Quels sont les usages de limparfait?
W Weather
A Age
T Time
E Emotion
R Repeated action
L Location
O Ongoing action
A Attitude
D Description
Other uses: 1) simultaneous actions in the past
Other uses: 2) What you were going to do
Donnez les usages du passé composé
S Summing up (at the end of a story)
I Interrupting action
C Completed action
Time expressions: Give meaning and PC / I
tous les jours every day - I
tout dun coup suddenly-PC
chaque semaine each week - I
dabord (at) first - PC
quelquefois sometimes- I
deux fois twice - PC
dhabitude generally - I
hier soir last night - PC
autrefois formerly - I
il y a huit jours a week ago - PC
de temps en temps from time to time- I