FIA National Users Group Meeting – 8 December 2004 FIA 2007-11 Strategic Plan Greg Reams National Program Leader Forest Inventory & Analysis 1601 North.


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Presentation transcript:

FIA National Users Group Meeting – 8 December 2004 FIA Strategic Plan Greg Reams National Program Leader Forest Inventory & Analysis 1601 North Kent St. Arlington, VA

FIA National Users Group Meeting – 8 December 2004 States with Full Annual FIA in FY 2005 Puerto Rico Virgin Islands Guam Palau American Samoa FS Micronesia

FIA National Users Group Meeting – 8 December 2004 Structure of FIA Virtual national program using collaborative decision-making among partner programs, and FIA regional units. Regional and national user group meetings for feedback and potential directions Three levels of management Executive level--policy Management level—operations Technical level—technical solutions

FIA National Users Group Meeting – 8 December 2004 Recent Progress In FY 2005 Funding up $5 million over FY 2004 (before rescission) In FY 2004 Federal funding was $56.7 million Partner contributions exceeded $10 million $4.5 million in “carryover” helped jump start WV and ID and finish National Information Mgmt System (NIMS) Operated in 44 states 76% of U.S. (including interior Alaska) + 5 Islands Ver. 2.0 of Field Guide released Jan 2004 In FY ,000 P2 plots & 3,700 P3 plots 1,450 consultations with users, up 41% from FY ,000 web downloads, up 20% from FY 2002

FIA National Users Group Meeting – 8 December 2004 FIA Program Customers National and State forest policy planners Forest Service officials State Foresters Industry and consultants Environmental organizations International reporting organizations Researchers Journalists Private citizens

FIA National Users Group Meeting – 8 December 2004 Staying the Course of 1999 Plan Three phase program, P1-remote sensing, P2-ground plots, P3-forest health indicators National Woodland Owner Survey Timber Products Output P3 is 1/16 th of P2 One P2 plot per 6000 ac Consistent core set of field measurements across the U.S. 10% in west, 15% in east, 20% P3 nationwide States and FS forests can “buy down” or “fund specific measurements” Annual data compilations 5-year state reports, FS forest reports TBD

FIA National Users Group Meeting – 8 December 2004 Staying the Course Two priorities for FY 2005 and FY 2006: “No State Left Behind” “Lose No Ground” Strategic plan assumes full implementation of annualized FIA in all 50 states; special approaches for interior Alaska and islands Focus group meeting May 10 and 11 on approaches to national implementation without full funding.

FIA National Users Group Meeting – 8 December 2004 What About FY 2006 ?? OMB continues to be very favorably impressed with FIA program accountability Annual Business Summaries “score” exceptionally well Logic model giving us another boost With President’s Budget increase of million FIA will complete implementation in all 50 states.

FIA National Users Group Meeting – 8 December 2004 President’s Budget FY2006

FIA National Users Group Meeting – 8 December 2004 Work in Progress Better integration of advanced satellite imagery Working on next NLCD with USGS/EROS Faster, more accurate change detection Working with RSAC on several projects Cover type, burn severity, high resolution interpretation More & better web tools for users to customize their own analyses Add geospatial components Add ability to create unique data layers Small area estimation Better linkages to pressing policy questions Fire and fuels analyses (LANDFIRE) Habitat, Forest Plan Implementation and Monitoring, Sustainability reporting, and certification

FIA National Users Group Meeting – 8 December 2004 Feedback From Users Key principle: Limit additional measurements; expand and deepen analyses A host of suggested improvements: Move into urban areas; all land with trees Broaden coverage of health issues; invasives Deeper analyses; wildlife habitat quality Intensify the grid; both public and private lands Move into range land; all-vegetation inventory Broaden coverage of linear features; riparian

FIA National Users Group Meeting – 8 December 2004 Enhancements Techniques research-indicator development, sampling & estimation, small area/tactical assessments, geospatial tools Synchronize P2 & P3 plot schedules Remote sensing/spatial techniques-LIDAR applications in low change/high cost areas Increased analytical capability Regional and state specific issues Wildlife habitat analyses Deeper ownership analyses National analyses (carbon stocks, land use & cover change) Sustainability assessments (indicators of sustainability) Legacy data recovery Enhanced Tropical Forestry (vegetation sampling for exotics) Partnerships with other federal programs NASA, NOAA, USGS, NLCD, NRCS Natural Resource Inventory

FIA National Users Group Meeting – 8 December 2004 Strategic Plan strategicplan.doc Comments to NE-FIA 2 nd Draft May 20, 2005 for distribution prior to June FIA MT meeting. Forest Service Station Directors will review and comment. August, 2005 draft to FSRET (Forest Service Research Executive Team)

FIA National Users Group Meeting – 8 December 2004 Additions Increase intensity of base FIA program to 15% or 20% nationwide Land Use/Land Cover Change Urban Forest Inventory Rapid Assessment Teams All Treed Land Inventory (Lands not forests, range or urban) Inventory and Monitoring of Wildlife Habitats Habitats of T&E species, featured species Rangeland Inventory Inventory & Monitoring of special forest products Monitoring Issues Specific to Wilderness