Global brand propositions – internationalization v localization. The ‘Key’ model.
The ‘core’ brand values – what the brand is fundamentally about can be thought of as the shaft of a key. These are the foundations of the proposition and relatively unchanging and are usually emotionally rooted..
Then we have a set of subsidiary, but nonetheless important brand values. These are often the most visible elements of the proposition. They are normally associated with more declarative and pragmatic dimensions of the brand offer.
These brand values will also be reflected by values in the respective markets. The proposition must carry values that are important to its audience.
However, these brand values, while they may be common across the majority of markets will not carry the same importance in each. Where environmental credentials may be very important to one market, they may be less important in another. Size may be reassuring to one country but irrelevant to another.
To be successful, the brand must adjust its proposition from market to market. Let me emphasise, the brand’s values do not change, but the proposition must recognise the difference in relative importance of these values to the local markets. The values are international but the propositions can be local to varying degrees. The key is still the same just cut slightly differently to fit the lock.
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