Equality and non-discrimination in an enlarged EU Green Paper.


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Presentation transcript:

Equality and non-discrimination in an enlarged EU Green Paper

Why a Green Paper? Review progress since Article 13 & Directives What more can EU do to promote non-discrimination? Dealing with challenges linked to enlargement Improving data collection & monitoring Cooperation with stakeholders Complementarity with other policy areas

Organisation of the public consultation Green Paper adopted Consultation period – On-line questionnaire (IPM) Generally welcomed by all stakeholders responses

 High rate of response from DE (and other large MS)  Low level of participation from new MS

 individual members of the public  High level of interest from national (and European) NGOs

Non-discrimination and enlargement: Disappointing participation from new MS But 88% think EU should reinforce efforts Situation of Roma Attitudes to sexual orientation in new MS

Impact of EC anti-discrimination legislation: 49% think Directives have had limited or no impact National authorities, equality bodies and employers see strong or very strong impact NGOs and individuals less positive

 Attitudes and awareness-raising  Implementing legislation (stressed by individuals)

Main issues:  Hierarchy of grounds / levelling up  Particular focus on goods and services  Positive action / positive duties  Structural discrimination

 Stimulate debate  Particular sensitivities in some Member States

Strong support for better data collection: 93% regard data collection as important / very important 94% agree or strongly agree that the EU should cooperate with MS and stakeholders … but need to exercise caution: Sensitivity of personal data and protection of privacy … and further debate regarding the way forward: Need for both quantitative and qualititative data EU RTD Programme, EUMC & future HR Agency

 Recognition of added value of EU funding  Information and awareness-raising  Monitoring impact of legislation  Some concerns regarding accessibility for smaller NGOs

 Greater involvement of national authorities, organisations working with potential victims, regional and local authorities  Subsidiarity / European added value?

 Mainstreaming non-discrimination – an emerging consensus

 Majority in favour, but a minority strongly opposed  Mainstreaming, multiple discrimination, specificities

 Strong support for specific action on gender  Legal basis and institutional arrangements

Key conclusions: Strong demand for action by EU to tackle discrimination Existing legislation – transposition and implementation Support measures – importance of awareness-raising New initiatives – "levelling up"? Better data collection – but how? Involving stakeholders at different levels Mainstreaming – a culture change