Company Overview
2 Safe Harbor Statement This presentation contains forward-looking statements, including statements regarding the company's plans and expectations regarding the development and commercialization of fuel cell technology. All forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected. The forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this presentation. The company expressly disclaims any obligation or undertaking to release publicly any updates or revisions to any such statements to reflect any change in the company's expectations or any change in events, conditions or circumstances on which any such statements are based.
3 Overview 66% of the world’s electricity was from fossil fuels in Wind and solar are providing approximately 2% of total electricity due to intermittent nature² Environmental needs driving ultra- clean power generation solutions Ability to reduce energy cost and CO2 dependent on increasing energy efficiency… 1. Energy Information Administration, “International Energy Outlook 2007, p International Energy Agency, Key World Energy Statistics 2007, p. 24. Global demand for electric power expected to grow from 16.4 to 27.1 trillion kWh by 2025¹ U.S Data from
4 Global Opportunity U.S., South Korea, and Europe regard clean energy technology development and deployment as a key economic driver South Korea setting aside $85 billion for new RES program and U.S. allocated nearly $10 billion from ARRA for clean energy projects Wind and solar are good intermittent solutions but fuel cell power plants provide ultra-clean, highly-efficient, baseload power Nuclear and coal-burning central generation are difficult to site and costly Large-scale projects difficult to finance Distributed clean energy generation answers the need for efficient, economical clean power when and where needed DFC power plants are designed to efficiently use fuels to reduce carbon and other emissions The world is undergoing a fundamental shift in how it develops and deploys new power generation
5 Overview Higher electrical efficiency than competing technologies Near-zero NOX, SOX and low CO2 emissions Reliable, secure, 24/7 uninterrupted power Competitive economics Cleaner & quieter operation Fuel flexibility Connects to existing electric and fuel infrastructure More control over power costs, emissions, and reliability San Diego Sheraton, CA FCE is uniquely positioned to capture the commercial, industrial and utilities clean power generation market
6 High Electrical Efficiency is the Key to Customer Value In power generation all fuel ends up as electricity or heat Fuel 12 – 16 cents/kWh 0.5 – 2 cents/kWh Electricity Heat Electricity is worth 6 to 30 times as much as heat High Electrical Efficiency
7 DFC power plants offer the highest efficiency of any distributed generation technology High Electrical Efficiency Fuel to Electrical Efficiency 60% 40% 20% 30% 50% 10% Micro- turbines 25 – 30% Small Gas Turbines 25 –35% Natural Gas Engines 30 – 42% DFC-ERG DFC/Turbine 58 – 65% Direct FuelCell (DFC) 47%
8 Grid Support, RPS 10 MW MW 300 kW Typical Applications Average-Sized Grocery Stores, 300-Bed Hotels 300-Bed Hospitals, Manufacturing, Universities 1000-Bed Hotels, Convention Centers, Wastewater Treatment, Food/Beverage 2.8 MW
9 Competitive Advantages Distributed generation puts power where needed Increases power reliability Near-zero emissions allow siting in polluted urban areas Reduces need for central generation plants Relieves grid congestion and need for new transmission lines Distributed generation enables smart grid Balances the grid with 24/7 power Meets need for low carbon technology Smaller projects enable faster execution Fuel cell power plants enable broad distributed generation 600 kW at M&L Commodities
10 Case Study Challenge: –Produce clean power from onion processing byproducts Solution: –600 kW of fuel cells provide 24/7 power and high efficiency –Uses anaerobic digester gas from onion juice –Fuel cell waste heat used in anaerobic digester process Results: –Provides 35-45% of Gills Onions’ electricity Gills Onions wanted renewable power from its own operations
11 Case Study Sharp – one of the world’s largest solar panel makers – needed 24/7 power for its “Super Green Factory” Challenge: – Sharp wanted 24/7 power for its new “Super Green” flat screen TV factory Solution: – 1 MW of fuel cells provide near-zero emissions and high efficiency – Waste heat fed to absorption chiller provides air conditioning Results: – Largest fuel cell installation in Japan – Installation provides annual energy savings – Saves ~3,000 tons of CO2 – Called Sharp’s “Crown Jewel” plant in NY Times ad
12 Case Study Challenge: – Find clean energy solution for Korea where wind and solar are not ideal Solution: – DFC fuel cells provide 24/7 baseload power with near-zero emissions – Electricity fed to the grid – Byproduct heat can provide building heat and air conditioning Results: – 23 MW DFC power plants installed – All grid-connected – Providing clean electricity, heat and air conditioning to nearby buildings – Capable of up to 90% efficiency South Korea initiated Green New Deal
13 Build Multi-Megawatt and RPS Markets Path to Profitability Strategy Leadership Key Geographies Product Cost Reductions Build On-site Markets
14 Markets 97 MW installed/backlog – Japan/Korea: 72 MW – California/West Coast: 17 MW – Northeast/Canada: 5 MW – Europe: 2 MW Targeted applications – Grid Support: 69 MW – Renewable/Wastewater: 9 MW – Manufacturing: 7 MW – Hotels: 3 MW – University & Hospitals: 2 MW – Government: 5 MW – DFC-ERG: 2 MW Market Leadership
15 MW-Class: Asia Asia adopting distributed generation S. Korea declared fuel cells a key economic driver POSCO Power ordered over 68 MW Latest 30 MW order worth $58 million New licensing agreement permits POSCO to assemble fuel modules from our components POSCO paid $10 million licensing fee, 4.1% royalty Korean RES pending – 4.3% by ,800 MW –11% by ,150 MW POSCO BOP Manufacturing Plant World’s 1 st DFC3000 Installation in Korea
16 MW-Class: California California is a leader in clean energy deployment 55% of electricity generation in California is from natural gas Large installed base Largest deployment of biogas fuel cells in the world Coal and nuclear central generation not welcome Distributed generation deployment favored SGIP extended to 2015 –$200 million currently available Feed-in-tariffs could encourage new clean energy generation 1 MW at California State University, Northridge
17 MW-Class: Connecticut Connecticut has RPS requiring 20% from clean generation by 2020 Fuel cells on natural gas meet RPS Total 43.5 MW of awards –18.8 MW DFC-ERG –14.3 MW multi-unit DFC3000 with organic rankine cycle –7.2 MW multi-MW hospital projects –3.2 MW DFC/Turbine Working multiple paths to finance Projects should be eligible for ITC Grants and DOE loan guarantee program 1.2 MW DFC1500 at Pepperidge Farm Bakery in Bloomfield, CT
18 Wastewater Market Wastewater treatment facilities and food/beverage processors are growing source of renewable biogas Burning biogas in turbines and engines produces pollution Fuel cells produce ultra-clean electricity with biogas more efficiently than any other distributed generation solution their size Byproduct heat used in treatment process increasing system efficiency up to 90% ~40% of FuelCell Energy’s California installations and backlog are at wastewater facilities 1 MW DFC1500 at a wastewater treatment facility in southern CA
19 MW-Class: DFC-ERG DFC-ERG designed for pipeline letdown operations –Byproduct heat warms gas to prevent freezing –Energy from pressure letdown fed to turbine –Excess electricity sold to the grid Result is ~60% electrical efficiency Improved economics and lower carbon emissions First site commissioned in Toronto 4 sites pending under Connecticut RPS program Market estimated at MW in Toronto, California and the Northeast U.S. Global opportunity 2.2 MW DFC-ERG in Toronto
20 Our product costs are declining while grid power costs are increasing Cost of Electricity
21 DFC3000 Cost Savings Gross margin profitable MW-class units began production in July 2009 Captured Cost Reduction from Technology Uprate 20% Value Engineering 54% Supply Chain Management 13% Service Process Improvement 4% Manufacturing Process Improvement 9% Future Cost Reductions to Less Than $2000/kW Value Engineering & Mfg. Process Improvement 21% Power Uprate 29% Volume Related Manufacturing Improvement 14% Volume Related Sourcing 14% Global Sourcing 22%
22 Revenues
23 Backlog
24 Production Capabilities Production and delivery capabilities meet current demand State-of-the-art manufacturing in Torrington, CT 70 MW capacity Production rate of 30 MW/year Strong supply chain in place Expansion plan to achieve 150 MW capacity Torrington, CT Danbury, CT
25 Summary Product performance expanding markets Customers/applications providing repeatable order flow in Asia, California, Connecticut RPS and South Korean markets creating multi-MW volume Established manufacturing capability to meet current and future demand Recent $24 million raise and $25 million POSCO Power investment provide strong balance sheet Cost reduction and volume on path to profitability Pohang, Korea