マスタ サブタイトルの書式設定 3/10/09 Report on Application Technology Area Koji OKAMURA Kyushu University, Japan
3/10/09 Area Meeting of Application Technology on 5th (Thu) Medical – Dr. Shimizu(JP), Dr. Han(KR) HDTV – Prof. Kim JW (KR) eScience – Stanley (SG) Middleware – Nate Klingenstein (NL) eCulture – Dr. Suhaimi Napis (MY) Status Report Every WG are healthy and doing really good jobs. Discussion
3/10/09 Each WG overview Medical – has constant case studies at every APAN meetings. – has case studies except APAN meetings, too. HDTV – extends activities with other countries. eScience – continues with new Chair. Middleware – investigates Applications. eCulture – spreads their interest very much. eCulture for Foods
3/10/09 Overview of Discussion: Overlapping Medical HDTV eScience Middleware eCulture HD over IP Authentication Smart Hardware Similar topics are discussed and researched at various WG. It’s time re-organization? Re-organization is good for beginner but it’s not sure for current WG community. Co-location session for common technology/topics without changing current WG. Grid Technology
Schedule for APAN-TW Mar 4 (Wed) Mar 5 (Thu) AM-1 AM-2 PM-1 PM-2 Activity report Remote medicine Healthcare* -test Network update CanalAVIST -test Surgery demo* * Live teleconference
Tokyo/J P Surgery teleconference at APAN- TW Singapore/S G Manila/P H Kaohsiung/T W Mumbai/IN Barcelona/ES Fukuoka/J P
Click to edit the outline text format Second Outline Level Third Outline Level Fourth Outline Level Fifth Outline Level Sixth Outline Level Seventh Outline Level Eighth Outline Level Ninth Outline Level マスタ テキ ストの書式設定 第 2 レベル 第 3 レベル 第 4 レベル » 第 5 レベル Major events ahead : APAN-TW and CMEA-1 (Kaohshing) 3.13: EGCC-5 (KUH-Siriraj-SJTH-ChoRay?) : TAGE & APHPBA (Bangkok) : Japan Surgical Association (Fukuoka) 4.9: JKT-6 (KUH-K2RCH-HYU-NTU) 5.13: Live surgery for medical students (Bundang-KUH) : Rome Live Surgery (Italy) : Shanghai Live (KUH-SJTH-etc) :APAN-MY (Kuala Lumpur) 8.29: KSGE ESD Live demo (Korea-Japan) : IASGO-Surgical Olympics (Beijing) : 24th International Workshop on Therapeutic Endoscopy (HK)
Annual congress of Japan Surgical Society One of the largest medical congress in Japan. Congress President: Prof. Tanaka
Planed Teleconference events at JSS April 2nd (Thu) AM: Pancreatic surgery (Bangkok, Manila) PM: Colorectal surgery (Sydney, Mumbai) April 3rd (Fri) AM: Bariatric surgery(Adelaide, Singapore ) PM: Gastric surgery (Shanghai, Hong-Kong) April 4th (Stu) AM: Respiratory surgery(Asan (Korea), Taipei )
First plan for APAN-MY 20 (M) AM-1 AM-2 Lunch PM-1 PM-2 Plenary WG Health* * Live teleconference July 21 (T)22 (W)23 (Th) Set-up test Network Remote Endosc* Activity Surg*
1111 HDTV WG Objective (Revised on ) 1. Collaborate on the development of HDTV delivery technology over regional & international R&D networks 2. Construct the HDTV-enabled advanced media distribution infrastructure by deploying the developed HDTV toolkit 3. Share and promote the distribution of HDTV contents over the media distribution infrastructure 4. Assist application and user communities to enable HDTV-supported collaboration
1212 HDTV WG Milestones (Revised on ) HDTV Delivery Toolkits Collaborations 1. MPEG-2/MS VC1/AVC Compressed HD (5-25 Mbps) 2. DVCPRO HD (100Mbps) 3. HDCAM Compressed (270Mbps) 4. Uncompressed HD (sub Gbps ~ 1.5 Gbps) Multi-channel High-quality Audio Delivery Toolkits Software Echo Cancellation Multicast-based HDTV distribution infrastructure (linking servers and clients) HDTV contents sharing WWW Portal
마스터 부제목 스타일 편집 Contact: Chair JongWon Kim (GIST) HDTV WG
Middleware WG Update Nate Klingenstein Internet2 APAN 27 高雄台湾, March 5, 2009
1616 Federated Identity is Spreading Education Shibboleth, millions of users from 30+ countries Government U.S., New Zealand, Denmark, more Business to Consumer OpenID, Facebook Connect Business to Business Google Apps, salesforce.com, SAML 2.0 ISOC, IETF
1717 APAN Deployment Large U.S. deployment But not the world’s biggest Japan building rapidly 30 IdP’s, 18 SP’s China CARSI Testbed Funding status uncertain New Zealand, Australia AAF Interest: Taiwan, Korea, Malaysia
1818 Identity in the Grid and Network Some native models, particularly using certificates 802.1X, eduroam Some models integrated with enterprises and the web Most not, but many projects in Europe to address this
1919 Middleware Needs Applications Middleware is useless without apps Applications benefit from middleware Centralized authentication Centralized attributes Improved usability Improved security Poor job communicating with applications in APAN
マスタ サブタイトルの書式設定 3/10/09 APAN eCulture WG in Kaohsiung Mar 3, 2009 At Hi-Lai Grand Hotel Kaohsiung, Taiwan
3/10/09 APAN eCulture’s Trajectory 1. 18th APAN meeting, eCulture BOF July 5, 2004 in Cairns, Australia 1. 19th APAN, eCulture Workshop Jan. 26, 2005 in Bangkok, Thailand 1. 20th APAN, eCulture Workshop Aug. 24, 2005 in Taipei, Taiwan 1. 21st APAN, eCulture Workshop Jan. 23, 2006 in Tokyo (Akihabara), Japan
3/10/09 eCulture Working Group 5. 22nd APAN July 19, 2006 in Singapore 6. 23rd APAN Jan 25, 2007 in Manila, Philippine 7. 24th APAN Aug 30, 2007 in Xian, China 8. 25th APAN Jan 23, 2008 in Honolulu, USA 9. 26th APAN Aug 5, 2008 in Queenstown, NZ th APAN Mar 3, 2009 in Kaohsiung, Taiwan
3/10/09 Presentations DatePlace Number of Presentations July, 2004Cairns9 Jan, 2005Bangkok13 Aug, 2005Taipei9 Jan, 2006Tokyo8 July, 2006Singapore9 Jan, 2007Manila5 Aug, 2007Xian8 Jan, 2008Honolulu6 Aug, 2008Queenstown7 Mar, 2009Kaohsiung8 Total: 82
3/10/09 Presentations by Country July, 2004 Jan, 2005 Aug, 2005 Jan, 2006 July, 2006 Jan, 2007 Aug, 2007 Jan, 2008 Aug, 2008 Mar, 2009 Tota l Cairns Bangk ok TaipeiTokyo Singap ore ManilaXian Honol ulu Queens - town Kaohsi ung Japan Thailand Korea USA Taiwan Malaysia New Zealand 3 3 China 1 1 Singapore 1 1 Australia 1 1 France 11 Total:
3/10/09 Session 1: Activities on the Internet: landscape from yet another broader viewpoint Session-Chair: Yoshinori, Sato Tohoku Gakuin University, Japan. 1. Helmut Prendinger, National Institute of Informatics, Japan. “Collaboration and Control in Participatory Agriculture: A Second Life Based Approach.” 2. Michiko Yoshii, Ph.D. & Ichiro Nakagawa, Ph.D. Mie University, Japan. “Caring for Street Children in Vietnam: An International Effort to Collaborate and Support. ”
3/10/09 Session 1: Activities on the Internet: landscape from yet another broader viewpoints 3. [Skype] Sunguan Huang, Graduate Institute of Interdisciplinary Art. “Integrating field stories & digital archive.” 3. Seishi Ninomiya, NARO and University of Tsukuba, Japan. “Agriculture and Technologies.”
3/10/09 Session 2: IECP: International Exciting Computer Project Session-Chair: Ichiro Nakagawa, Mie University, Japan 1. Masayuki Hirafuji, NARO and University of Tsukuba, and Group D-O (Artists in Kasama), Japan. “Computing and Culture.” 1. Noriyuki Aibe, University of Tsukuba. “Free hardware project using FPGA.”
3/10/09 Session 2 : ICEP: International Exciting Computer Project 3. Joy Tang, One Village Foundation. “Open Hardware Project.” 3. Xavier Carcelle, OpenPattern SARL, France. “ The OMRP : A full open-source FPGA- based router board from OpenPattern. ”
3/10/09 Kuala Lumpur Meeting By April 15, 2009 Traditional and/or Historical Issues ▫ E_culture WGs session joined under Digital and Heritage Grid Technologies of GridDotMy2009 ▫ Topics Tangible/intangible heritage, focusing on South-East Asia ▫ Food Culture Education: Youths Culture and Commerce