PLEXIA Electronic Medical System Security
Plexia Security Plexia deals with highly confidential data and we strive to provide robust security procedures in all aspects of Plexia Data are properties of physician users Access through physician user only Completely exportable in Excel®, CSV, and plain text formats upon request within 2 working days
Plexia Security Framework Secure 128-bit connections To protect sensitive data through secure data transmission (VPN & SSL) Firewall & AntiVirus Enterprise quality firewall and fully automated antivirus package Microsoft ASP.NET Security To only allow authenticated users to proceed into Plexia Plexia Security To only allow active Plexia users with correct username and password Plexia Privileges To only allow Plexia users with authorized privileges to view billings or certain sections of Plexia data
Plexia System Settings Users given Administrator privileges can change other users’ settings such as: Billing Privileges Privileges in other sections User Credentials (enable/disable account, password, etc) In addition, Administrators can also change customized settings of Plexia itself.
Plexia User Settings Enable/Disable Account Expiry Locked Out Accounts Password Expiry Reset Password Default Printer
Plexia Groups & Privileges User Groups Privileges Read, Write, Update, Delete
Plexia Billing Privileges Give specific users read, write, update or delete access to specific physician’s billings.
For more information on PLEXIA, please contact us: PLEXIA Electronic Medical Systems Inc. Suite 204 5678 Granville St. Vancouver, BC website: email: phone: 604.269.3733