1 Key Action II New Methods of Work and Electronic Commerce Call 7 Enrica Chiozza DG Information Society European Commission Information Society Technologies
2 KA1 Systems & services for the citizen KA3 Multimedia content & tools KA2 New methods of work & Electronic Commerce KA4 Essential technologies & infrastructure Cross Programme actions Research networking Future & emerging technologies The IST RTD Programme Structure
3 Key Action II: New Methods of Work and Electronic Commerce Our Mission Support the development and adoption of novel IST solutions and practices for the digital economy aimed at empowering: individuals, whether as workers, entrepreneurs or consumers *enterprises, whether for profit or not
4 The Digital Economy Players - - Corporations - Value networks - Alliances - SMEs BusinessOrganisations Increasecompetitiveness DynamicMarkets - Individual consumers - Corporate consumers - Users/consumers groups - Commercial relationships Increaseoptions Not-for-profitorganisations - - Administrations - Associations - Interest groups - Charity organisations Increaserespon-siveness The electronic marketplace - - Opportunities for new business - New forms of product trading - Efficient commercial Interactions & brokerage
5 KAII - Strategy Visionary RTD with high potential payoffs medium to high-risk/long-term research Early Exploitation & Broad Adoption Trials, best practice, demonstrators Seek high multiplier effect Consensus building & interoperability Entrepreneurship (e.g. Venture Capital Forum) Socio-economic analysis (e.g. indicators, skills) RTD & Policy supporting each other
6 Key Action II in 2001 II.1.1 Action Lines II.1.2 II.1.3 II.1.4 II.2.1 II.2.2 II.3.1 II.4.1 II.4.2 II.1.5 II.1.6 VIII.x V.x Intelligent Workplaces for All Smart Organisations Dynamic Value Constellations Trust & Security Take-up & Dissemination Knowledge Management Mobility and Ubiquity Socio-Economic Analysis Large-scale Demonstrators Exploratory high-risk/long-term research Support Measures & CPAs IMS Call 6 Call 7 Calls 6+7 Continuous
7 Socio-economic analysis (II.1.1 ) Identify obstacles and opportunity in the digital economy addressing equal opportunity and quality of life Assess demand for new skills and competencies to identify training requirements. Identify obstacle/opportunities for take-up of e-commerce and creation of start-ups in Europe analysis of contractual and liability issues Understand of economic impact of knowledge economy new paradigms, intangible elements, impact on sustainable growth Explore the impact of radically new business scenarios. Accompanying Measures (excluding take-up), R&D, Demonstration and Combined projects Focus To understand better the social, economic, industrial, technological and legal aspects of eWork eBusiness Models, scenarios for future policy technology development strategies deployment User friendliness e-Work & e-Commerce Technologies, implementation strategies for work conditions
8 Exploratory high risk/long term research (II.1.4) Novel concepts relevant to KA II Important industrial, economic and/or societal benefits Interdisciplinary proposals: technological & business innovation R&D, Demonstration and Combined projects Focus Explore visionary concepts with a high potential payoff Short assessment proposals (e.g. one year) Full scale projects Exploitation plans (as relevant for longer-term, exploratory nature of the work)
9 High Impact Take-up, dissemination, and training (II.1.5 ) Trials to validate promising technologies, applications, standards and practices. Best practice pilots To promote broad adoption of novel solutions and practices. Awareness and dissemination actions to facilitate broad adoption of novel solutions and practices Actions to reduce the digital divide promotion and co-ordination of grassroots activities Accompanying measures Enlargement Countries and InCoop Actions to reduce the digital divide, high impact support measures to support the needs of Enlargement countries, measures promoting mutual beneficial co-operation with third countries Trials, Best Practice, Thematic Networks and non-take up accompanying measure Focus Promote adoption and dissemination of novel solutions and practices High impact on regional and sectoral SMEs Broad adoption of results Able to leverage national/regional funds Benchmarking activities Best Practices dissemination, impact assessment
10 “Take-up Measures” “A special kind of support measure aimed at transferring leading-edge as well as established but insufficiently deployed methodologies and technologies to industry and other organisations in order to achieve greater efficiency, higher quality and greater economy” time innovators early adopters early majority Technology Transfer RTD Commercial Phase “T a k e - u p” Currently 60+ take-up projects
11 testing leading-edge IST technologies in real-life contexts to encourage their adoption and further exploitation and redeployment leading-edge technology Initial deployment redeployment leading-edge technology “Take-up Measures” Trials
12 Based on a real domain user application Introducing a leading-edge technology Clear business motivation and benefits envisaged for both user(s) and supplier(s) Emphasis on cushioning the risk and lessons learned User Application Introduction of leading-edge technologies Leading-edge technology Analysis of lessons learned Trial Application “Take-up Measures” Trials
13 Best Practice Actions: an example Technology/service provider(s) User Catalyst User Catalyst Two levels of action local/regional : catalyst working with local SMEs European-level : co-operation between catalysts and SMEs from different regions Catalysts give ‘hands-on’ support to the SMEs lessons learned packaged in business cases then dissemination Real potential for a ‘multiplier effect’ well beyond the project. Users could be catalysts -- broader adoption
14 Structural Funds 2003 Mid-term review WP 2001, 2002, FP6 Operational Programmes Comm Initiatives Innovative Measures (e.g. RISI ) RTD Take-up Activities Go Digital Smart Cards IST Programme eEurope Synergy IST and Structural Funds Current Activities
15 Large scale demonstrators (II.1.6 ) Development of open environment to validate/demonstrate and or benchmark interoperability, scalability, dependability or usability of similar or complementary solutions. Domain of interest end to end IPR management for secure distribution of digital content interoperability of PKI novel solutions and business models for digital interactivities e-procurement financial transactions dispute resolution systems/ e-communities of SMEs/ knowledge management environments for business/ open system for authentication demonstration projects To support the development of large scale demonstrators in business and work settings.
16 Which Proposals Do We Want to Encourage? Visionary scope years from now, addressing real Information Society needs Multiplier effect Benefits beyond project participants Technological, industrial, economic & societal impact Supporting standards & European policies Key players Consortia of appropriate size and composition involving key European players
17 Contact Persons per AL: KAII
18 Call 7bis: Trials of 2.5-3G Mobile Applications and Services Part of an Initiative on 2.5-3G mobile appl’s & serv’s Additional Call, expected in Sep 2001 (in planning, will draw upon WP2001 ALs I.5.4, II.1.5, III.5.2, V.1.3) Addresses all mobile sector actors (service providers, content providers/aggregators (portals), operators, manuf’s, regulators, …) - partnerships essential Objective is to jointly develop and test, on a pan-European scale, innovative 2.5/3G app’s & serv’s Trials
19 Call 7bis: Trials of 2.5-3G Mobile Applications and Services Issues addressed: interoperability/interworking, roaming (between 2.5-3G networks, service roaming), scalability, user identification, billing & payment systems, business models, security, safety, privacy, IPR. Possible services & applications: location-based, personalised, context-sensitive services; m-commerce/ m- business & mobile work; mobile info-/entertainment, learning & access to cultural heritage; mobile health & emergency applications Information Day planned for 19 September
20 For further information …. IST Helpdesk IST Helpdesk Fax : Official Journal (Call Text) - Official Journal (Call Text) - Work Programme - Work Programme - Guide for Proposers - Guide for Proposers - Evaluation Manual - Evaluation Manual