Hidden Web and Online Learning Resources Aim of the session Accessing “good” information for academic / research / educational purposes not accessible via standard search engines TAFE NSW – Sydney Institute Ultimo College Library
Presenters: Beatriz Aroche R/Educational Services Librarian Ultimo College Library Diana Khabbaz A/Manager Staff Learning Learning & Innovation
Hidden Web and Online Learning Resources End of the session Understand what constitutes the “hidden web” or “invisible web” Understand what constitutes the “hidden web” or “invisible web” Learn ways of accessing that information (with particular ref to Online Learning Resources) using directories, databases and search engines Learn ways of accessing that information (with particular ref to Online Learning Resources) using directories, databases and search engines Understand how to use search engines more effectively Understand how to use search engines more effectively TAFE NSW – Sydney Institute, Ultimo College Library
The numbers of documents that remain unindexed? around 550 billion TAFE NSW – Sydney Institute, Ultimo College Library
The Deep Web
What is the visible web? Content that can be indexed and searched by ordinary search engines. TAFE NSW – Sydney Institute, Ultimo College Library
What is the invisible (hidden / deep) web? Files, images, and web sites, that for a variety of reasons, cannot be indexed by popular search engines like Google. TAFE NSW – Sydney Institute, Ultimo College Library
Why don’t search engines index this stuff? Search engine results are found by computer programs called spiders or robots and generally exclude: Specialised databases (e.g. ANZRC, Factiva) where a username and password is required. Specialised databases (e.g. ANZRC, Factiva) where a username and password is required. Searchable databases where the pages generated are dynamic (e.g. library catalogues, white pages) Pages containing a “?” in the URL. Searchable databases where the pages generated are dynamic (e.g. library catalogues, white pages) Pages containing a “?” in the URL. TAFE NSW – Sydney Institute, Ultimo College Library
So…how do we find these wonderful “hidden” sites? Directories (general or subject specific) Directories (general or subject specific) Specialised Databases (subscribed to by your library or freely available) Specialised Databases (subscribed to by your library or freely available) Effective use of search engines Effective use of search engines TAFE NSW – Sydney Institute, Ultimo College Library
General or subject specific General or subject specific Indexed by real people Indexed by real people Expensive to create Expensive to create High relevancy, low recall High relevancy, low recall Can be indiscriminate in quality or expert created Can be indiscriminate in quality or expert created Directories TAFE NSW – Sydney Institute, Ultimo College Library
Online Learning Directories / Databases TALE TALE Flexible Learning Toolboxes Flexible Learning Toolboxes EdNa EdNa ProveIT ProveIT TAFE NSW – Sydney Institute, Ultimo College Library
Tale Teaching & Learning Exchange DET NSW schools & TAFE statewide resources DET NSW schools & TAFE statewide resources Access to quality teaching & learning resources Access to quality teaching & learning resources Professional Learning Communities PLCs Professional Learning Communities PLCs DET User ID & password DET User ID & password TAFE NSW – Sydney Institute, Ultimo College Library
Flexible Learning Toolboxes Australian Flexible Learning Framework Australian Flexible Learning Framework Competency based national resources available in CD Rom format Competency based national resources available in CD Rom format TAFE NSW – Sydney Institute, Ultimo College Library
EdNA Education Network Australia A directory about education and training in Australia (DEST) A directory about education and training in Australia (DEST) A database of web-based resources useful for teaching and learning A database of web-based resources useful for teaching and learning TAFE NSW – Sydney Institute, Ultimo College Library
ProveIT DET quick and easy toolkit for collecting evidence for assessment and recognition DET quick and easy toolkit for collecting evidence for assessment and recognition Currently a limited list of courses Currently a limited list of courses TAFE NSW – Sydney Institute, Ultimo College Library
Other freely available course resources Curriki (new) Curriki (new) Open source curricula High quality educational resources OER Commons OER Commons Teaching and learning network offering a broad selection of materials for free
DMOZ– General Open directory (DMOZ): maintained by volunteers and in partnership with Google. INTUTE – Web resources across subject areas. PINAKES – Directory of directories / gateways. INFOMINE – compiled by librarians for university students and staff. Other directories - Examples TAFE NSW – Sydney Institute, Ultimo College Library
e.g. How to find directories when you know the name but not the URL TAFE NSW – Sydney Institute, Ultimo College Library
Specialised Databases, examples… Specialised databases - no subscription needed e.g. EDNA, ERIC (education) Specialised databases - subscription needed e.g. Factiva, ANZRC, AST-FT, Australian Standards, MasterFile Premier,Infotrac, Proquest, Subject specific search engines e.g. SCIRUS (Science), MedHunt, OSTI TAFE NSW – Sydney Institute, Ultimo College Library
Specialised Databases How to find them… Using search engines e.g. type Science database or “Australian art” database, education database Using subject specific directories of gateways e.g. BUBL, Librarian’s index to the Internet Using Invisible web directories e.g Complete Planet Using the subscribed specialised databases available in your library e.g. Factiva, ANZRC, Australian Standards, MasterFile,Infotrac, Proquest TAFE NSW – Sydney Institute, Ultimo College Library
Search Engines General: Google Google Yahoo Yahoo Ask.com Ask.com Live.com Live.com Exalead.com Exalead.com Australian: Sensis – Sensis – TAFE NSW – Sydney Institute, Ultimo College Library
Source: NetRatingsforSearchengineWatch.com
e.g. General search engine - ask.com Suggestions to narrow search TAFE NSW – Sydney Institute, Ultimo College Library
e.g. Google - Cheat Sheet TAFE NSW – Sydney Institute, Ultimo College Library
e.g. Google - Cheat Sheet…. Continued …
Comparison: Yahoo vs Google TAFE NSW – Sydney Institute, Ultimo College Library
Effective Use of Search Engines Use ADVANCED SEARCH and search tips Use ADVANCED SEARCH and search tips Use more than one word – make it as specific as possible Use more than one word – make it as specific as possible Use synonyms, and try different spellings Use synonyms, and try different spellings Use “ ” for phrase searching Use “ ” for phrase searching Use a minus sign to excluded a word or term e.g. “Aboriginal art” –galleries Use a minus sign to excluded a word or term e.g. “Aboriginal art” –galleries Use -.com to excluded commercial sites, etc. Use -.com to excluded commercial sites, etc. TAFE NSW – Sydney Institute, Ultimo College Library
MetaSearch Engines Metasearch engines search more than one search engine at a time Examples Dogpile Dogpile Clusty Clusty Metacrawler Metacrawler Jux2 Jux2 TAFE NSW – Sydney Institute, Ultimo College Library
Search Engines - Academic Google Scholar Google Scholar Yahoo mindset Yahoo mindset Live.com academic Live.com academic TAFE NSW – Sydney Institute, Ultimo College Library
Best method for searching? (General) Define your needs Define your needs Choose the best starting point – search or browse? Choose the best starting point – search or browse? Re-assess your strategy Re-assess your strategy Useful Guide Noodle Tools – Choose the Best Search Noodle Tools – Choose the Best Search TAFE NSW – Sydney Institute, Ultimo College Library
e.g. Noodle Tools – help for online research
e.g. Noodle Tools … continued….
WEB 2.0 What is web 2.0? The technical heart of Web 2.0 is the two-way link: ie, the RSS link. The Social aspect is the two-way flow of information… Web1Web2 Banner ads Google ads Brittanica Online Wickipedia Personal websites Blogs - etc publishingparticipating stickinesssyndicating directoriestagging Source: O’reilly Consider these web features: TAFE NSW – Sydney Institute, Ultimo College Library
RSS RSS Tagging Tagging Social sites Blogs and wikis Social sites Blogs and wikis Podcasts, webcasts,vodcasts, etc Podcasts, webcasts,vodcasts, etc Specialised search engines: Specialised search engines: WEB 2.0 TAFE NSW – Sydney Institute, Ultimo College Library
Alert Services Google News also – note the personalization features of Google and live.com – Google's is shown below Google News also – note the personalization features of Google and live.com – Google's is shown below ANZRC ANZRC Proquest Proquest Factiva Factiva RSS Feeds RSS Feeds Blogs Blogs TAFE NSW – Sydney Institute, Ultimo College Library