researcher voice’ Proposed ‘Institutional Compacts’
Research Drinks and Discussion June 2, 2008Slide 3 Some New (and Not So New) Reviews and Challenges Research Assessment/Rankings - ERA = metrics ? National Innovation Review – integration/co-ordination/removing barriers ? Research Training/Careers Review – declining funding/numbers ? Review of Co-operative Research Centres – public good dimension ? Low overall funding - further concentration – the diversity debate ? The Education Endowment Fund – a real opportunity ? ………………………..
Research Drinks and Discussion June 2, 2008Slide 4 RMIT-Wide Researcher Support Initiatives ? * Research Investment Fund – Research Institutes * RMIT PhD Scholarships/APA Top-Ups * Innovation Professors/Tenure Track Post Docs * Emerging Researcher Grants* Research Leave Program * Career Interruption Fellowships* PhD ‘Finishing’ Grants * Grant ‘Readers/Mentors’ Program * International Scholarship opportunities - Vietnam, China, India
Research Drinks and Discussion June 2, 2008Slide 5 Research Partnerships - Vietnam/Australia “…To undertake research and innovation for the benefit of our communities, our research partners, our research staff and students….”
Research Drinks and Discussion June 2, 2008Slide 6 Research Partnerships in Vietnam – Headline 1 An innovative research student program has been established with Vietnamese research students* researching in Vietnam and Australia, and a series of research workshops (2002 through 2006) leading to project partnerships, involving a number of Institutions in Vietnam, in the areas of Environment/Water, Biotechnology, Food Safety and Technology, ICT Aerospace/Aviation and Globalisation/Climate Change
Research Drinks and Discussion June 2, 2008Slide 7 A collaborative scholarship funding package has been formally agreed with the Vietnam Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) and our Vietnamese partner universities involving tuition, living stipend and english language training with support from both RMIT Australia and Vietnam supplementing that provided by MOET. Expect that these agreements will support a group of ca 40 research students by the end of 2008 Research Partnerships in Vietnam – Headline 2
Research Drinks and Discussion June 2, 2008Slide 8 RMIT actively working towards the establishment of a Research Node at RMIT South Saigon. A research co-ordinator was recruited in 2006/7. This Node will provide a base for research activities aligned to RMIT’s new Research Institutes, initially ‘Global Cities’ – with its research foci on Globalization and Climate Change Research Partnerships in Vietnam – Headline 3
Research Drinks and Discussion June 2, 2008Slide 9 Some Other Developments Of Interest Intellectual Property The Federal Court, in a case involving the University of Western Australia, has ruled that it is unlikely that Australian universities have the right in law to ownership of intellectual property arising from the research of their staff. This ruling appears based in part on whether there is a clear expectation (via a contract of employment) that a staff member has a ‘duty to invent’ in addition to a ‘duty to conduct research’. A diversity of HE sector and legal opinion has since emerged concerning the validity of this ruling. It seems likely the University of Western Australia will appeal the ruling. RMIT is keeping a close watching brief with a view to any necessary changes to the RMIT policy around our IP Policy.
Research Drinks and Discussion June 2, 2008Slide 10 University ‘Partnerships’ – A Way Forward ? EgThe WA Mergers ? Melbourne and Monash Uni SA and Australian National University ………………………
Research Drinks and Discussion June 2, 2008Slide 11 The Research Assessment Future The Publish or Perish Addendum
Research Drinks and Discussion June 2, 2008Slide 12 Mix of Unweighted Publications (2005 data – from 2006 DEST/HE Data Collection) % Source : DEST Data
Research Drinks and Discussion June 2, 2008Slide 13 Publish As Often As You Can But Always Publish Wisely Parting Message “Get Cited’