All Campus Meeting March 8, 2002 Operating Funds, Staffing and Enrollment Information
Operating Expenditures & Grants by Funding Source Total Expenditures $33,527,477
Operating Expenditures and Grants by Program Areas Instruction$17,070,83751 % Academic Support Services$ 1,654,018 5 % Libraries$ 1,061,948 3 % Student Services$ 2,798,220 8 % Admin/Management$ 4,370,28213 % Plant Ops and Maintenance$ 2,670,236 8 % Grants and Contracts$ 3,901,93512 % Total$33,527,477
Operating Expenditures and Grants by Program Areas Total Expenditures $33,527,477
General Fund Expenditures by Type - exc. Grants & Contracts Salaries and Benefits$24,432,976 82% Personal Services$ 20,546.1% Goods & Services$ 3,865,69213% Travel$ 120,213.4% Fixed Assets/Equipment$ 660,6602% Debt Service$ 368,3671.5% Other$ 157,0871% Total Expenditures$29,625,541
General Fund Expenditures by Type - Excluding Grants & Contracts Total General Fund Expenditures $ 29,625,541
($2,500) ($2,000) ($1,500) ($1,000) ($500) $ Where Has all the Revenue Gone? (Reductions to General Fund revenue since 1993) Other I-747 – Property Tax Limits I-728 – Lottery & State Property Taxes to K-12 Ref 49 – License Tab Reduction Ref 47 – Property Tax Reduction Hi Tech Incentives/Manuf. & Equipment Exemption Repeal of 1993 B&O Increases In millions