1 Emergency Planning Simulation 2 1.The timer is more psychological than actual. There is no time limit. However, can total lapsed time be determined and used in a scoring system? 2.If possible I would like to use the actions for scoring. Like a multiple choice test. The correct actions are cumulative. Correct actions could increase increase the score (I.e., +5, wrong actions lower score, -5, or terminate the game) Unless the student does something wrong, the minor mistakes could result in a lower score, and/or a discussion at the end, or at a minimum the correct choices and why. An incorrect action that could result in a fatality should result in game over. For example:, Graphic (skull and crossbones?) the wording responders collapses and dies of ammonia exposure Residents vacate their homes and are overcome by the ammonia cloud Collapse/die Wreck car/die 3.Feed back at the end of the game will include: a final score classification (like a grade) discussion of correct answers 4.Correct answers ( and those that lead to death follow )
2 Select the initial actions Go see the cloud and determine the source Secure area using police Set up a command center upwind Set up a command center downwind (- 5 points) Search for survivors Sound the public warning system system sirens Hyperlink to a screen that has the then the reason
3 Select the actions Go see the cloud and determine the source Confirm that all access points have been secured Search the site for survivors Sound the public warning system system sirens Obtain a map of Minot from PLO Have engineer and the shipping papers brought to command center Call the Hazardous Materials (Haz-Mat)Team out Monitor wind direction
4 Site Safety officer: Select the actions Monitor the air for ammonia and set up a monitoring protocol Obtain a MSDS Convene Recon Team (hyperlink to following questions) –Discuss hazards of ammonia and symptomology of exposure –When breakfast will be served –Establish retreat ammonia concentrations –Decontamination procedures –Cautions about other potential hazmat issues –Proper PPE –Fire procedures (- 5 points) –Containment procedures (- 5 points) –Rescue procedures (- 5 points) Monitor the wind direction Communicate with press and residents (- 5 points)
5 Site Logistics: Select the actions Provide and assist with PPE Provide decon supplies Provide release containment equipment Assist in recon procedures (- 5 points) Provide responder support supplies (hyperlink to following questions) –Fluid replacement options –Coffee –Blankets –Line for Sundays football games (- 5 points) –Cold weather gear –Food –Shelter Obtain temporary power and lighting Obtain port a potties Stay in the command center contact contractors (- 5 points)
6 Site Reconnaissance: Select the actions Contact engineer for shipping papers Dispatch two recon teams (2 people each) to approach the site up from command center and 1.5 miles downwind to monitor air Use infrared scanners to search for survivors If survivors are unconscious administer CPR Rescue any survivor and bring them to the command center Recon members will use full body protection and SCBA Recon members will use fire departments turn out gear (- 5 points) Stay in the command center and use binoculars (- 5 points)
7 Incident Commander: Select the actions Sent Fire Department to residence (- 5 points) Continue Recon to the leaking tankers (- 5 points) Continue monitoring at perimeter of cloud (3 ppm) Sent Fire Department to residence with Recon assistance to monitor ammonia concentrations Have Recon attempt to identify leaking liquid Sound the public warning system system sirens Have police identify possible evacuation routes Notify railroad to re-route traffic Have communications (hyperlink to following questions) –Contact FEMA (- 5 points) –Contact EPA (- 5 points) –Contact the Coast Guard (- 5 points) –Contact mutual aid for progress Have Safety Officer (hyperlink to following questions) –Contact the local hospital and inform them of ammonia release –Forward MSDS to hospital –Work with medical for first aid protocols