NUSTAR Calorimeter WG activity report Nustar Management Board, September
NUSTAR CALORIMETER Working Group Coordinator : D. Cortina, J.A. Scarpaci Created in : February 2005 after the NUSTAR collaboration Goal: Find synergies between the different calorimeters in NUSTAR (R&D, Dessing phase, but also common front to negociate with providers) List : 41 members, 21 Institutions, 10 countries, Meetings - February 2005 GSI, Darmstadt (Germany) - June 2005 Valencia (Spain) - Informal meeting, September 2005, Orsay (France) - September 2005 Santiago de Compostela (Spain) - February 2006, IPN Orsay (France) - September 2006, Krakow ( SPIRAL) - October 2006, Milano (Italy) Minutes and information available on: www R3B/NUSTAR Calorimeter la direccion del IPN STILL NO GENERAL WEB PAGE
Total absorption efficiency 80 % (E =15 MeV lab) Very large crystals E sum (E sum )/ <10%(same as E/E) Multiplicity (N )/ < 10% Moliere Radius E/E for 2-3 %Scintillation properties Detector granularity E/E for p (up to 300 MeV) Calorimeter for p 5 %Large crystals Dynamic range Large dynamic range for detecting p, Inner radius ~ 30 cm ( house Si trackers) Affordable cost!!! Updated Technical proposal for R 3 B cal
Experimental constrains Gammas are emitted with energies up to E lab = 3.2 E CM (for β = 0.82) ✗ To correct for the Lorentz boost it is mandatory a high granularity. ✗ A huge crystal length is required for full energy absorption Due to the boost, gammas are basically emitted in the forward direction. A large open zone in the backwards region reduces dramatically the crystal bulk needed. E CM = 10 MeV ( β = 0.82) H. Alvarez Pol – R 3 B Gamma Calorimeter NUSTAR Calorimeter WG – Valencia 17/06/05 Simulations of the detector response
Calorimeter models (CAD) v1.2 v4.0a v4.0b v4.0c USC, IPN
GSI, Lund, USC, IPN,IEM,UCM Crystal properties !?
Calorimeter models (GEANT4) Detailed simulations v1.2 v4.0a v4.0b USC
AGENDA 16:30 Work Status reports · 16:30-16:45 J. Peyre (IPN Orsay) Crystal · 16:45-17:00 I. Duran (USC) Crystal USC · 17:00-17:15 S. Tashenov (GSI) Crystal · 17:15-17:30 O. Tengbland (CSIC, Madrid) "Two layer detector" for the p-detection · 17: 30-17:45 Bo Jackobsson ( Lund) Avalanche PD readout. Test possibilities for both proton and gamma beams in Sweden · 17:45-18:00 R. Wolski (Dubna) Radiation damage of PD's and APD's · 18:00-18:15 H. Alvarez (USC) Simulations · 18:15-18: 40 Common discussion on the status reports ….. Other topics - Working group package definition - Prototype module construction - Beam tests, what, where and when? - Time schedule / Technical dessign report/ Deadlines Electronics- DAQ definition - Internal MoU, working coordination - European Money (7 FP) - Decissions and Actions - Next meeting
Conclusions on crystal test and Simulations CsI(Tl) energy resolution does not depend on the position 0.3% difference going from 4000 to 5000 collected light Resolution about 7-8% - more R&D with LaCl3 and squared PM Need to reproduce data with LITRANI for a full simulation CsI(Tl) +APD (covering the full area) Barrel for R3B prototype CsI(Tl) + PD could be an option to consider need to be tested CsI(pure) need to be tested at LN temperature CsI(Na) +2PM readout reduce the light yield dependence on position interaction is this a realistic option? BGO have strong non uniformity one single cristal readout with different PM should be tested The two layer concept only acceptable in the “expensive” option LaBr+ LaCl or CsI(undopped) but it needs to be tested (forward angles) The two layer concept needs a realistic simulation Radiation hardness problem for PD and probably worse for APD’s what one expect after 15cm crystal??? Full simulations(including reconstruction algorithms) are really needed
04/10/2006 Milan NUSTAR Calorimeter Working Group Meeting Prototype construction 12 crystals (approx. 1x2x17 cm3) APDs S (Hamamatsu) mechanical structure IPNO concept temperature and voltage stabilisation electronics Saclay digitizers ?? DAQ VME/MBS full simulation (Hector Alvarez) Beam tests
04/10/2006 Milan NUSTAR Calorimeter Working Group Meeting Beam Tests ACCULINA p,d,t,alpha MAX-lab (LUND) MeV photons TSL/ GWC cyclotron (Upssala) up to p 180 MeV, d,t.alpha GSI Tandem-Madrid
04/10/2006 Milan NUSTAR Calorimeter Working Group Meeting Working Package definition Work packageR3BEXL Crystal-readoutUSC, IEM,GSIIPNO,GSI,Lund, Dubna General designUSCIPNO SimulationsUSC, IEMLund, IPNO MechanicsIPNO Electronics Slow control Beam tests
04/10/2006 Milan NUSTAR Calorimeter Working Group Meeting Electronics and DAQ
04/10/2006 Milan NUSTAR Calorimeter Working Group Meeting Organisative issues Internal MoU ( i.e. DAQ WG) European Money (FP7)
04/10/2006 Milan NUSTAR Calorimeter Working Group Meeting Decisions and Actions for R3B Crystal and readout tests for barrel till end 2006 Proposal for a barrel prototype February 2007 Prototype construction July 2007 Beam tests from September 2007 Crystal and readout tests for forward end-cup First results (including simulation) February 2007 Final results and decisions June 2007 Prototype Mechanical design study Next Working group February
04/10/2006 Milan NUSTAR Calorimeter Working Group Meeting Decisions and Actions for EXL
Results CsI(Tl)+Teflon+XP5300B Cs RS=5,5%±0,2 except for crystal 22x22x220: RS~7% Global Resolution is quite constant along the Crystal Variation from 14% to 38% of collected light along the Crystal Resolution FWHM Collected light for 137Cs peak VS position of impact
Results for PMT/VM Cs Collected light for 137Cs peak VS position of impact
Resolutions CsI(Tl )+VM2000+APD/PMT+ 137 Cs 5,74% 8,05% 8,23%9,39% 6,70% 9,40%10,33% 5,86%6,57% 12,28% 22x22x2222x22x22044x22x20066x22x200 XP5300B XP1912 APD S
Summary of USC Crystal tests 6.28% 9.87% 8.45% 7.42% 6.31% 15.70% 12.76% 10.71% 5.15 % 9.06% 7.03% 6.07 % S XP3102 XP1901 XP1918 1x1x1cm 1x1x5 cm 1x1x10 cm Energy resolution for CsI(Tl) with a 137 Cs (662 keV) source R3B/EXL meeting Milan Oct-06
What the Lund/Dubna group wishes to achieve until next annual meeting produce two* close-to-final (forward) EGPA clusters requiresCsI(Tl) decided (alternatives?,doping conc?) fromgeometry decided (length?, square and rectangular.*) Milano:readout device decided (APD or PD?) put these clusters in correct EXL recoil detector setup (dummy) requiresexact design of ESPA for D-section (foil, thicknesses) fromHV or air (if HV – what wall?) Milano: make complete GEANT4 simulations for these clusters requireswe agree on the input for resolution and efficiency limiting effects fromestablish direct cooperation with Orsay group, others? Milano: test the clusters in-beam with both protons and photons requires from acceptance of beamtime and beamline design TSL, MAX-lab (preliminarily accepted) and ACULINNA:
Beam-lines available for proton and gamma tests ACULINNA: Mass separator at JINR, Dubna [A. M. Rodin et al., Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 204 (2003) 114] p, d, t, α etc MAX-lab: New tagged photon beam-line from MAX electron synchrotron [J-O Adler et al. Nucl. Instr. Meth. A 388 (1996) 17] 10 – 230 MeV photons TSL/GWC: Cyclotron at The Svedberg Lab., Uppsala [L-O Andersson et al., TSL Progress report p. 10] p up to 180 MeV, d, t, α
Beam-lines available for proton and gamma tests ACULINNA: Mass separator at JINR, Dubna [A. M. Rodin et al., Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 204 (2003) 114] p, d, t, α etc MAX-lab: New tagged photon beam-line from MAX electron synchrotron [J-O Adler et al. Nucl. Instr. Meth. A 388 (1996) 17] 10 – 230 MeV photons TSL/GWC: Cyclotron at The Svedberg Lab., Uppsala [L-O Andersson et al., TSL Progress report p. 10] p up to 180 MeV, d, t, α
Name Institution Country D. Cortina,I.Durán,H.Alvarez, J.Benlliure, E.CasarejosSantiago UniversitySpain O. Tengblad, M.J.G: Borge, M. TurriónIEM– CSIC MadridSpain B. Rubio, J.L. TaínIFIC CSIC-UV ValenciaSpain L. M. Fraile, J.M. UdíasComplutense Uni. MadridSpain J. Gerl, T. AumannGSI DarmstadtGermany O. KisselevMainz UniversityGermany H. ScheitMPI HeidelbergGermany P. ReiterCologne UniversityGermany D. Cullen, S. FreemanManchester UniversityUK R.LemmonCCLRC Daresbury Lab.UK K. Spohr, M. LabichePaisley UniversityUK P. NolanLiverpool UniversityUK A. Maj, M. Zieblinski, M. KmiecikKrakow UniversityPoland A.AlgoraDebreecenHungary L. BatistSt PetersburgRussia A. ArtukhJINR DubnaRussia V.Avdeichikov, B. JacobsonnLundSweden J.A. Scarpaci, Y. Blumenfeld, F. Skaza, J. Pouthas, Zerger, J. Perey IPN OrsayFrance E. PollaccoCEA SaclayFrance Y.H. ZhangChina R. Palit, I. MazumdarTIFR MumbaiIndia
Large position sensitive LaBr 3 :Ce detector AB ab A C B D E = (E a...E D ) pos(x,y,z) = centroid of light distribution 5 cm 6 cm J. Gerl (GSI) NUSTAR Calorimeter WG – Valencia Other concepts GSI
Writing tasks Technical Proposal Technical Design Report Investigate scintillators Cooling of inorganic scintillators Read-out with PIN, APD Response to n,p,… Simulation of 4 array Response Doppler effects neutron/particle discrimination Design and Construction Prototype detector Prototype electronics Series production Installation and Test Installation Source test In-beam test Time schedule R 3 B -calorimeter
Two H8500 Flat panel Photomultiplier tube MPET-H8500 readout interface Two scintillating arrays: Array BrilLanCe 380 Full detection area 2”x 2”, 4x4x30 mm 3, encapsulated in Al housing, 3mm glass window Array PreLuDe 420 Full detection area 2”x 2”, 4x4x30 mm 3 Spatial resolution for proton detection absorption energy resolution M. Turrión, O. Tengblad NUSTAR Calorimeter WG – Valencia Other concepts IEM
Writing tasks Technical Proposal Technical Design Report Investigate scintillators Cooling of inorganic scintillators Read-out with PIN, APD Response to n,p,… Simulation of 4 array Response Doppler effects neutron/particle discrimination Design and Construction Prototype detector Prototype electronics Series production Installation and Test Installation Source test In-beam test Time schedule R 3 B -calorimeter