What cellular functions are needed to carry out development?
Divide Grow Differentiate Die Move Adhere Secrete Signal Cell biological properties need to be coordinated in space and time
Where is the “program” for development encoded?
In the genes
Why do different cells behave differently?
Have different genes? Have different histories? Experience different environments? Chance? Have different gene expression states?
Why do different cells behave differently? Have different genes? Have different histories? Experience different environments? Chance? Have different gene expression states?
05_10_Genes_info.jpg Genes Carry out functions
08_03_control.steps.jpg mRNA localization control mRNA turnover control Protein turnover control Protein localization control Regulation of gene expression
08_03_control.steps.jpg mRNA localization control mRNA turnover control Protein turnover control Protein localization control Regulation of gene expression
coding strand Parts of a gene
08_13_gene.activation.jpg Regulation of transcription
Transcription factors
05_24_Chromatin pack.jpg Nucleosomes (histones) package DNA
05_30_histone tails.jpg Histone modifications affect gene expression
08_14_chromatin.struc.jpg Some transcription factors affect histones
08_15_Reg. proteins.jpg Multiple transcription factors regulate most genes
08_18_reporter.gene.jpg Modularity of the Drosophila even-skipped promoter
Coordinated regulation of multiple genes Developmental functions
Signals can regulate activity of transcription factors
08_23_cell.memory.jpg Maintaining gene expression states (a positive feedback loop)
08_24_chromatin.state.jpg Maintaining gene expression states
08_14_chromatin.struc.jpg Some transcription factors affect histones
Maintaining gene expression states – DNA methylation
How does one monitor which genes a particular cell expresses?
10_14_1_Southrn.blotting.jpg Southern blot
10_14_2_Southrn.blotting.jpg Southern blot – DNA on blot Northern blot – RNA on blot
Northern blot hybridization
In situ hybridization of developing flowers with ARF6 probe
From Wildwater et al., Cell 123: (2005) Rb-Related expression in Arabidopsis embryos by in situ hybridization
08_18_reporter.gene.jpg Promoter:reporter fusion gene in a transgenic fly embryo
P ARF6 ::ARF6::GUS fusion expression in flowers and ovules Promoter:protein:reporter fusion gene – reveals protein location
Kosman et al., Science 254: (1991) anti-Snail anti-Twist Immunolocalization of Snail and Twist proteins in Drosophila embryos
Utility of looking at expression of single genes at a time: Markers of cell type, differentiation Visualization of regulatory events Utility of looking at expression of many genes at once: Global view of tissue identity Comparing different tissues or states Global view of regulatory events
Gene chips (microarrays) for assaying global gene expression patterns
Spotted Microarrays PCR products (direct from genome, or from cDNA clones), or oligonucleotides are spotted by capillary action onto a glass microscope slide. Up to ~44,000 features per slide Typically hybridized with 2 differentially labeled samples simultaneously.
The Fordham Hall DNA Microarrayer
Spotted DNA Microarray 18,000 PCR-amplified cDNA clone inserts Printed on poly-lysine coated 1 X 3 inch glass slide Each spot corresponds to a different gene circa 1998
TumorPool of Cell Lines A Typical DNA Microarray Experiment Reference or Control Experimental Sample Lower in Tumor Higher in Tumor
10_15_DNA.microarrays.jpg Microarray technology
increased expression decreased expression
these genes have higher expression in normal tissue than breast cancers these genes have lower expression in basal-like breast cancers than in normal tissue or luminal breast cancers Expression profiling: overall patterns of gene expression can be used in diagnosis Each column is from a different tumor. Each row represents one gene. Rows are clustered by similar expression pattern.
Chu et al., Science 282: (1998) Transcription response during yeast sporulation (1116 out of ~5000 genes changed)
Iyer et al., Science 283: (1999) Transcriptional response of human fibroblasts to serum (~6% of genes on microarray changed)
10_02_cell_sorter.jpg Using a fluorescence- activated cell sorter (FACS) to separate cells
Birnbaum et al., Nature Methods 2, (2005)
K. Birnbaum et al., Science 302: (2003) Global expression map depicting major patterns of gene activity in the Arabidopsis root ~4,000 genes have cell-type- specific expression patterns
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