Flavor Physics from R-parity Violation Eung Jin Chun Korea Institute for Advanced Study ICFP2005, NCU, Chung-li, Oct.3-8
Flavor physics from RpV The MSSM with R-parity violation Experimental limits/future signals (?) Collider searches Neutrino masses and mixing Conclusions
The MSSM with R-parity violation Supersymmetric Standard Model SU(3)xSU(2)xU(1) gauge invariance allows L & B violation antisymmetric L & B conserving superpotential L or B violating superpotential = parameters
The MSSM with R-parity violation L & B violation leads to proton decay R-parity: -1 for supersymmetric particles +1 for SM particles Lightest Supersymmetric Particle stable and a good dark matter candidate Conserves L & B
The MSSM with R-parity violation B-parity : -1 for quark superfields +1 for others LSP destabilized by L violation Conserves only B L-parity : -1 for lepton superfields +1 for others LSP destabilized by B violation String origin of discrete symmetries: anomaly-free condition selects out two possibilities Z 2 R-parity & Z 3 B-parity Conserves only L Ibanez-Ross
Experimental Limits B-violation
Experimental Limits L-violation
Experimental Limits L-violation
Experimental Limits L-violation
Manifestation in B/K physics? K ! Deshpande, et.al., 04 B ! puzzle Oh’s talk B ! puzzle Yang, et.al., 05
Manifestation in B/K physics? Wrong-sign K EJC-Lee, 02 In SM,
Summary of limits Single bound Product bound
Collider Searches Single sparticle production and decay :, ’ > Sparticle pair production and decay :, ’ < 10 -3
Kamon’s talk at SUSY05
Kamon’s talk at SUSY05
Collider Searches: Bilinear RpV Neutrino-neutralino / lepton-chargino mixing Same-sign di-leptons
Neutrino mass matrix from RpV Neutrino-Neutralino mass matrix (7x7) Tree Mass from neutrino-neutralino mixing One-loop Neutrino-gaugino mixing Neutrino-Higgsino mixing Hepmfling, Romao et.al., Kong et.al, …….
Neutrino mass matrix from RpV Tree Mass via weak scale seesaw Hierarchical neutrino mass
Neutrino mass matrix from RpV Scalar lepton-Higgs mixing by scalar bilinears One-loop with, e.g., sneutrino-neutralino exchange Loop Mass from Bilinears Vanishes with universality
Neutrino mass matrix from RpV One-loop with sbottom/stau exchange Loop Mass from Trilinears & Yukawas
Non-universal SUSY breaking Bilinear model with 9 parameters Free to fit neutrino mass matrix Tree for Atm. & Loop for Sol. Test in colliders: LFV decays of LSP measure the neutrino mixing angles
Universal SUSY breaking GMSB or mSUGRA Universal soft mass at high scale Bilinear model cannot explain bilarge mixing Consider 5 trilinear couplings Tree mass through RGE
mSUGRA models Loop-to-tree mass ratio is too small due to large RGE effect Need some tuning to get a mild hierarchy of neutrino mass Easy to arrange two large & one small mixing angles Jung-Kang-Park-EJC,04
mSUGRA models General behavior of arbitrary points for neutrino m 2 ratio
mSUGRA models Fitting the masses and Chooz angle Fitting two large angles Ranges of allowed RpV parameters Measure from LSP decay gap Check the ratios from LFV decay
mSUGRA models Collider signatures: neutralino LSP
mSUGRA models Collider signatures: neutralino LSP
Conclusions B or L violation may exist with SUSY. It leads to rich flavor structure: only limits at present. Still, large RpV is not excluded and thus may manifest in B/K or collider expts. Most exciting is the generation of neutrino mass matrix requiring small couplings. By observing the LSP decays at colliders, RpV neutrino model can be tested.