June, 2006 Stanford 2006 Ethane: Addressing the Protection Problem in Enterprise Networks Martin Casado Michael Freedman Glen Gibb Lew Glendenning Dan Boneh Nick McKeown Scott Shenker Gregory Watson Presented By: Martin Casado PhD Student in Computer Science, Stanford University
June, 2006 Stanford 2006 Goal Design network where connectivity is governed by high-level, global policy “Nick can talk to Martin using IM” “marketing can use http via web proxy” “Administrator can access everything” “Traffic from secret access point cannot share infrastructure with traffic from open access point”
June, 2006 Stanford 2006 Two Main Challenges Provide a secure namespace for the policy Design mechanism to enforce policy
June, 2006 Stanford 2006 Goal: Provide Secure Namespace Policy declared over network namespace (e.g. martin, machine-a, proxy, building1) Words from namespace generally represent physical things (users, hosts, groups, access points) Or at times, virtual things (e.g. services, protocol, QoS classes ) “Nick can talk to Martin using IM” “nity.stanford.edu can access dev-machines” “marketing can use http via web proxy” “Administrator can access everything”
June, 2006 Stanford 2006 Today’s Namespace Lots of names in network namespace today Hosts Users Services Protocols Names are generally bound to network realities (e.g. DNS names are bound to IP addresses) Often are multiple bindings that map a name to the entity it represents (DNS -> IP -> MAC -> Physical Machine)
June, 2006 Stanford 2006 Problem with Bindings Today Host Name IP MAC Physical Interface Goal: map “hostname” to physical “host” But!!! What if attacker can interpose between any of the bindings? (e.g. change IP/MAC binding) What if bindings change dynamically? (e.g. DHCP lease is up) Or physical network changes? Host MAC Physical Interface Host
June, 2006 Stanford 2006 Examples of Problems Today are LEGION ARP is unauthenticated (attacker can map IP to wrong MAC) DHCP is unauthenticated (attacker can map gateway to wrong IP) DNS caches aren’t invalidate as DHCP lease times come up (or clients leave) Security filters aren’t often invalidated with permission changes Many others …
June, 2006 Stanford 2006 Need “Secure Bindings” 1.Bindings are authenticated 2.Cached bindings are appropriately invalidated Address reallocation Topology change Permissions changes/Revocation
June, 2006 Stanford 2006 Why Not Statically Bind? This is very commonly done! E.g. Static ARP cache to/from gateway MAC addresses tied to switch ports Static IP allocations Static rules for VLAN tagging Results in crummy (inflexible) networks
June, 2006 Stanford 2006 Two Main Challenges Provide a namespace for the policy Design Mechanism to Enforce Policy
June, 2006 Stanford 2006 Policy Language Declare connectivity constraints over Users/groups Hosts/Nodes Access points Protocols Services Connectivity constraints are … Permit/deny Require middlebox interposition Isolation Physical security
June, 2006 Stanford 2006 Threat Environment Suitable for use in.mil,.gov,.com and.edu Insider attack Compromised machines Targeted attacks yet … Flexible enough for use in open environments
June, 2006 Stanford 2006 Our Solution: Ethane Flow-based network Central Domain Controller (DC) Implements secure bindings Authenticates users, hosts, services, … Contains global security policy Checks every new flow against security policy Decides the route for each flow Access is granted to a flow Can enforce permit/deny Can enforce middle-box interposition constraints Can enforce isolation constraints
June, 2006 Stanford 2006 Host authenticate hi, I’m host B, my password is … Can I have an IP? Send tcp SYN packet to host A port 2525 User Authentication “ hi, I’m martin, my password is” Ethane: High-Level Operation Domain Controller Host A Host Authentication “ hi, I’m host A, my password is … can I have an IP address?” Host B User authentication hi, I’m Nick, my password is ? Permission check Route computation Secure Binding State ICQ → 2525/tcp IP switch3 port 4 Host A IP switch 1 port 2 HostB Network Policy “Nick can access Martin using ICQ” Host A → IP → Martin → Host B → IP → Nick →
June, 2006 Stanford 2006 Don’t have to maintain consistency of distributed access control lists DC picks route for every flow Can interpose middle-boxes on route Can isolate flow to be within physical boundaries Can isolate two sets of flows to traverse different switches Can load balance requests over different routes DC determines how a switch processes a flow Different queue, priority classes, QoS, etc Rate limit a flow Amount of flow state is not a function of the network policy Forwarding complexity is not a function of the network policy Anti-mobility: can limit machines to particular physical ports Can apply policy to network diagnostics Some Cool Consequences
June, 2006 Stanford 2006 How do you bootstrap securely? How is forwarding accomplished? What are the performance implications? Many Unanswered Questions
June, 2006 Stanford 2006 Component Overview Domain Controller Switches End-Hosts Authenticates users/switches/end-hosts Manages secure bindings Contains network topology Does permissions checking Computes routes Send topology information to the DC Provide default connectivity to the DC Enforce paths created by DC Handle flow revocation Specify access controls Request access to services
June, 2006 Stanford 2006 Finding the DC Authentication Generating topology at DC Bootstrapping
June, 2006 Stanford 2006 DC knows all switches and their public keys All switches know DC’s public key Assumptions
June, 2006 Stanford 2006 Finding the DC Switches construct spanning tree Rooted at DC Switches don’t advertise path to DC until they’ve authenticated Once authenticated, switches pass all traffic without flow entries to the DC (next slide)
June, 2006 Stanford 2006 Initial Traffic to DC 2
June, 2006 Stanford 2006 Initial Traffic to DC All packets to the DC (except first hop switch) are tunneled Tunneling includes incoming port DC can shut off malicious packet sources
June, 2006 Stanford 2006 Establishing Topology Switches generate neighbor lists during MST algorithm Send encrypted neighbor-list to DC DC aggregates to full topology Note: no switch knows full topology K sw1 K sw2 K sw3 K sw4 K sw1 K sw3 K sw4 K sw2
June, 2006 Stanford 2006 Each switch maintains flow table Only DC can add entry to flow table Flow lookup is over: in port, ether proto, src ip, dst ip, src port, dst port Forwarding = Really simple out port
June, 2006 Stanford 2006 Switches disallow all Ethernet broadcast (and respond to ARP for all IPs) First packet of every new flow is sent to DC for permission check DC sets up flow at each switch Packets of established flows are forwarded using multi-layer switching DC AliceBob ? Detailed Connection Setup
June, 2006 Stanford 2006 Decouple control and data path in switches Software control path (connection setup) (slightly higher latency) DC can handle complicated policy Switches just forward (very simple datapath) Simple, fast, hardware forwarding path (Gigabits) Single exact-match lookup per packet Performance
June, 2006 Stanford 2006 Exists today, sort of.. (DNS) Paths can be long lived (used by multiple transport-level flows) Permission check is fast Replicate DC Computationally (multiple servers) Topologically (multiple servers in multiple places) Permission Check per Flow?
June, 2006 Stanford 2006 Support multiple deployments with varying policy requirements first deployment by Oct. 31rst Remote deployment by Nov. 15th Backwards compatible, no modification to end- hosts 1k - 5k requests per second Control path in software Data path in hardware (gigabit speeds) Implementation Goals
June, 2006 Stanford 2006 Switches implemented on multi-port PCs Bootstrapping, flow-setup and software forwarding completed Switches currently deployed and supporting traffic of 16 hosts Implementation Status
June, 2006 Stanford 2006 Use simple 2-port switches (bumps) On links between Ethernet switches Prototyping Strategy
June, 2006 Stanford 2006 Questions?