Experiment Design On Interacting with Mobile Devices
Design your experiment! Goal: How does the mobile context affect a person’s ability to navigate the web on a mobile device?
The actual experiment Oulasvirta et al. “Interaction in 4-Second Bursts: The Fragmented Nature of Attentional Resources in Mobile HCI, ACM CHI Link to full text Link to full text Field study Hypothesis: Competition for attention should be most pronounced in mobile situations that demand visual and motor capacity. Therefore: – Busy street > Escalator > Café > Laboratory.
Participants and Design 28 participants in 2 age groups Within-subjects design, 4 groups: – Counter balanced route direction (normal or reverse) – Counter balanced web browsing task order (normal or reverse) Focus on events during page loadings – Because you need to keep an eye on the page to determine when it is loaded, but can also attend to the environment (expect lots of attention switching)
Results: Attentional Strategies