Population Genetics (Ch. 16)
Why should ecologists care about evolution and genetics? Genetics influences who lives, who dies, who mates, whether populations grow or shrink Changes in the environment produce evolutionary responses that can influence ecological responses Genetics can be a big problem for small populations
Genes are made of DNA and carry instructions for making proteins Most organisms have two sets of each chromosome – therefore, two copies of each gene genes come in different variants (alleles) individuals can have one or two alleles for any gene two of the same allele = homozygous two different alleles = heterozygous
Dominant alleles are expressed whether there is one copy or two Recessive alleles must be present in two copies to be expressed
Two sources of new variation in genes: Mutation – accidental change in genetic code, usually during cell division most mutations are harmful rate of mutation is very low Recombination – exchange of genetic material between different chromosomes during meiosis
Gene pool – the sum of all genes in a population Imagine a gene with 2 alleles, A & B: 20 AA homozygotes = 40 A alleles 10 BB homozygotes = 20 B alleles 15 AB heterozygotes = 15 A, 15 B alleles Total gene pool: 55 A, 35 B alleles frequency of A = 55/90 = 0.61 frequency of B = 35/90 = 0.39
The gene pool determines the proportions of genotypes in the next generation.
Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium Frequencies of alleles and genotypes will stay the same from generation to generation given large N random mating no selection no mutation no migration between populations If
With 2 alleles: frequency of allele A = p frequency of allele B = q q + p = 1, so… p = 1 – q At equilibrium, genotype frequencies can be predicted based on allele frequencies: Genotype AA AB BB Frequency p2 2pq q2
Most populations deviate from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium due to: genetic drift assortative mating gene flow selection
Genetic drift – change in allele frequencies due to random chance results in loss of uncommon alleles most important in very small populations Importance of genetic drift is proportional to 1/N
2 times when genetic drift can be important: Founder events – small number of individuals found a new population contain a reduced sample of the alleles in the parent population
Population bottleneck – a large population is reduced to small numbers can occur with highly endangered species
Inbreeding – mating with close relatives Assortative mating – when individuals chose mates nonrandomly with respect to genotype positive assortative mating – like with like negative assortative mating – prefer different genotype Inbreeding – mating with close relatives
Positive assortative mating and inbreeding reduce the number of heterozygotes lead to expression of harmful, recessive mutations Inbreeding is a major problem for small, isolated populations
Spatial variation in gene frequencies Gene flow – movements of alleles between subpopulations Subpopulations often have different allele frequencies due to barriers to gene flow different selection pressures result in locally adapted genotypes
Optimal outcrossing distance
Ecotypes – genetically distinct subpopulations in different locations
Cline – gradual change in a trait over distance
Geographic variation without a cline
Geographic barriers
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Three kinds of natural selection: Stabilizing – intermediate phenotypes are best selection for an optimal phenotype
Directional – more extreme phenotypes (in one direction) do best new optimum for the population
Disruptive – more extreme phenotypes (both directions) do best selection for specialization
Summary of factors influencing genetic variation Forces increasing genetic variation recombination mutation migration Forces reducing genetic variation genetic drift directional and stabilizing selection inbreeding positive assortative mating