Mathematics MEAP, MME & Secondary Credit Assessment Program Kyle H. Ward Office of Educational Assessment & Accountability Michigan Educational Assessment Program Michigan Department of Education
6/3/ MEAP; grades Item Development Schedule Jan. 9 th – 11 th – High School Rangefinding Jan. 29 th – High School Bias Sensitivity Committee Jan. 30 th – Feb. 2 nd – High School Content Advisory Committee
6/3/ Item Writing Schedule June 12 th - 14 th – ES, MS, HS July 30 th – Aug. 2 – ES, MS, HS
6/3/ MME Legislation PA 592 of MME inserted into Career and Technical Preparation Act PA 593 of Replaces high school MEAP with MME in School Aid Act PA 594 of Replaces high school MEAP with MME in Postsecondary Enrollment Options Act PA 595 of Replaces high school MEAP with MME for determining Merit Award Scholarships PA 596 of Replaces the high school MEAP with MME in the School Code
6/3/ MME Assessment Design Grade 10: College entrance readiness test (PLAN and PSAT - local school/student choice) Grades 11 and 12: Michigan Merit Examination –English Language Arts - ACT Reading, Writing, and English; WorkKeys Reading for Information; Michigan Social Studies constructed response item –Mathematics - ACT Mathematics; items from ACT Science; WorkKeys Applied Mathematics; Michigan Mathematics –Science - ACT Science; Michigan Science –Social Studies – Michigan Social Studies
6/3/ Components and Score Contributions to MME - Mathematics Contributes to a Mathematics Score ACT Mathematics (60 MC) WorkKeys Applied Mathematics (30 MC) Selected ACT Science items (15 MC) Michigan items (12 MC )
6/3/ Michigan Merit Examination MME Assessment Design Grade 10: College entrance readiness test (PLAN or PSAT - local school/student choice and cost) - for dual enrollment eligibility determination Locally scheduled
6/3/ MME Assessment Administration (Spring 2007) Grades 11 - Spring Administration –March 13 - ACT Plus Writing –March 14 - WorkKeys + Michigan Mathematics –March 14, 15, or 16 - Michigan Science and Social Studies –March 27 - Makeup ACT Plus Writing –March 28 - Makeup WorkKeys + Michigan Mathematics –March 28, 29, or 30 - Makeup Michigan Science and Social Studies Spring 2007 – High school MEAP for 12 th graders only
6/3/ Michigan Merit Exam MME Assessment Design 2007 assessments based on 1995 Michigan Curriculum Frameworks 2008 mathematics assessment will be based on the new High School Content Expectations 2009 science assessment will be based on the Essential Skills portion of the new High School Content Expectations
6/3/ MME Assessment Administration (Fall 2007) Grade 12 - Fall Administration –Saturday, October 27, 2007 (ACT National Test Date) - ACT Plus Writing –Tuesday, October 30, WorkKeys + Michigan Mathematics –October 30, 31, or Nov 1 - Michigan Science and Social Studies
6/3/ Future Administration Dates SessionComponent InitialACT Plus Writing WorkKeys+Math Science & SS 3/11 3/12 3/ /10 3/11 3/ /9 3/10 3/10-12 MakeupACT Plus Writing WorkKeys+Math Science & SS 3/25 3/26 3/ /24 3/25 3/ /23 3/24 3/24-26
6/3/ Key MME Dates December 1, ACT-approved accommodations requests due to ACT for Day 1 Testing (ACT Plus Writing)* January 10, State-allowed accommodations requests due to ACT for Day 1 Testing (ACT Plus Writing)* For Day 2 (WorkKeys + Michigan Mathematics) & Day 2-7 (Michigan Science and Social Studies), tests accommodations should be similar to those approved for Day 1 –Accommodations decisions for Day 2 and Day 2-7 are the local school district responsibility *Dates also apply to home school and non-public school students
6/3/ Key MME Dates June, 2007 –Students receive their reports Regular ACT reports (college-reportable) WorkKeys reports MME score reports –Schools receive ACT, WorkKeys, and MME score reports –MME scores used for EducationYES! accreditation and NCLB AYP accountability purposes
6/3/ MME Future Make sure the MME assessments at all levels are aligned with Michigan’s content standards and content expectations (NCLB requirement) –Use Webb methodology to first determine what assessment augmentation is needed –Select or develop and validate needed assessments –Use Webb methodology to verify alignment
6/3/ MME Future Make sure the MME assessments at all levels are aligned with Michigan’s content standards and content expectations (NCLB requirement) –Submit final information to the U.S. Department of Education (USED) –Obtain USED approval of the changes to assessment at all levels –Use assessment information for EducationYES!
6/3/ Future MME Mathematics Assessments Examine new High School Content Expectations –Determine what part(s) are assessed in ACT Mathematics test –Determine what portions of the remaining content expectations are suitable for state summative assessment –Determine for which content expectations new item development needs to take place –Carry out item development
6/3/ Future MME Mathematics Assessments Pilot test the new items Review and revise the new assessments Field test the items by embedding them in operational forms Using field-test data, assemble the new tests and develop test directions for these new assessments Provide technical and other information to USED to show the technical adequacy of these assessments.
6/3/ Mathematics Design - Future The goal is to create assessments that work together: –Formative assessments for classroom teacher use –Benchmark assessments for district use –Summative assessments for use at the state level
6/3/ SCA Divide the HSCEs into sub-units Assessments based on these sub-units Assessments could be used prior to, during, or after instruction - by teachers or students Students who do poorly can re-learn the material and re-test Assessments created by teachers and curriculum specialists
6/3/ SCA Goals –Help all students learn the HSCEs in an appropriate context and manner Traditional course sequences Integrated courses Applied courses Self-study (obtain credit without taking a course) –Encourage innovative approaches to teaching, learning and assessment to increase student achievement
6/3/ Secondary Credit Assessment; Legislation Senate Bill No “…beginning with pupils entering grade 8 in 2006…” “At least 4 credits in mathematics…of at least algebra I, geometry, and algebra II, or an integrated sequence … 3 credits, and an additional mathematics credit such as trigonometry, statistics, precalculus, calculus, applied math, accounting, business math, or a retake of algebra II. Each pupil must successfully complete at least 1 mathematics course during …final year of high school…”
6/3/ Secondary Credit Assessment; Legislation “A school district…determination of…successfully completed…subject area content expectations…that apply to a credit at least in part on…performance on the assessment …department …or school district
6/3/ Secondary Credit Assessment; Legislation “…school district…shall also grant…credit if the pupil earns a qualifying score, as determined by the department, on the (department) assessments…or determined by the school district…on 1 or more (school district) assessments…
6/3/ Secondary Credit Assessment; Legislation House Bill No If pupil completes 1 or more credits before high school, credit is granted
6/3/ House Bill No OEAA has 3 years to develop/select assessments – 2008 Algebra I, II Geometry Algebra I & Geometry pilot tests in Jan. 2007
6/3/ Personal Curriculum After 2.5 credits completed Total must be at least 3.5 credits 1 credit final year Algebra II modification – only after 2 credits plus one or more: 1 semester Algebra II, take over 2 years, career/tech program with same content
6/3/ Secondary Credit Assessments Develop the secondary course/credit assessments (state, district, and classroom-based assessments) at the same time to assure that the pieces work together to support learning of the content expectations.
6/3/ Secondary Credit Assessment Create a coherent, coordinated assessment system Based on the same High School Content Expectations Provide classroom, benchmark, and end-of-course assessments to local districts for voluntary local district use
6/3/ Future Secondary Credit Assessments High school graduation legislation requires the creation of end-of-course exams Mathematics Secondary Credit Assessments will be created in –Algebra I –Geometry –Algebra II –Data and Statistics –Pre-Calculus
6/3/ Future Secondary Credit Assessments Assessments will be developed for traditional, integrated and applied instruction Legislation requires districts to use an “approved assessment” to certify accomplishment of the course/credit
6/3/ Future SCA Michigan is proposing to create a “formative” credit assessment system so that students can receive credit by passing exams given before, during or after instruction. Assessments would be delivered online so that students could be assessed when the students or the teacher are
6/3/ Future SCA Assessments need to be ready within three years, although some exams will be ready sooner –Algebra I may be ready this year Use is voluntary at the district level
6/3/ How Will Work be Carried Out Develop ISD/RESA teams to sponsor work groups of local educators –Leadership team from one or more ISDs/RESAs –Working groups of teachers and curriculum specialists in the four content areas –Professional development assistance provided by MDE and others –Use other existing resources with an interest in improved instruction and assessment
6/3/ How Will Work be Carried Out There are existing “learning communities,” formal and informal, across the state already engaged in thinking about –How students learn best –How teachers can draw out the best from students –How we know whether students have learned –How educators can learn more about learning, teaching and assessment More such learning communities are needed in the state
6/3/ What work will be done? Develop model instructional lessons that address parts of the high school content expectations Build a variety of assessments within these instructional ideas Try out these lessons and assessments with students MDE: Collect, select and share the ideas
6/3/ Target Provide instructional and assessment ideas across the state no later than Fall 2008 Build an assessment system for use locally Deliver the assessments on an on-going basis, so that students can be assessed before they take a class, as they are taking it, or at the conclusion of it
6/3/ Contact info Kyle Ward (517)