Weather Presentation by: Staci Hill Michelle McKinnon Jayel Newell
What is a Trough? A trough is an extended area of low pressure that happens at the Earth’s surface or at different heights above sea level.
Stationary Fronts are the reason for bad weather. It makes the weather cold and cloudy and can occur for about several days to a week.
Cold and Warm Fronts Cold Fronts occur when there is warm air and the cold air replaces me warm air. Warm Fronts occurs when a cold front tries to occur and the warm front over powers the cold front.
High Pressure Area When you hear meteorologists say there is going to be ‘high pressure’ this usually means there is going to be little or no precipitation. Picture taken from
Low Pressure area usually means that it will be cloudy and maybe rainy. Can produce Hurricanes or simple sprinkles. Low Pressure Area