together, we reach
BMI Department Tracks Populations Diseases & Patients Cells Molecules Tissues Public Health Informatics Translational & Clinical Research Informatics ClinicalInformatics BiomedicalInformatics
together, we reach L. Frey K. Eilbeck D. Parker Public Health Informatics Translational & Clinical Research Informatics Clinical Informatics B. Bray R. S. Evans S. Huff J. Mitchell S. Narus C. Weir P. Clayton Q. Zeng D. Beaudoin L. Lenhert J. Hales C. Staes J. Facelli P. Haug J. Hurdle S. Meystre D. Sorenson Primary Faculty
together, we reach Public Health Informatics Translational & Clinical Research Informatics Clinical Informatics Adjunct Faculty L. Bowes C. Norlin F. Drews B. Farr M. Heilbrun J. Holmen S. Horn L.M. Lau M. Lincoln N. Staggers S. Thornton R. Wiggins M. Dean M. Egger P. Gesteland B. James M. Poynton F. Nkoy M. Saymore C. Porucznik R. Rolfs S. Williams A. Gundlapelli N. Hulse B. Jackson C. Maloney C. Shyu K. Sward T. Clemmer D. Hughes J. Jones A. Morris K. Rowe M. Williams D. Blumenthal M. Yandell B. Horne K. Smith
together, we reach FIRSTS: First Department of Medical Informatics in U.S. (1972) First PhD granted in Medical Informatics in the U.S. (1965) More that 150 PhDs and 175 Masters degrees granted Utah Population Data Base (genealogy coupled with phenotypic data) Funded to build the first state-wide Master Patient Index in U.S. International leadership in informatics research HELP1 and HELP2 EMRs with clinical decision support Genetics Home Reference: NLM-based, consumer-oriented queries Biosurveillance leader in 2002 Winter Olympic Games Highlights of the Utah Biomedical Informatics Program
together, we reach Collaborations across three large healthcare networks: Intermountain Healthcare, University of Utah, Veterans Administration Technology venture spin-off companies: Myriad Genetics; Theradoc; 3M Medical; and others (in U.S., only MIT has as many spinoffs as Univ. Utah…) Offers traditional research MS and PhD programs as well as: Non-thesis Masters degree (new); Short-term certificate program joint with Nursing Informatics; Traditional post-doctoral research program; Intensive short-term study (for International students, medical students, etc.) Highlights of the Utah Biomedical Informatics Program
together, we reach BMI at the University of Utah 75 active graduate and certificate students 58 faculty 20 with BMI as primary dept. 38 adjunct faculty Active partnership with Utah’s Center for High Performance Computing, including one of the first HIPAA-compliant compute clusters in the U.S.
together, we reach Core Curriculum Foundations of Clinical Informatics Foundations of Bioinformatics Public Health Informatics Biostatistics for Biomedical Informatics Research Methods Ethical Conduct of Research Graduate Seminars (x 4) Research in Progress classes with methods focus (x 4)
together, we reach A CDC-funded Center of Excellence in Public Health Informatics VA CHIR (Consortium For Health Informatics Research) and VINCI (Veterans' Informatics and Computing Infrastructure)—the VA’s first large-scale informatics research projects FURTHeR (Federated Utah Research And Translational Health e-Repository) Intermountain Healthcare’s Warner CCIR (Center For Clinical Informatics Research) Utah Population Database and the Utah All- Payers Database The Homer Clinical Cloud Computing Environment And many more... Major projects conducive to PhD research
together, we reach New Horizons in Informatics It’s happening in Utah!
together, we reach Questions? IPHIE 2010 BryanShanGregJulien
together, we reach Utah BMI Faculty Kristina Allen-Brady: Research Assistant Professor Denise Beaudoin: Assistant Professor (Lecturer) Donald Blumenthal: Adjunct Associate Professor Watson (Len) Bowes III: Adjunct Assistant Professor Bruce Bray: Associate Professor (Clinical) Nicola Camp: Associate Professor Lisa Cannon-Albright: Professor Terry Clemmer: Adjunct Professor J Dean: Adjunct Professor Frank Drews: Adjunct Assistant Professor Marlene Egger: Adjunct Professor Karen Eilbeck: Adjunct Assistant Professor R Scott Evans: Research Professor Julio Facelli: Professor Brad Farr: Adjunct Assistant Professor Lewis Frey: Assistant Professor Reed Gardner: Professor Emeritus Joseph Hales: Associate Professor (Clinical) Peter Haug: Professor Susan Horn: Adjunct Professor Benjamin Horne: Adjunct Assistant Professor Stanley Huff: Professor (Clinical) Dana Hughes: Adjunct Assistant Professor John Hurdle: Associate Professor Brian Jackson: Adjunct Assistant Professor Brent James: Adjunct Professor Lee Min Lau: Adjunct Assistant Professor Christopher Maloney: Adjunct Assistant Professor Stéphane Meystre: Research Assistant Professor Joyce Mitchell: Professor Alan Morris: Adjunct Professor Scott Narus: Assistant Professor Dennis Parker: Professor Christina Porucznik: Adjunct Assistant Professor Mollie Poynton: Adjunct Assistant Professor Robert Rolfs Adjunct Assistant Professor Kerry Rowe: Adjunct Assistant Professor Matthew Samore: Adjunct Professor Ken Smith: Adjunct Professor Dean Sorenson: Research Assistant Professor Catherine Staes: Assistant Professor (Lecturer) Nancy Staggers: Adjunct Associate Professor Katherine Sward: Adjunct Assistant Professor Alun Thomas: Professor Sidney Thornton: Adjunct Assistant Professor Homer Warner: Professor Emeritus Charlene Weir: Research Associate Professor Dwayne Westenskow: Adjunct Professor Richard Wiggins: Adjunct Assistant Professor Scott Williams: Professor (Clinical) Mark Yandell: Adjunct Associate Professor Qing Zeng: Associate Professor.